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Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:11 am
by 89826
exitium wrote:
89826 wrote:Ex, afraid the science is clear, but difficult for many to embrace.

I could say the same to you.

Ex, what science are you referring to? That eating foods with fat and cholesterol (animal protein) does not damage the endothelium? That a damaged endothelium is not the gateway to atherosclerosis heart disease? That large doses of vitamin C while eating those damaging foods doesn't protect the endothelium?

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:04 pm
by ofonorow
anut.saran wrote:
I measured his blood pressure after 15 days of taking Hearttech 4 scoops daily. it was ranging between 190/80 to 210/100, not lowering below that, he is taking his regular medicines and I added 400 mg magnesium(as part of multi vitamin/mineral) from yesterday, hopefully this should lower the BP as mentioned in several discussion. Do you suggest anything else to lower his BP.

Planning to add super K with advanced K2 complex from LEF as you suggested. Do you think adding k2 will do good for his condition with the medications taken, please advice. Thanks.

Refer to johnwen on medications and interactions. Just remember that orthomolecular substances are known by the body and required for life in some amounts. So you cannot do without them forever. The only question is the upper dosage, and unlike drugs, these substances are nontoxic.

We have had many extensive discussions of blood pressure over the years and I have learned a great deal from johnwen. The basics of what I know are that a very small narrowing in the diameter of the artery leads to an exponential rise in blood pressure. This is why doctors use blood pressure as an indicator of arterial narrowing. Ergo, modalities which expand the artery will lower blood pressure, e.g. the Pauling therapy over time, or arginine via nitric oxide almost immediately.

But what if the artery is calcified - hard - and cannot expand or dilate? In this case, the high blood pressure would not be easy to treat by simple expansion of the arteries. Enter vitamin K, which can reduce calcifications (in time) through its hormone-like action of moving calcium from soft tissues into bones. This will lower blood pressure in this case (calcifications). So your idea to include vitamin K2 is a good one. Please keep us informed.

Bill Sardi authored a review showing that high dose vitamin B6 is more effective lowering blood pressure than common blood pressure drugs

As mentioned already, magnesium will lower blood pressure, and my brother passed out (from low blood pressure) taking 3000 mg all at once.

High dose arginine will help the arteries dilate.

Plus Pauling Therapy and/or vitamin K

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:29 pm
by anut.saran
Thanks a lot Owen.
My dad's BP is still not going down, Doctor increased his drug dosage Bisoprolol fumarate from 5 mg to 10 mg.

I want to add vitamin k to his regimen, He is taking

4) DEPLATT CV 75 mg (Clopidogrel Bisulphate with Atrovastatin and aspirin)
Inhibits platelet aggregation (Like plavix)
Good for his condition.

8 ECOSPIRIN - 150 mg (Aspirin Gastro resistant)
Helps prevent Blood clots from forming.

will it has any adverse effect on it? please clarify. Went through lot of your vitamin k discussion with Johnwen , very confused, please help me

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:35 pm
by blade
anut.saran wrote:My dad is feeling good after start taking Hearttech, his sugar level got stabilized and reduced his sugar medication to 1 tablet per day . He is still taking medication for BP, but his blood pressure raised after taking Hearttech, it is 190/80 now, sometimes go like 210/100 but he is feeling completely alright, no symptoms of high BP, is this something I need to worry about? Wat else we need to add to his regimen to control that, please advice.

Can someone reply to this, appreciate all your help in this, I'm worried a lot.

does he get enough nirtrates?
nitrates are found in veggies/fruit, particularly spinach/ruhubarb, broccolil
this study explains why nitraes are so helpful in reducing bp ... beets2.jpg

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:41 am
by Johnwen

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 6:40 am
by anut.saran
Johnwen: Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation .my dad is visiting me from India and he will be here for another 3 months, need to discuss with his doctor after that. Time being want to try l-arginine . Thanks again for your time.

Blade: Thanks a lot for sharing this info.

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:03 am
by blade
Anutie, before yuo try arginine, which is a good idea as argine can be converted to NO, which I gave you a link/study to read about how more NO is important to reduce BP I would try taking a few games, like 5grams, of L-citrulline
as it's better than arginine
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of oral L-citrulline and L-arginine: impact on nitric oxide metabolism.

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:51 am
by anut.saran
Thanks blade.

I gave him l-arginine - 3 grams/d and magnesium glycinate- 800 mg/d - Still my father Blood Pressure is on 190/90 range. I am very much worried. He is also taking vitamin k 1 daily from LEF, COQ-10 - 300 mg/d, omega 3 , super B-complex , 1 multivitamin/mineral and 4 scoops of Hearttech vitamin c.

His creatinine levels are 1.04 , but didn't heard of any other kidney problem from his doctor.

Am I doing anything wrong, is these supplements too much for his kidney which cause this high blood pressure? I am very much worried, my husband is pushing me to stop all his supplement to check that will lower his BP, but I don't like that idea. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:22 am
by ofonorow
I like your approach (what do you mean "1 and 4 scoops of hearttech"?)

Your first report was in June - so this has been about 2 months, correct? Is the LEF.ORG product Super-K and how long has he been taking it? (We know it works within a year, but don't have any information on how much quicker it might work, so please keep us informed.)

You mentioned he was diabetic - is this under control?

Unique-E is NEVER a bad addition, and Pauling recommended 400 to 800 iu.

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:58 pm
by anut.saran
ofonorow wrote:I like your approach (what do you mean "1 and 4 scoops of hearttech"?)

Corrected to 4 scoops.

He is diabetic and it has been controlled a lot after taking hearttech vitamin c. Overall he looks better and more energetic after vitamin C regimen. Only thing concerns me is his High Blood Pressure. He is already taking Vitamin E - 400 IU regularly for the last 3 years. He has been on Super-K for a month, Couldn't understand why he is having very high Blood Pressure after starting this regimen ? I am trying to read all the forum discussions here, couldn't conclude any. Please help.

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:07 am
by ofonorow
My guess it is because of calcification and arterial narrowing, i.e., the arteries aren't as elastic as they should be. Pauling therapy can help with this, and many people have reported lower blood pressure over time. However, if he has "hard" calcified arteries, perhaps because of some drug he has been taking the block vitamin K, that would explain it. (There are other more technical reasons that have to do with a renal artery, and maybe johnwen will chime in?)

Again, vitamin C and lysine alone do not appear to be able to impact arterial calcification, at least not in the short term.

However, adding vitamin K does appear to work well, but we do not know the time frame. It may take up to one year.

So, you say he started Super-K a month ago. Please monitor his blood pressure and when it consistently begins to lower,
let us know. That will give us some idea how long it requires to "decalcify" enough arteries to lower BP.

Also, if he is taking drugs, you might want to google them to see whether they are known or act to block vitamin K, or whether a side effect is arterial calcification.

Re: Triple vessel disease - Need your help

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:17 am
by anut.saran
Thanks Owen