EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by Nik2201 » Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:42 pm

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by eDOC » Thu Jun 30, 2022 8:53 pm

Diagnosis, treatment/cure and answer to any queries:

1. My yrs. of clinical experience of treating all types of cardiac disorders.
2. Based on the results of EP studies (Electrophysiological, that I suggested). Which reflected damage to cardiac electric pathways etc. (Nodes, bundle branches etc.) Atrial Fibrillation (AF).
3. Along with, post covid myocarditis. (Clinical diagnosis).

When the OP contacted and explaining what we conv. docs have placed him on i.e. Sotalol, blood thinners etc. I knew he would never get cured and would be at the mercy of docs giving 8 weeks apart appts. with 5 mins of time and no solution and would keep suffering more of such episodes and be on them for life.

Having that in mind, I suggested to take my non conv. route and with my experience would hopefully get well in max 3-6 sessions, to which he agreed.

Created a custom protocol to which he abided, and after 2 sessions is all good, cured, with none Rx meds.

I have created a new protocol for another 2 sessions with altered dosages, just as a prophylactic, though he really doesn't require more than one.

Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:44 am

Still waiting for your book on all this :)
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by Nik2201 » Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:19 pm

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by jimmylesante » Sat Jul 30, 2022 3:34 pm

the man is a genius.
How are you keeping now?
Was there magnesium and potassium involved as well?

Steve Brown
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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by Steve Brown » Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:37 pm

I've kept mild atrial fibrillation at bay by ensuring I have adequate intake of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as ions of those elements are essential to maintaining normal heart rhythm. Toward that end, I ensure my diet includes lots of potassium from vegetables, potatoes, beans, fruit, etc, calcium from dairy products, magnesium from green vegetables, and sodium from sea salt. Besides that, my daily vitamin C intake includes sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium ascorbates. An occasional dose of taurine helps maintain electrolyte balance. I think a nutrient-based approach is better, and sustainable over a lifetime, than taking prescription drugs to control the condition.

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by Nik2201 » Sun Jul 31, 2022 10:56 pm

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by eDOC » Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:21 am

jimmylesante wrote:Was there magnesium and potassium involved as well?

Nik2201, got cured using one my custom DMSO protocols, (named Cardiac reset).
No Mg or K were involved. Why would he need them when all his cardiac parameters are excellent, and the damage to nodes and pathways have been cured.
Before he contacted me (a month back), was stunned to see what he was on, almost all available supplements, vitamins, minerals.
I omitted quite a few, cut dosages of some, and my aim for him is to be on only once weekly necessary supplements, since has a excellent healthy life style. I don't want him to be dependent on daily supplements like Rx meds for the rest of his life.
Another query why he didn't suffer any detox, is that he never used any Rx or OTC meds for max. more than 5 days. (In his life).

Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by eDOC » Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:37 am

Nik2201, thanks for the kind words and sharing your thoughts, appreciate them. Frankly am just a rookie as my sig. says. (But on a lighter note you know I can cure almost any disease, but I can't write as great English as yours).

Reasons for your cure in a short span:
1. You are one GOD fearing decent gentleman.
2. Secondly, you trusted me and my expertise blindly.
3. Didn't waste time, though you have been a member for + 1 yr. Initially you were interested to fly over to get the AF cured using CRISPR etc. Than it occurred to me about my DMSO Cardiac reset protocol, why not give it a try, nothing to lose.
4. Lastly, you are unvaxxed and remain like that, since have incorporated the covid prophylaxis protocol along side. You are totally protected for life, against all present variants like BA.5, 4 and any future that would emerge every 4-6 months.

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by stevewoodz99 » Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:34 pm

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AF, Atherosclerosis CURE! Images View Only!!

Post by eDOC » Thu Aug 18, 2022 3:08 pm

I have created different protocols for treating most diseases employing the modalities that I use (Conv. (mostly useless) CsCl, DMSO, TCM, CRISPR, Gene therapy etc.) and pick the best, and needed from each according to the med condition. The list of protocols and diseases is endless. From Neurodegenerative, Cardiovascular, Cancers, Respiratory, Rheumatic, Endocrine.....And have given a name to each.


I treated Nik2201 for AF, Covid myocarditis and lastly his atherosclerosis (which he was trying to treat without any success for +1 yr, before coming in contact for Atrial Fibrillation).

Initially created 2 protocols, one for AF (named Cardiac reset) and other for post covid myocarditis. Than another to cure atherosclerosis (narrowing, plaque reversal, Lp(a) lowering).

After getting his permission to post lab results at the forums (which he graciously gave), am posting some which I have access to and shall keep posting as he get's hold of more from the hospital.

Of outmost significance is lowering of Lp(a) after 4 infusions (named Vessel narrowing reversal protocol)








My most admired, is the last one. To sum up atherosclerosis, narrowing can be reversed in max 10 days along with normal Lp(a) levels, one doesn't require to wait for yrs.....(Now his vessels are as clean as of newly born or a young healthy teenager).

Shall keep posting more stimulating images that might interest, some!

Thanks Nik2201 for the contribution/allowing to post personal details, which I highly appreciate and we should learn from you!


PS: I am using the Vessel narrowing reversal protocol to treat/cure another cardiac patient with significant blockages and signs of CCF.

Have already cured more than 20 patients with atherosclerosis and vessel narrowing of various degrees, for which the conv. cardios wanted an invasive procedure like angioplasty or CABG.


Nik2201, you are one of my few patient (now a great friend) whose made a major contribution to evolving medicine, and lastly the least whining one.
Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by ofonorow » Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:16 am

Spectacular on the Lp(a). Congrats! You do realize the cardiologists have become interested in Lp(a) because of the new $10,000 lp(a)-lowering medication that has been approved and touted.

Keep us informed, as the Pauling/Rath theory predicts that lowering Lp(a) which is acting as a surrogate for low vitamin C, might be dangerous without also taking vitamin C (to improve and restore collagen)
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by eDOC » Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:10 am


Ref Range
04/07/22 52931482
13 mg/L

15/08/226 52948105
6 mg/L

24/08/22 52942391
1 mg/L

IF you are referring to SIRNA Oligosense nucloetides, at least I won't recommend the injections since the adverse effects out weigh the expected/desired benefits. And I have other modalities mentioned that do far better job.

Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Post COVID Recovery, follow up!!

Post by eDOC » Fri Sep 02, 2022 5:41 am

Nik2201 post covid Abs:

Great results as was expecting, like in my other cured patients in the last +2.5 yrs:


Besides employing the COVID19 (SARS-CoV-2) CURE Protocol, added Spike Removal Protocol alongside. That is one reason the Anti -S Abs are neg, (besides being unavxxed).

These 2 protocols, differ (in modalities) from those employed to CURE Atrial fibrillation and Atherosclerosis. ( Lowering Lp (a) etc.)

More yet to come.....



Neither does his body have any residual Spike from the infection, nor was vaxxed, and now has no chance for long covid. Complete protection against all present and future variants.

I would call it he's " Naturally immunized" after getting cured post infection. Sad what he went through, but now doesn't require any mRNAs, unending boosters every few months, reinfections and much more.
Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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Re: EDoc helped me with Arterial Fibrillation

Post by eDOC » Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:30 pm

I had an idea (after my experience of curing +200K infected, all variants, all stages) BUT wanted to be 100% sure, so asked Nik2201 to get a RT-PCR carried, which he did and conveyed it's results, which is NEGATIVE. Would post when I get hold of them.


Once they treat you like an option, show them how many you got!

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