Lipo profile results

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Sat Oct 24, 2020 6:35 am

Hello all

I wanted to share with you my results and would like to get some advise. I have history of CVD in my family. I'm 35 years old and weigh 187lbs.

For the past 3 years I've been on the Linus Pauling therapy as below

1. 10 to 12 grams of vitamin C everyday (I take 4 x 1000g VC+ 1000 proline+ 2000 lysine) 3 times a day. Either it's quali c or blue bonnet l-ascorbic acid.

2. I take Jarrow ubiquinal extra strength daily

3. 2000g krill oil daily

4. Full spectrum K2 from life extensions brand daily

5.5g D3 daily

6. Past 30 days I recently added 250mg Unique Tocotrienol from unqie e (prior to this I was taking regular unique e daily)

7. Magnesium malate

8. I've been on low carb no sugar diet for many years to cure me from acid reflux which was caused by sibo. So I've been sticking to this diet ever since.

My October 2020 results were

327 total cholesterol
146 Triglycerides
57.8 hdl
269 ldl
5.7 cholesterol hdl ratio
270 non hdl cholesterol

My January 2013 results(no supplement, no diet or therapy followed) were

233 total cholesterol
175 triglycerides
170 ldl
31.7 hdl

My Dr wants to put me on statins. However I know these are not good.

I would like any advise. Do these numbers mean much and are they concerning? I was assuming that 10g of VC would normalise cholesterol.

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:45 am

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:44 am

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Tue Oct 27, 2020 7:33 am

Appreciate you time and advise!

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:17 pm

Very unusual report, i.e., to have taken that much vitamin C and have total cholesterol rise this much.

20 mg/dl Lp(a) is right at the cutoff. Pauling considered this dangerous, so I would not stop the "Lp(a) binding inhibitors," e.g. vitamin C, lysine (and proline.)

From what I know from Pauling/E. Ginter, the total cholesterol reading indicates that even your very high vitamin C intake may not be enough for you, as an individual. It may also indicate that you have high dental toxicity (e.g. root canals or mercury fillings) that "uses up" any available vitamin C, and induces the body to produce more cholesterol. The body is producing the cholesterol to protect itself. Taking a statin drug would, in my opinion, would be like removing fireman from fighting a fire, just because they always seem to appear at a fire.

Now, my new-found knowledge, (which I admit is strange, but which I have not been able to debunk), is that ALL nutrients must a) be first processed by the liver to be then used by the rest of the body, and b) require glucose (insulin) before they can be processed by the liver.

This means the glucose is essential for the uptake of nutrients. I note that you wrote:

low carb no sugar diet

And from my reading of Anthony William, such a Keto-like diet virtually guarantees a strain on your liver (from eating too much fat, and not giving the liver (and brain) the glucose it needs. I have come to believe the source of this controversial material, and think that it does explain why such large doses of vitamin C are required in some people. With glucose present (as in eating fruits), it is very probable that much less vitamin C would be required to achieve the desired effect.

The source provides a clever answer that you might try. A protocol that not only will help cleanse and detox your liver, but one that it says provides a small amount of "methylated" vitamin C, a form of vitamin C (that I had never heard of until recently), a form of ascorbate that the source says can already be used by all cells without liver preprocessing.

The protocol is to start the day with unadulterated celery juice on an empty stomach. Here is an overview of the protocol (although William has written an entire book on celery juice)

For an interesting read, on Amazon kindle, download the free sample of MEDICAL MEDIUM by Anthony William
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:41 am

Thanks for your reply

I defiantly have mercury fillings from my childhood. More than 20 years ago. Would it be wise to remove them? ,... Would they still be toxic after this long?

I increased my VC after my results to 24g per day without any loose stools. So I will continue that. Is this still safe to do. I'm aware that I need to make sure I drink alot of water.

For the celery juice, having this new type of VC, I'm not quite sure what you meant. Should I have less ascorbic acid and more of this celery VC instead?

Appreciate you time

Edit: I think I understood what you mean,... That since toxic mercury filling leads to eating up alot of my VC I can use a form that bypasses having to go to the liver. This way ensuring not all my VC gets taken away.

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by erik92 » Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:53 pm

Be very, very , very careful removing those amalgams. Read Andrew Cutler protocol. They must be removed properly with biologic dentist. Some four to months after removal you will experience mercury 'dump' from all organs that have accumulated Hg over the years. Hell can break lose and make YOU VERY VERY SICK !!! You must chelate properly. Again, read Cutler's book 'Amalgam Illness' .

