NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by BaronZemo » Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:31 pm

ofonorow wrote:
Frank wrote:
The question I have, Owen, is about the 3000mg your brother took. How long did it take to notice the effect and what type of magnesium was he taking? Was the 3000mg the amount that he was absorbing or taking?

This was some time ago, and I heard about it after the fact. He had some heart disturbance that frightened him, and he decided to take a lot (3000 mg) of magnesium all at one time. He wound up on the floor not long after ingesting that amount.

did it lower his bp?

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:10 am

What I am saying is that immediately after taking magnesium, he lowered his blood pressure so drastically that he almost fainted. Probably from the relaxation effect on the arterial muscles. This is a temporary, not permanent condition, but if I had hypertension, daily supplementation with a good absorbable magnesium would be on my list of "must-have" supplements.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by Frank » Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:27 pm

Thank you Owen.
I decided to build up the magnesium.
It's done wonders so far. I've been taking 300mg Irbesartan which is an angiotensin-II receptor antagonists (whatever that is - I thing it relaxes the muscles around the arteries) and a combination diuretic (50mg Amiloride and 5mg Hydrochlorothiazide). These prescription drugs kept my BP under control for the last 10 years but last winter had trouble getting it below 120/80.

Well now, with the magnesium, I've been able to stop the Irbesatran and only take 1/4 of the diuretic tablet. I am almost there.

I am still taking the Vit C (4000mg) and Lysine (2000mg) and added 1000IU of Vit D3. I probably should take more D3. I also walk about 5.5Km each day.

I would like to take some Proline too but find it too expensive here and a little hard to find consistent supply.

Just thought I would keep you up to date.
Thank you

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by ofonorow » Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:36 am

I am pleased by your report, glad you are off at least one medication, and my only "concern" would be the "low" amount of vitamin C. Is 4000 mg because of your low bowel tolerance? Try 1 gm every 4 hours if this is the case, and maybe 2 g prior to bed, that should get you to at least 6000 mg. Remember, Pauling took 18 g daily.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by Frank » Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:14 am

Yes, I agree, 4000mg sounds low. I take 2000mg in the morning and 2000mg in the evening. If I take 2000mg at lunch time as well I am gassy all afternoon.

Of course, if have a cold (or some other infection) coming on I can take the 2000mg at lunch time and even another 2000mg before bed, and more.

If I would take 1000mg at a time, I could probably tolerate more than the 4000mg (without infection), but the timings would become more awkward through the day.

Since now, I believe that my absorption of Magnesium is low, my production of Co Q10 is also probably low. Unfortunately, I find Co Q10 very expensive. I haven't found a powder form yet, which is usually much cheaper.


Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by J.Lilinoe » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:36 pm

I know that magnesium can be good for the heart but wouldn't it be harmful to the kidneys if one's kidney values are abnormal?

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Re: NO More Heart Disease (NMHD)

Post by Frank » Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:05 pm

You may be right, but only if the kidneys are faulty. I would suspect that if the kidneys are faulty there would be other symptoms besides just high blood pressure.

My logic is (rightly or wrongly) that for my blood pressure to be high for the reason of low magnesium (not enough intake through food or low absorption), the most logical thing to do is to supplement what is insufficient in the blood.

In the next few weeks I will have a blood test to confirm that now, with almost normalized blood pressure, without much prescription drugs, and a lot of magnesium intake, my serum magnesium is either normal or above normal. If it's above normal, then the magnesium is masking some other reason for my high blood pressure. Remembering that my doctor initially told me that there is no reason for the increased blood pressure, except maybe age or being a little overweight (I was 48 at the time and overweight). But a couple of years earlier I was overweight also and only a couple of years younger and no blood pressure problem.

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