Virgin Subscriber 6 months on - Still Improving

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Virgin Subscriber 6 months on - Still Improving

Post by fergy999 » Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:59 pm

Hi Folks

Its some time since my last post. Im now pretty well operational. Still sticking to the A9. I stopped the EDTA from Cardio Renew for a while and retroed. Im back on it again, and I dont know whether its psychosomatic but I feel good most days. I had a real nasty letter from the specialist to the effect that my condition was terminal and they couldn't be held responsible as I had declined their kind offer of Chest Splitting. I understand they have to cover themselves but it could have caused another type of person a major psycho issue. The Bio resonance/ homeopathy treatment is now in its third month and the scores show Ive still some way to go, but nevertheless a big improvement over the month.
Cheers for now

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Re: Virgin Subscriber 6 months on - Still Improving

Post by ofonorow » Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:26 am

Thank you for the report. Encouraging. Remember, it is important to keep your vitamin C at close to bowel tolerance, at least 10,000 mg daily. And take a good vitamin E every day.

Do you have a link to the EDTA/Cardio Renew product? Thx
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Virgin Subscriber 6 months on - Still Improving

Post by fergy999 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:56 pm

The link for cardio renew is as follows:


Best wishes to all


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Re: Virgin Subscriber 6 months on - Still Improving

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:37 am

Very professional web site and it is interesting that they claim EDTA is taken into the blood stream unaffected by digestion, and that this product seems to have helped you.

I have heard literally hundreds of stories of people experiencing miracle cures, such as patients having their eyesight restored after IV EDTA. I have taken it myself for the little talked about "strong anti cancer" effect that was discovered accidentally, (scientists in Europe were trying to prove that lead causes cancer, they hypothesized that people living close to gas stations would thus have higher rates of cancer, but they discovered that the people with the highest lead content, would be treated by EDTA chelation therapy, and in the group in the high lead areas treated with EDTA - cancer was almost nonexistent. They had expected the opposite result.) I may try this oral version.

However, with respect to heart disease, while the therapy may be helpful some times for some people, I have also heard too many stories of people who have had 60 IV EDTA treatments, and then had their bypasses "collapse" or suffered heart attack and required surgery. The EDTA chelation doctors have a protocol that includes vitamin C and magnesium, among other nutrients, and I've noticed the failures occur mostly in doctors who ignore this protocol.

So, I believe that you (or anyone) are doing the right thing by focusing on vitamin C and lysine as the primary means for keeping your arteries strong and healthy, and avoiding degenerative cardiovascular disease.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Virgin Subscriber 6 months on - Still Improving

Post by EvilBaga » Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:04 pm

I tried EDTA a few months back. Even though I am under 30 years old, after using it for about a month and a half - I realized that I could climb stairs two steps at a time without any burning sensation in my legs. The huff and puff was still there, but lessened moderately.

I used's ToxinOut.

Frankly, I dont like the look of Cardio Renew - pure EDTA isnt a really good idea. It binds to a lot of stuff - Zinc, Calcium etc etc that your body could use. Most EDTA products therefore are bundled with other nutrients.

I also read a book by Andrew Cutler Ph.D who advocates Alpha Lipoic acid as a form of chelation, in a dosage of every 3 hours for 3 days, then a week off. The reason being that if you take it, or any chelation product - just once a day, the blood level drops and much of the heavy metals gets redeposited, which can, in the short and medium run be worse because it could be deposited in a more dangerous place in your body.
Makes sense. (Note his book is quite disorganized, but there are long discussions in yahoo groups about it. Some of the research seems like its right out of a spy novel, the original research being in Russian, and almost unknown even in the few Western Medical circles that accept Chelation as valid.)

Another partially EDTA based product is A few years back, I had long email discussions with the proprietor/author - Karl Loren. I trust his honesty completely. We had a bad disagreement later on, and I havent talked to him for years (and wont) but I still trust his character.

That being said, Andrew Cutler says Cysteine based products (like Karl's is partially) arent good because cysteine has a single thiol bond, and therefore doesnt bind the heavy metals tightly, so before it comes out, it goes through a roller-coaster in your body causing a lot of damage.

For 95% of people, it doesnt really matter that much which you take - but if you're one of those severely mercury poisoned folk for instance - following the Cutler protocol might be the only way.

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