Spider Veins Become More Visible

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Spider Veins Become More Visible

Post by ofonorow » Mon Feb 27, 2006 8:07 am

From the email

I've been taking 1000mg vit c twice a day for years. This week I decided to increase to 3000mg total vit c per day along with 1000my l-lysine and 1000mg proline.

I can see decreased facial saging and wrinkle depth, which is great, but also see rapid increase in small purple spider-like veins on legs and nostrals. These veins are much more obvious the first couple hours right after taking the vits. (I'm 63, in good health, exercise regularly and weigh123lbs/5ft6"tall.)

Any ideas on avoiding the dev of spider veins while still getting the benefits of increased C?
Thx for your help.

My response was that this is a first, but that building "stronger" arteries and veins might make them more visible. Perhaps as the skin gets stronger and thicker, they will become less visible. But I really don't know.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by Ken_RN » Mon Feb 27, 2006 3:49 pm

Since the effect occurs most intensely after taking the Vitamin C, my guess is that what you are experiencing is vasodilation and increased perfusion to the skin.

What does that mean? Your circulation to your skin improves after vitamin C and the spider veins (which are caused by valvular insufficiency within the veins themselves and weak vein walls) become more visible because they have more blood flowing through them.

Should you stop taking the Vitamin C? I wouldn't. If your skin is getting better circulation then it stands to reason that many of your other organs are as well and this is partly what we are seeking after all. Continued intake of Vitamin C and proline may actually help repair the valves, and strengthen the vein walls so that they no longer over-dilate and bulge. Like with many natural treatments, often a condition seems to get worse before it gets better.

If the spider veins on your face are troubling to you in the meantime then you can try applying hemorroid cream to them. This is the same trick models use to get rid of dark circles under their eyes.

All in all, I would take this symptom as a welcomed sign of improved circulation. I think your progress would be accelerated at higher doses of Vitamin C, lysine and proline. CoQ10, grapeseed extract, ginkgo biloba, bilberry extract, and horse chestnut seed extract may also be valuable additions to your supplement regimen.

Suggested Reading:


Spider veins

Post by johnor » Mon Feb 27, 2006 4:09 pm

There is also a possibility that Vitamin C removes some of the inflamation surrounding the spider veins thus exposing them. If the area around them is lighter, they will stand out more. I don't know if they go away eventually, though.

Lab Rat

Me too

Post by Lab Rat » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:15 am

I am currently up to 6,000-7,000 mg/day of Vit C spread out through the day. I also have noticed that the Spider Veins on the insides of my ankles have increased. My blood pressure has increased significantly over the past few weeks. I had attributed the increase in the Spider Veins to my BP. I continue to watch both. Once the cold weather and stress levels abate, my condition will hopefully improve. I guess my point to this is that something else besides Vitamin C may be at work here. If the SV does not improve, I might try the Butcher's Broom or Horse Chestnut that Ken suggested. I expect I would cut back on the Vitamin C as a last resort.

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