Your largest Vit C dose over a 24 hr period

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Your largest Vit C dose over a 24 hr period

Post by Guest » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:43 pm

How much did you take, was it in several split doses, what was it for, did it help?
There are a lot of people who use large amounts well and maybe answering this question may help others to dose more effectively.

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My largest dose

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:25 am

I remember it well. 10 g per hour up to 150 g (150,000 mg).

At that point, I decided to revist Cathcart's bowel tolerance chart,
and discovered that it was most likely a bacterial infection and not a virus.

I went to the doctor and the antibiotic worked!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


the bacterial case

Post by jo » Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:22 pm

Dear Owen,

what would have you done, if you were in the era when antibiotics didnt exist (before 1928)?
Can one treat bacterial infections with orthomo?


Re: the bacterial case

Post by davids » Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:59 pm

Hi Jo,

Although you did not ask me [in particular], I am going to post an answer to your question anyway.

According to Dr. Cathcart in his famous "Titrate" article bacterial infections usually cause "bowel tolerance" limits to go up to 30 to 200+ grams per day. Although he did write in that article,
"Ascorbic acid should be used with the appropriate antibiotic."
I suspect this is because most people are unable to ingest enough ascorbic acid orally and/or IV sodium ascorbate is not available. It is my understanding that any bacterial infection can be cured IF you are healthy enough to [be able to] ingest enough ascorbate daily - see chapter 14. If it were me, I would keep going on up to "bowel tolerance" every hour (or even every half-hour), even if that meant ingesting 500 or more grams per day until it was gone.

Just my viewpoint,

Last edited by davids on Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by rmb60 » Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:51 pm

I daily average 50-60+ grams a day to treat my ongoing CFS.
CFS makes you feel as if you have ongoing FLU that mainly stays but sometimes go.
I've been easily over 100+grams when the CFS is severe & occsaionally down to 30 grams when CFS is not as bad.

Difference is now, (since reading other peoples uses on this forum) I stick with 10 grams Ascorboc Acid at a time but just vary the time between doses. eg anything from 10grams a half hour to well over 6 hours between 10 gram doses.

I tried 20gram doses at once for a while, symptom relief was quicker but then Bowel Tolerance was also rapidly exceeded. So I know find that the 10gram routine works well in my case.

For me, I doubt that oral VitC will cure my CFS but it does give welcome short relief and in the very near future will try I.V. therapy.


Post by Guest » Sun Feb 12, 2006 5:15 am

Dear rmb
Try adding sea salt to the vit c for you cfs ..... it works . i'm cfs but treating myself as if i have lyme this is the best thing i have ever used , tried it for a while and see the change . use the Salt c approach for your cfs. :)

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Post by rmb60 » Sun Feb 12, 2006 6:35 pm

Thankyou, I've just read the above link and will give sea salt a try soon

Lab Rat

Sea Salt

Post by Lab Rat » Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:13 pm

Hi All,

Can anyone suggest a good source/supplier for sea salt?


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Re: the bacterial case

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:43 pm

jo wrote:Dear Owen,

what would have you done, if you were in the era when antibiotics didnt exist (before 1928)?
Can one treat bacterial infections with orthomo?

First, on the main vitamin C foundation page , there are links to three suppliers of unrefined salt. Use the browser search function for "unrefined"

Vitamin C apparently has the ability to deactivate a virus - to cure a viral infection.

During bacterial infections, it assists the body, but to my knowledge, won't cure a bacterial infection. Dr. Levy told me over the phone that he had a similar experience. Levy was very sick, vitamin C was not working, he prescribed himself an antiobiotic, and ouila - felt much better in a very short time. (If readers haven't read Dr. Thomas Levy's VITAMIN C: Infectious Diseases and Toxins (2002) then you should.)

The body's immune system is what will cure bacterial infections. Vitamin C can help the body cope and improve immune system functioning, as can vitamin A and other orthomolecular nutrition. If antibiotics were not available, I would personally use oral hydrogen peroxide (carefully), garlic and other "natural antibiotics" along with ascorbate. My old H2O2 link has bit the dust, but this one may help some: ... racle.html
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Post by rizwanuk » Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:47 pm

I have found that Bacterial infections go away with the combination of following:

1) Vitamin C to bowel tolerence
2) Lactoferrin 100mg 5 times a day
3) Echinesia and Goldenseal a dose every 2 hours
4) Garlic
5) Olive Leaf extract


baterial vs Viral infections

Post by antioxidant_addict » Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:10 am


How does/would one know the difference between the two?


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Largest Dose ever in 1 day

Post by Cis4me » Mon Jul 10, 2006 6:22 pm

Back in Feburary, there was a really bad cold (maybe flu?) virus going around at the office where I work. I felt as if I had started coming down with it 3 or 4 days before, but the most C (AA powder dissolved in water) I could take was probably 15-20g/day, it was like my body wouldn't really fight the infection until I got sick enough. I started going downhill pretty fast while watching a movie one night and started taking 4g every 15 minutes. I had taken about 45g by the time I went to bed and was feeling much better. The next morning I was feeling awful again and started taking roughly the same dose/interval and within an hour felt well enough to go to work, bringing with me a bottle of 100 1g V. C tablets. By about 3pm, my tablets were gone as were a few vitamin C drink mixes I had lying around at work and I came home feeling awful once again. I took an additonal 12 grams in 2 doses once I got home and took a hot bath and I was once again feeling pretty much ok within an hour and a half. I estimate I probably took about 140g in a 24 hour period. For the next day, 1g every half hour pretty much kept it at bay and I had to reduce the dose by the end of the day as I was getting some gas. Powder, drink mixes and tablets combined, I know I had well over three quarters of a pound of AA over that week and was doing a lot better than others around me who got the same thing and decided to go the conventional cold medicine route. :)

Super Bellybutton

Post by Super Bellybutton » Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:02 pm

I would say 36 grams in a 24 hour setting.


Post by miran » Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:51 am

40 grams in 24 h


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Post by CPlus » Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:15 am

I recently had a bad back (torn muscle) and stubborn cold at the same time, so I started increasing my dose. Using ascorbic acid powder I reached a dose of 2.5g every 10 minutes, before getting slight stomach rumblings. This is equivalent to 360g/24 hours, although I didn't actually take that much. The problem I have (which I have aired on the forum before) is that when I came to eat my evening meal (I had stopped dosing about 1/2 hour before) I realised that I was way beyond my bowel tolerance, and had to rush to the toilet. In fact, I had to do that whenever I ate anything over the next few hours. I had been eating small amounts during the original dosing, so it wasn't as if my stomach was completely empty to start with. It is just that, when eating larger amounts the apparent bowel tolerance changes dramatically. As you can imagine, this effect makes titrating to bowel tolerance extremely difficult, and it happens consistently whenever I am ill and try to titrate. I wondered if anyone had experienced this or had any advice?



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