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What a wonderful result has been achieved using Cardio-C.

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:56 am
by ofonorow
Hello Owen,

What a wonderful result has been achieved using Cardio-C.

Having undergone a heart cath., by-pass surgery and subsequent heart cath., i was informed the by-pass was "not working" and my LAD was still 90% blocked. Unfortunately, I just don't have good genetics. Fortunately, I have a good BMI at 22 and have long been a proponent of natural medicine and after research came across a program by Dr. Daniel Cobb for reversing CAD. This in turn led me to your web site and the Cardio-C product. Dr. Cobb's program included other supplements as well as Vitamin C. At first, a local natural health store's Vit. C product was used. However, results were mediocre at best. After using Cardio-C, there has been quite a remarkable turn-around in my heart health. In fact, today we had 8 inches of snow and I was able to shovel walks and driveway. We live in a rural area and there is quite a bit of walkway and driveway. All this work and no heart pain. Absolutely amazing!!

All my best,
Ron Schissler

Re: What a wonderful result has been achieved using Cardio-C

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:16 am
by exitium
You just have to love all the positive results people have with this therapy. Everytime I think about all the money and pain people undergo year after year by following their cardiologists advice makes me ill. Its almost criminal!

On a side note, the fact the medical community uses BMI at all is a total joke. One more example of the medical community latching onto poor research and applying it with a broad brush to everyone. If I calculated how much my fat weighed, subtracted it from my total weight and entered that number into a BMI calculator (ie basically me at zero percent bodyfat) it would still report me as obese.