Female doing the right things still has high blood pressure

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Female doing the right things still has high blood pressure

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:35 pm

Dear Dr. Fonorow,

My name is [deleted]
I live in Houston, Texas.
I am a 54yr. female, 5"11" , weight 130/134 lbs.
HDL 66 LDL 86 choles total 168

I walk (6) miles daily, vegetarian, no alcohol,drugs, ice cream, pizza or smoking. Yet, I have hypertension.

The BP readings vary from the left/arm and right/arm L 109/76 R 124/92. I take Lotrel 5/10mg as prescribed.

I turn bright red for approximately 5-7 minute intervals X (3) daily. I did not take hormone therapy. Post-op hysterectomy
1997. Hair loss in temple area (both sides) this year and progressing.

I met one of my cousins in Louisiana who studies Naturopathic or Holistic approaches to medicine. He suggested that I call the Vitamin C Foundation in Houston to seek help.

He seems to think that I have a blockage in my body which has caused this anomaly. I need your help. I do work for ohthalmologists but, everyone says take the pills and do not worry about it. Any assistance, insight that you could provide would be most appreciated.

kind regards,

I may have missed it, did you tell me how much vitamin C you
are taking daily???

Initially, I only took 500 mgs. daily until, (2) weeks ago. My cousin suggested that I start with 10,000 mgs per day in divided doses. Now, I am taking 22,000 mgs. daily.

Also, another caveat, I have an IOP(intra-ocular pressure) =
of 20-25 which is in the glaucoma range if sustained. I am scheduled for a visual field @ work to obtain a baseline. Sometimes, I will have large webbing discolorations in my thigh areas, like a red & blue map. Thank you for answering. I googled you and astounded is the only word that comes to reading about your mind!
kind regards,

As far as my mind, I am smart enough to follow the advice of LInus Pauling, that is all.

Great news on the vitamin C - are you close to tolerance? I expect much of your issues, especially the high BP will resolve itself now. Caveat, we have seen people who require much more ascorbate to correct what ever problem they have. See http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm


and find your daily tolerance and report back..

Also, see if your doctors are willing to learn about
CardioRetinometry. Study of atheromas in microscopic
retinal arteries, which vitamin C can reverse. We are looking to fund a study of people taking Lypo-C, as a way to help determine what the 1 to X ratio is, of Lypo to Ordinary C.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: Female doing the right things still has high blood pressure

Post by Ralph Lotz » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:07 am

The BP readings vary from the left/arm and right/arm L 109/76 R 124/92

These numbers do not reflect high blood pressure.
They reflect high pressure from drug companies to lower norms so more drugs are sold.
Turning bright red is a Lotrel side effect

Welcome to the world of Iatrogenic Disease (Doctor Created)
Magnesium, fish oil and B6 often normalize blood pressure

Long term use of many cardiovascular drugs causes HEART FAILURE by inducing beri-beri (Classic Thiamine Deficiency Disease)

Sometimes blood pressure variations are the result of insulin resistance, which disappears when refined carbohydrates (High Glycemic) are removed from the diet.

Thinning hair is sometimes an indication of IODINE deficiency
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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