Questions on Lysine Effects (Lyme Disease)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Questions on Lysine Effects (Lyme Disease)

Post by AngieLynn » Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:38 pm

Hi - I have a couple questions on this and would appreciate your input.

1. Lysine seems to induce mild tremors in my hands, leg... Why on earth would it do this, and should I take it anyway? Should I open a capsule and try to find the tiniest dose I can without the side effects?

2. I am taking something during the day that becomes ineffective when I take antioxidants. So I need to take my antioxidants only morning and at bed time. Will this program help if I don't take the c/lysine/proline throughout the day time hours?

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Re: Starting the Pauling Therapy (w/pills) for Newbies

Post by AngieLynn » Fri Feb 20, 2015 3:48 pm

Anyone? Ofonorrow?

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects/Antioxidants

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:55 am

I split this topic - and hope you find it.

Never heard of tremors associated with taking lysine. What form or brand are you taking? Large doses of brands that contain fillers may lead to issues because of the fillers - not lysine.

Tremors may indicate heavy metal toxicity or poisoning, e.g. mercury. Remember that meats (protein) contain lysine and you cannot live without at least 1 gram daily. Lysine is essential.

Any treatment that advises against taking antioxidants must be trying to oxidize some pathogen or cancer. Generally, you want very high antioxidants after the treatment period to protect you good cells from damage.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects

Post by AngieLynn » Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:27 pm

Hi ofonorrow - I've tried a couple kinds of lysine - Now brand, and one other. Don't remember what it was. I had the same reaction with both.

Is there a reason why tremors when taking lysine would indicate metal toxicity? I eat beef with no problem by the way.

I'm actually taking MMS for lyme. I know that's controversial, but it's been amazing for me for some other serious infections. It's a pro-oxidant. I also utilize ozone, and vitamin C stops both from working. I find the vitamin C really, really helps me, so I want to do both but I need to separate them, so I wouldn't be able to take a mid-day dose of any type of strong anti-oxidant.

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects

Post by Johnwen » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:47 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:14 pm

What johnwen said.

Our local doctor uses IV MMS for treating lyme and other infection, and while I do not fully understand how it works, I believe it was first used for malaria, people with "Lyme" swear by it (makes them feel better). From all this, I think I have learned that Lyme disease is very hard to treat, much less eradicate. If you (or anyone) discoverers the magic bullet, we would like to know.

As an aside, a local dentist who stops by our store is diagnosed with Lyme. He seems to be having good results with our True-Liposomal vitamin C (at least he keeps stopping by and purchasing more in large numbers.)

Are you using lysine powders - or pills? The only way to make sure it is the lysine causing the tremors is to use a pure powder.

Heavy metal poisoning causes parkinson-like tremors. Lysine has a known "anti-viral" effect (not that Lyme is a virus) and perhaps the attack of vitamin C and lysine is working, and the pathogens are emitting more toxins? (If Dr. Levy is correct, (Primal Panacea) one approach is very high vitamin C to neutralize any toxins being emitted by the Lyme pathogen.

As far as trying to mix MMS with vitamin C, all you can do is separate both treatments in time.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects

Post by purposefirst » Thu Feb 26, 2015 6:35 pm

Good info by Johnwen and Owen. I can offer something also as I've had pretty extensive personal experience with lyme.

I used to work as an arborist which put me in nearly constant risk of deer-tick bites. Over a period of 10 years I had Lyme four times! Twice I located the tick followed by the "bull's eye rash" -- which is the most certain evidence that one is infected by lyme (borrelia). (The ELISA and Western Blot are helpful if one does not have the primary tick-bite evidence, but are not completely reliable. A knowledgeable lyme specialist uses those tests in combination with an analysis of your symptoms.)

Two of the times I had lyme the tick/rash was identified immediately, and a few weeks of Doxycycline (antibiotic) took care of it. But one time I never saw a tick/bite or rash, I just got sick. My knees became too painful for walking and I was on crutches for 5 months. During that period the doctors did not know what was wrong. With the help of the internet I finally diagnosed the problem myself as lyme and went to see a lyme specialist who confirmed it. By that time it was "advanced lyme" which required much more than the conventional doxy or amoxycyline. I was put on IV Rocephin daily for 10 weeks (accompanied with diarrhea daily). At that point "regulations" required stopping it for one month, and then probably resuming with a different IV antibiotic.

Instead of waiting I immediately took up herbalist Stephen Buhner's recommendations for treating lyme as indicated in his book, Healing Lyme. No drugs, only herbs and nutritional supplements, which I followed to the max with one exception: Buhner recommended 1,000 mg of vitamin C 3xday (3,000). But I had heard about too much C causing kidney stone so I took only a small fraction of that (which of course was a mistake, doh! :( ). But I took lots of other antioxidants. The herbs and nutrients were helping so much that I did not bother going back for the 30-day test. In just 3 months on the new protocol I was back climbing trees again (part time, but hey, I was 65.) (Out of work for 10 months total.)

