I am seeking to join the forum to gain more knowledge of using ascorbic acid for infections.
I was swimming invasively in a shallow lake in the evening. During the day it would have been populated by many people, including children. Water was pretty stagnant. I wasn't thinking straight or else I should have chosen another area to dive down and emerge repeatedly as I was, getting water all through my sinuses.
Became very sick soon after that. Felt like I was going to die, but I knew if I stayed in bed I'd probably be better soon. After about a day in bed, I was feeling much better, but then left with an irritating sensation in my chest and throat that makes me feel like I need to constantly cough.
I'm not comfortable, and it's about two weeks of that now.
I have a good amount of ascorbic acid on hand, and am realizing my body can tolerate a great deal without diarrhea. Normally I can't tolerate much without problematically loose stools.
Therefore, I hope if I keep up very high doses of ascorbic acid for a few days, I can get over this, whatever it is.
In the meantime I want to register to the forum so that I can search around it better.
I assume it has a search function for those logged in?
Do you think high doses of ascorbic acid will be enough to cure me?
I've tried oregano oil as well.
- Blanko
Given your high vitamin C bowel tolerance, I would continue taking as much as you can until you get close to Diarrhea. The amount of vitamin C you can take without diarrhea may help determine the infectious agent (bacteria or virus). I the lake is the cause, most likely bacteria.
Keeping the vitamin C levels high can ward of secondary infections (that set in as your vitamin C levels decline)
Vitamin C, by itself, while great for immune function, has not be known for its ability to deal with bacteria.
One option is to try and have the bacteria cultured and take an antibiotic that is known to control it. I don't like that idea, but in my case, afterhaving a MRSA (antibiotic resistance strain of staph) the correct antibiotic was the only thing that controlled the infection.
The MEDICAL MEDIUM books, while devoted to anti-viral protocols, do suggest protocols for various bacteria. For example, this protocol is what the Medical Medium recommendation for a sore throat. (If you try it, please let us know if it works).
Elderberry syrup,
lomatium root,
vitamin C, and
mullein-garlic ear oil.
"(strep) infections can usually be handled easily with natural antibacterials and antivirals such as elderberry syrup, lomatium root, zinc, goldenseal, vitamin C, and mullein-garlic ear oil.