How Medical Medium Knowledge May Effect Pauling's Heart Therapies

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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How Medical Medium Knowledge May Effect Pauling's Heart Therapies

Post by ofonorow » Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:45 am

The heart is a muscle that needs glucose for survival - Medical Medium

So far, my effort to critically read, assimilate and understand the ancient scientific knowledge passed to us in the MEDICAL MEDIUM books ( there is no new information specifically supports or overturns Pauling's theory of cardiovascular disease. We learn that both vitamin C and lysine are highly antiviral, and their mechanism working together may have additional benefits w/r to cardiovascular disease, due to annti-viral action than we don't yet fully comprehend.

It is highly interesting that the Medical Medium supplement dosage advice closely matches Pauling for vitamin C and L-lysine. These dosages are contained in Liver Rescue's supplements section starting on page 310, that the amount of vitamin C varies between a low of 2000 mg (2 grams) to a high of 8000 mg (8 grams) with an average around 4,000 mg (4 grams daily) usually in two doses.

Likewise, recommendations for L-lysine ranges from 1,500 (1.5 gram) to 4,000 (4 grams)

Medical Medium, Liver Rescue wrote:Everyday Liver and Health Maintenance

L-lysine: 3 500-mg capsules daily (1,500 mg)
Vitamin C: 4 500-milligram capsules twice a day or 1 tablespoon of liquid liposomal daily (4,000 mg)

High Blood Pressure

Vitamin C: 6 500-milligram capsules or 1 tablespoon liquid lipsomal daily. (3,000 mg)


Vitamin C: 6 500-milligram capsules or 1 tablespoon liquid liposomal twice a day. (6,000 mg)

Liver Cancer

Vitamin C: 8 500-mmilligram capsules or 1 1;2 tabelspoons of liquied liposomal twice a day (8,000 mg)

Autoimmune (Viral Caused liver disorders)

L-lysine: 4 500-milligram capsules twice a day (2,000 mg)
Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams or 1 tablespoon of liquid liposomal twice per day. (6,000 mg)


Vitamin C: 2,500 mg or 1 tablespoon liquid liposomal twice per day (5,000 mg)

Eczema and Psoriasis

L-Lysine 4 500-milligram capsules twice a day (4,000 mg)
Vitamin C: 6 600-milligram capsules or 1 tablespoon liquid liposomal twice per day. (6,000 mg)

We were right about another thing, that statin cholesterol drugs are counterproductive to heart patients.

Liver Rescue, P. 277 wrote: Statins: Commonly taken for high cholesterol, when the irony is that cholesterol problems derive from the liver and statins worsen the liver condition, elevating cholesterol even more, although the medication hides this.

While the ancient knowledge is neutral on Pauling's theory, there is no extensive discussion or answer for heart disease, cancers, (perhaps because our own science, e.g. Pauling, solved it, or perhaps because if we followed the ancient dietary advice, there would be little heart disease and cancer). However, both vitamin C and lysine are discussed. The lysine in potatoes is said to kill the Epstein-Barr virus that harms the thyroid. Vitamin C can (must?) be methylated, making us wonder exactly how intravenous vitamin C really works.

While my advice at this forum hasn't been all bad, we have made mistakes that the ancient Medical Medium knowledge corrects. For the uninitiated, the story begins with this post:

While the idea of "infallible" medical knowledge can't be real, I now KNOW that at some point I will have to go back and edit my posts here and CORRECT THEM. :cry:

Liver Rescue, p.252 wrote:... blood sugar ... It's what sustains us and keeps us alive: glucose. Beyond that, storage bins of glycogen keep your brain from atrophying, keep your liver strong, and keep other vital parts of your body going to keep you alive. On a high-fat, low-carb diet the heart slowly becomes weary. It yearns for the person to eat the better... [the small amount of fruit now in most hybrid diets] because it desperately needs and wants even the very little sugar they contain. While it won't really be adequate, it will be just enough to keep the heart going - because the heart is a muscle that needs glucose for survival.

Especially any post that denigrates "carbs" per se, or suggests favoring protein/fat over carbohydrates.

Liver Rescue, P. 250. wrote:.. when a diet goes high-fat (what many call "high protein,"not realizing it automatically means high-fat), it goes no-carb or low-carb, too. You'll hear that its because the sugar that carbohydrates break down into and sugar itself itself cause problems, in part by turning into fat. When low quality carbs in a diet go up, doctors observe that patients' health declines and they don't know why, though it's easy to blame carbs. What no one realizes is that the problem is the combination of sugar with fat. Together, they clash.

The new-found knowledge is that fat is the "root of all evil" and it tells us that we can't eat proteins without also eating fat. .

Liver Rescue, p.251. wrote:Here's the catch with protein. If you were to take out fat from protein sources, people on high-protein, no-carb diets would literally starve to death

So denigrating "carbs" should instead read "avoid highly processed and refined carbohydrates, especially large amounts of ordinary table sugar or products with high fructose corn syrup. Eat lots of fruits and leafy green vegetables. ." Ergo, refined carbs are bad, as is refined table sugars are bad, not carbs in general. And fat is only evil (hard on the liver) when you eat it more than 15% of your calories - especially when fat is eaten at the same time as sugar. Fats and sugars clash.

My conversion to the ancient science has reached a new level, the more I read, and then reread, the more astonished. While Stevia may be an excellent "sweetener" in our current Pauling-therapy drinks, the better choice for a sweet taste may be Dextrose (D-glucose). And when the divine-knowledge is understood, it turns out that glucose would not harm Type II diabetics - (they will understand the best way to treat their disease is to limit fat intake to 15% of calories.)

There are caveats. The source keeps telling us that while sugar (glucose) is our body's primary nutrient, it is only effective or best when combined with nutrients, as it is in certain fruits. So before making such a radical change, we must do the science. Not everything is spelled out in the Medical Medium books. For example, we should try to reason or understand whether high glucose might in fact block high oral vitamin C intake, as Dr. Ely, for one, has theorized.

Then we learn about "methylized" vitamin C, supposedly in celery. Apparently ALL nutrients are methylized (end of small intestine via B12 and the liver) before they can be used in cells.

Its not that the medicinal herb Stevia is bad, it isn't. Its just that with the new knowledge, we should be receptive to the idea that heart patients absolutely require glucose. Ergo, why not encourage people to eat their most important nutrient - glucose - by putting some into our products?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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