Three years later, I got another tick bite/rash lyme infection. I tried to treat it with Buhner's stuff alone, no antibiotics. But I very gradually got sicker. The lyme specialist had a 2-month waiting list, so by the time I got to see him it was advanced lyme again. But this time it turned out I had a "co-infection" called babesia (similar to malaria), which I suppose is why I got sick regardless of Buhner's protocol, I guess. The new doc worked with me combining oral antibiotics with herbs and nutritional supplements. It worked well enough that I was able to resume climbing trees almost immediately (2-3 day/wk), but it took two years before the blood test indicated that I was finally free of both diseases. During that entire period I was still under the misapprehension about C and kidney stones so I had to take only small amount of vitamin C. It might have gone better, but at least I'm "clean." (My doc was not particularly knowledgeable on vitamin C, but he worked with me on incorporating much of Buhner's protocol.)

Since then I've learned much more about nutrition and supplements. I think it is possible to beat lyme (and babesia) without antibiotics, but it takes considerable discipline and a lot of money on supplements that insurance does not cover. I'm not absolutely opposed to antibiotics. You have to work with the doc.

Very important: Find an experienced Lyme Specialist. Conventional docs/GPs are usually worthless with advanced lyme. A good lyme doc will include herbs and nutritional supplements in the protocol.

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects

Post by AngieLynn » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:44 pm

Hi all - thanks for all the info and purposefirst, thanks for sharing your experience.

I had a lyme literate ND that I was consulting with across the country by phone. She radically increased her price and we weren't making much progress anyway. There is no one in my area that's lyme literate, can deal with my sensitivities and health issues, and accepts insurance.

I am unable to tolerate antibiotics. I am dealing with a methylation disorder, which may explain it. I have a local integrative doctor who is excellent, but not lyme literate. I'm doing the best I can with what I've got.

Right now I'm working on diet, exercise, daily far infrared sauna, weekly glutathione IV's, various forms of vitamin C including nightly 5 packets of livon labs liposomal C and a mid-week dose of 4 livon liposomal glutathione packets, enemas as needed, juicing, and a lot of supplements based on my blood work and health history. I'm working on getting on MMS regularly, and I will start rife shortly as well. I get regular chiropractic, occasional massage. I also use medical grade ozone periodically.

I'm starting to see a bit of improvement, but I'd sure appreciate any suggestions.

Purposefirst, I'd love to know how you feel lyme can be eradicated naturally. Thanks!

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects

Post by purposefirst » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:49 pm

AngieLynn wrote:Purposefirst, I'd love to know how you feel lyme can be eradicated naturally. Thanks!

Hi Angie,
I don't have time tonight, but promise I'll respond tomorrow. :)

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects (Lyme Disease)

Post by purposefirst » Sat Feb 28, 2015 7:38 pm

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects

Post by eDOC » Sun Mar 01, 2015 7:06 am

AngieLynn wrote:Hi all - thanks for all the info and purposefirst, thanks for sharing your experience.

I had a lyme literate ND that I was consulting with across the country by phone. She radically increased her price and we weren't making much progress anyway. There is no one in my area that's lyme literate, can deal with my sensitivities and health issues, and accepts insurance.

I am unable to tolerate antibiotics. I am dealing with a methylation disorder, which may explain it. I have a local integrative doctor who is excellent, but not lyme literate. I'm doing the best I can with what I've got.

Right now I'm working on diet, exercise, daily far infrared sauna, weekly glutathione IV's, various forms of vitamin C including nightly 5 packets of livon labs liposomal C and a mid-week dose of 4 livon liposomal glutathione packets, enemas as needed, juicing, and a lot of supplements based on my blood work and health history. I'm working on getting on MMS regularly, and I will start rife shortly as well. I get regular chiropractic, occasional massage. I also use medical grade ozone periodically.

I'm starting to see a bit of improvement, but I'd sure appreciate any suggestions.

Purposefirst, I'd love to know how you feel lyme can be eradicated naturally. Thanks!

Clinically none of what you are taking shall help eradicate Lyme's. I have a patient in Orlando who has tried all what you are taking, rather more.

If you want I can give you her #.

The only thing that is helping is IV DMSO, which she has started taking at a local Clinic in Orl, after being diagnosed with it for the last 20 years.

Good Luck.
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects (Lyme Disease)

Post by AngieLynn » Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:16 pm

Hi edoc - yes I'd appreciate her contact info.

Purposefirst, I'd appreciate your doc's info as well. Thanks!

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects (Lyme Disease)

Post by purposefirst » Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:03 am

AngieLynn wrote:Purposefirst, I'd appreciate your doc's info as well. Thanks!

Hi Angie,
I sent you the info by private message long ago. Go to the top of this page (after logging in) and click on "User control panel," then click on "private messages" (to the left), and then click on "Inbox." Hopefully my message will be there. If not, please let me know here.

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Re: Questions on Lysine Effects (Lyme Disease)

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 25, 2017 7:04 am

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Owen R. Fonorow
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