I have created different protocols for treating most diseases employing the modalities that I use (Conv. (mostly useless) CsCl, DMSO, TCM, CRISPR, Gene therapy etc.) and pick the best, and needed from each according to the med condition. The list of protocols and diseases is endless. From Neurodegenerative, Cardiovascular, Cancers, Respiratory, Rheumatic, Endocrine.....And have given a name to each.
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15453I treated Nik2201 for AF, Covid myocarditis and lastly his atherosclerosis (which he was trying to treat without any success for +1 yr, before coming in contact for Atrial Fibrillation).
Initially created 2 protocols, one for AF (
named Cardiac reset) and other for post covid myocarditis. Than another to cure atherosclerosis (narrowing, plaque reversal, Lp(a) lowering).
After getting his permission to post lab results at the forums (which he graciously gave), am posting some which I have access to and shall keep posting as he get's hold of more from the hospital.
Of outmost significance is lowering of Lp(a) after 4 infusions (
named Vessel narrowing reversal protocol)

My most admired, is the last one. To sum up atherosclerosis, narrowing can be reversed in max 10 days along with normal Lp(a) levels, one doesn't require to wait for yrs.....(Now his vessels are as clean as of newly born or a young healthy teenager).
Shall keep posting more stimulating images that might interest, some!
Thanks Nik2201 for the contribution/allowing to post personal details, which I highly appreciate and we should learn from you!
PS: I am using the Vessel narrowing reversal protocol to treat/cure another cardiac patient with significant blockages and signs of CCF.
Have already cured more than 20 patients with atherosclerosis and vessel narrowing of various degrees, for which the conv. cardios wanted an invasive procedure like angioplasty or CABG.
Added/Edit:Nik2201, you are one of my few patient (now a great friend) whose made a major contribution to evolving medicine, and lastly the least whining one.