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ASEA redox
Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:43 am
by jimmylesante
Any views on this ASEA redox drink- has sodium chloride and water but says this is electrolysed and creates redox molecules that help all cells.
I don't see how? Perhaps adds extra hydrogen or extra oxygen/ozone?
thanks for any ideas?
Re: ASEA redox
Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:14 pm
by jimmylesante
H2O2 HOCL and O are all oxidants so works as oxidisers?
My issue is fatitis went to 177kg now down to 162kg had a stop in ED last weekend BP still 220/140 so had CT scans done and bloods. Current BP180/120 so improving already.
I doubt DMSO would work with me until lost the weight?
Good to see you back on the forums

Re: ASEA redox
Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 11:45 pm
by jimmylesante
Thanks eDOC have referred back to your protocol and adding IV DMSO in as well.
So if you took this ASEA with oxidants in to take an antioxidant at the same time say vitamin C would they negate each other.? I'm guessing they would such as treatment for cancer can be using oxidation and then vitamin C would reduce the treatment.
How long do you think there will be liver changes ...say to reverse NAFLD? 2 weeks?
Re: ASEA redox
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 2:16 am
by jimmylesante
Already reading 188/126 sitting which is better than before.
Re: ASEA redox
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:45 pm
by jimmylesante
Great ,,, wow 6 days, did the liver look better in that time or would take longer?
I'm on the 320mg silymarin and 5ml DMSO and gotten flu symptoms , probably a Herx . Will do a 30ml DMSO drip on thursday.
Re: ASEA redox
Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 1:00 pm
by jimmylesante
Wow so the liver if scanned afterwards would /did look normal or very improved.
I don't understand these 12ml /16ml pushes you and Owen were talking about... with 50% or more of DMSO causing haemolysis. I'm guessing you use NS and a couple of ml of DMSO? I'm using 30ml in a 500ml bag.
The 320mg is the silymarin aspect but i noted this could be BDS or even TDS? Can silymarin be IV as well and if so where can one get it?
Yes i felt a toxic release because started after mowing lawn and playing with the kids for a few hoursas part of the moving more . It hurts and the skin is hurting as it is starting too heal - about 20% ecema- disc lesion.