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Christopher62 » Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:31 pm

I can agree that the Celery juice works , in order to avoid the constant pushing of doctors to use statins ( my cholesterol imo was already fine ) my readings were outside of the medical field guide lines , in order to stop the drug dealers pushing me constantly ,I asked for 1 month to lower my Cholesterol levels in to the required acceptable range 1 month using Celery juice as Anthony Williams suggests & reverting to a 100% plant based diet & no medications of any kind ..I lowered my Total Cholesterol by 115 points & all key indicators to the safe range ....the doctors took one look and did not even ask how I did it , statins were never mentioned again me if you need the whole regime that I followed .cheers

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:58 pm

erik92 wrote:Be very, very , very careful removing those amalgams. Read Andrew Cutler protocol. They must be removed properly with biologic dentist. Some four to months after removal you will experience mercury 'dump' from all organs that have accumulated Hg over the years. Hell can break lose and make YOU VERY VERY SICK !!! You must chelate properly. Again, read Cutler's book 'Amalgam Illness' .

Thanks Erik, I went to a biological dentist and they removed all my amalgam fillings. They followed a protocol for safe removal. However I was not aware that I needed to chelate...

The dentist referred me to a dr that gives VC IV, she told me to use chlorella to help rid the mercury dump. Is that enough? I will tKe a look at cutlers book

Thanks !

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:01 pm

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:04 pm

ofonorow wrote:Very unusual report, i.e., to have taken that much vitamin C and have total cholesterol rise this much.

20 mg/dl Lp(a) is right at the cutoff. Pauling considered this dangerous, so I would not stop the "Lp(a) binding inhibitors," e.g. vitamin C, lysine (and proline.)

From what I know from Pauling/E. Ginter, the total cholesterol reading indicates that even your very high vitamin C intake may not be enough for you, as an individual. It may also indicate that you have high dental toxicity (e.g. root canals or mercury fillings) that "uses up" any available vitamin C, and induces the body to produce more cholesterol. The body is producing the cholesterol to protect itself. Taking a statin drug would, in my opinion, would be like removing fireman from fighting a fire, just because they always seem to appear at a fire.

Now, my new-found knowledge, (which I admit is strange, but which I have not been able to debunk), is that ALL nutrients must a) be first processed by the liver to be then used by the rest of the body, and b) require glucose (insulin) before they can be processed by the liver.

This means the glucose is essential for the uptake of nutrients. I note that you wrote:

low carb no sugar diet

And from my reading of Anthony William, such a Keto-like diet virtually guarantees a strain on your liver (from eating too much fat, and not giving the liver (and brain) the glucose it needs. I have come to believe the source of this controversial material, and think that it does explain why such large doses of vitamin C are required in some people. With glucose present (as in eating fruits), it is very probable that much less vitamin C would be required to achieve the desired effect.

The source provides a clever answer that you might try. A protocol that not only will help cleanse and detox your liver, but one that it says provides a small amount of "methylated" vitamin C, a form of vitamin C (that I had never heard of until recently), a form of ascorbate that the source says can already be used by all cells without liver preprocessing.

The protocol is to start the day with unadulterated celery juice on an empty stomach. Here is an overview of the protocol (although William has written an entire book on celery juice)

For an interesting read, on Amazon kindle, download the free sample of MEDICAL MEDIUM by Anthony William

I will try adding some natural sugars , but should I take care not to have them at the same time as when I take my VC?

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:24 pm

I will try adding some natural sugars , but should I take care not to have them at the same time as when I take my VC?

I wish I knew. For many years we believed the John Ely theory of Glucose-Ascorbate antagonism, (GAA) which taught that more vitamin C entered cells when blood levels of glucose were low, i.e. that glucose was favored by the Insulin Receptors and would crowd out vitamin C. (And very high levels of glucose may cause this issue.)

The knowledge shared by the source of the Medical Medium writing implies exactly the opposite, i.e., that without insulin (which usually means that without glucose) nutrients are not absorbed by the liver. The knowledge states that liver preprocessing is required for ALL nutrients, including vitamin C, before nutrients can be used to other tissues.

The MM books simply recommend natural fruits because the glucose in the fruits is attached to various nutrient complexes.

I have changed my behaviour. I have been taking smaller amounts of vitamin C, along with glucose (dextrose) powder. I also try to eat more fruits.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Wed Mar 24, 2021 8:57 am

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by Xdxml » Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:13 am

Any issues with taking more than 30g vc per day?

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Re: Lipo profile results

Post by pamojja » Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:52 am

Above 30g I do get flatulence. No other issues.

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