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Products for Quadruple Bypass Patient

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:45 am
by ofonorow
Hello Owen-

I underwent quadruple bypass 3.5 years ago and haven't had any issues since then, but don't really ever want to go through that again. I'm careful of what I eat and am very pleased to have located you and your products. I've read all I can get my hands (eyes) on regarding Linus Pauling and his work, too.

I'm curious if you know how this product will work for people like me, who've had bypass surgery. Does the fact that I have grafted veins lessen the ability of the vitamin C therapy to help or work?

Any information you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you-

I wish someone knew for certain.

Here is my guess. I think taking vitamin C at the Pauling-specified mimimum dosages is indicated in ALL cases, even bypass grafts with veins.

I'm also fairly confident that the same thing applies to lysine, and I would look at the Tower CardioAde product -> as a safe option (because it doesn't contain proline)

I am not sure about proline. Iit seems to me, based on 12 years of observation, that Proline supplements cause Lp(a) to go to zero in the blood. Is this good or bad for bypass patients?

We don't know how necessary Lp(a) in the blood is in order to provide support for the weaker vein tissue. I think a product like Tower HeartTechnology might be okay, with its fairly small amount of proline.

I guess the answer is that I wish I knew.