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Has Leukemia, in Hospice, heart bypass closing down

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:27 am
by ofonorow
My father had to go into the hospital this week his 22 year bypass is starting to shut down on the right side, basically they said we cant do anything just do drugs. Will see if they will approve

I thought the diet has been very good following a good Budwig diet and good food grade supplements.

I see that Vitamin K can reduce calcified arteries that are closed? How many grams of this per day and what Linus Cardio formula would you recommend? We just started 5 packages a day of Lipo C for his Leukemia, but it looks like right now we need to get going on the heart when he is discharged from the VA. Any other keys I am not thinking about let me know, how about enzymes like Natto or Serrepeptase in massive doses.

Linus Pauling's therapeutic dosages of vitamin C and lysine begin at 5000 to 6000 mg daily. In our experience people rarely require more than 6000 mg of lysine, but may require much more vitamin C. Since your dad is getting an extra dosage of vitamin C in the Lypo - I would guess that 1 or 2 jars monthly of Cardio-C (1 or 2 servings per day if he can swallow) would be good a good heart combination in conjunction with the Lypo-C. Given that your father's bypasses are closing, I would
error on the high side and get in at least 2 maybe 3 servings of Cardio-C.

I don't have much experience with those enzymes, perhaps because Pauling's therapy of vitamin C and lysine work so well to reverse heart disease and associated arterial plaques.

Vitamin K isn't a bad idea, but in our experience, takes considerable time to work. Try 200 MICRO grams of vitamin K2.

Re: Has Leukemia, in Hospice, heart bypass closing down

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 9:47 am
by angiew

Concering enzymes...listen to this video:

Here is a top enzyme product:

Re: Has Leukemia, in Hospice, heart bypass closing down

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:29 pm
by Johnwen