Just Finding out About Vitamin C

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Just Finding out About Vitamin C

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:00 am

I am 56 female and have carotid artery disease. I feel like God has led me to search alternative medicine , I am shocked at the discovery of Paulings discovery vitamin c. It is hard to believe that this info has been out here for all of us and our people are sffering from all kinds of diseases and doctors just keep writing more perscriptions.

My mother and one of my brothers take so much medicine and both have had open heart durgery and carotid surgery. THIS IS THE reason I'mlooking for something else. I am currently taking cardio renew drops, but I am more intrested in vitamin c. My doctor has set me up with a surgeon ( just to get familiar with)I dont want to! I have 50% blokage in right carotid and complete in left so the doctor said ( ultra sound said some blood flow) Can vitamin c help me and my whole ailing family? Thanks

Vickie P.

The answer to your question is yes, adequate vitamin C will improve the health of you and your family, and when you add Pauling's invention of lysine (in the right dosages), reversals are very rapid.

We have devoted an online forum to these matters because there are many issues. But go to your local drug store, and purchase the purest vitamin C tablets that are ascorbic acid (usually the pure ones are 500 mg) and purchase lysine tablets.

Begin taking 1 of each every 4 waking hours, then 2 of each, etc. until you reach about 10 of each (5 grams) per day. This is the low end of the Pauling therapeutic dosage.

The only problem with pills is the fillers, and there are more convenient drink mix products without any fillers. You might become interested in one of them if Pauling's therapy works for you and you family.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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