Healthier Fruits and Vegetables Grown in Ocean Mineral Fertilizers

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Healthier Fruits and Vegetables Grown in Ocean Mineral Fertilizers

Post by ofonorow » Wed May 17, 2023 9:26 am

Another interesting tidbit from the REAL Mark Sloan book on Bath Bombs, is the critical importance of minerals and trace elements to plant and animal life as shown by experiments using dehydarted ocean water as fertilizer.

Dr. Maynard Murray confirmed that cancer and cancerous tumors were rarely found in ocean life. Theorizing that there was something in the water, he analyzed the mineral compostion of sea water.

Mark Sloan wrote:Dr. Murray discovered that there were more than 90 water-soluble minerals and trace elements present within ocean water. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of his discovery was that all of the minerals and trace elements contained within sea water were in the exact proportions required in the blood of all biological life.

Ocean water contains every single mineral your body needs, and in perfect balance.

Dr. Murray wondered if the alarming increase in chronic degenerative diseases among humans could be explained by the absence of minerals caused by eating foods in depeleted soils.

In order to test his thoery, in 1938, Murray applied mineral salts from evaporated ocean water as fertilizer on vegetables, fruits and grains. His research demonstrated conclusively that plants fertilzied with sea solids grew larger, faster, were vastly higher in nutrients, had longer shelf life and had greater resistance to disease than ones fertilized with conventional fertilizer.

Later experiments showed that animals eating these plants were significantly healthier and resistant to disease.

For all of you gardeners out there who are now eager to get your hands on some ocean mineral fertilizers for your victory gardens, they can be found at (now
Owen R. Fonorow
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