Blocked Arteries to Intestines

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Blocked Arteries to Intestines

Post by Christabelle67 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:09 am


I've been visiting this forum for some years now for my own personal benefit (I have SLE Lupus amongst other things) and use of Vit C and have recommended it to many family and friends.

A week ago my husband was diagnosed with blocked arteries that lead to the intestines (found while looking for something else), more follow up tests are coming up including blood tests. Nearly 2 yrs ago he suffered Pancreatitis due a gallstone lodging itself in the wrong spot. My husband (40yrs at the time) was very lucky to survive, major organs shut down due to the shock, both lungs collapsed, it took 2 weeks for my husband to become well enough so they could remove the Gallbladder and some weeks after to fully recover.

An ongoing pain in the right side, numbing feeling in the upper right thigh and swelling and/or hot feet all remain undiagnosed and is continuing, hence the blocked arteries were found while trying to find cause of everything else mentioned. My husbands father had Double Bypass in his mid 50's and then a Quadruple Bypass in his mid 70's, sadly Dad passed away a couple of years ago after being diagnosed with Lung Cancer (non smoker) and suffering a stroke, he also had Diabetes Type 2 which my husband is being tested for again because of the history in the family.

Today my husband is 42yrs, weighs 109kgs, 183cms, we are both currently undergoing Chinese Acupuncture and Herbalist to give up smoking altogether, dropped caffeine (he drank coffee excessively) improved diet (hubby does not drink alcohol, nor does he eat much fat/fried food which surprised Dr's with the Pancreatitis) and plan to start walking (once the fog passes!), get fit to loose the weight.

I started my husband immediately on the following:
1. L-Ascorbic Acid Powder 1/4 tspn x 2 daily (should he increase this amount?)
2. CoQ10 by Healthy Care Australia (Ubidecarenone 50mg ea capsule) 2 Caps x twice daily (total 200mg)
3. Lyp-Sine by Blackmores (Lysine Hydrochloride 500gm, Vit C Ascorbic Acide 250mg, Zinc Amino Acide Chelate (Zinc 10mg) 50mg, 1 tablet twice daily
4. Fish Oil by Blackmores 1000mg x 2 twice Daily - total 4000mg
5. Glucosamine Hydrocholoride by Blackmores 1000mg 1 Capsule twice daily - total 2000mg

My question is, is he taking the correct doses of everything and have I missed anything? I am reading through everything again, though in the meantime I don't want to wait and we are both being pro-active here together.

I sincerely appreciate any advise or point me to specific topics (I am actively going through everything).
Warm regards
Gold Coast, Australia

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Re: Blocked Arteries to Intestines

Post by ofonorow » Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:02 am

Wow, first I would purchase Pauling's 1986 book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (or check it out of the library) and have your husband begin following the basic regimen on or about page 14. This is the minimal recommendation that will cover a lot of bases.

Next, my normal recommendation for how to begin the Pauling vitamin C/lysine therapy, and determine the right amount can be read at this post: This post includes a link to the excerpt from my book which expands Pauling's recommendations and adds my personal recommendation (including vitamin K, D3, CoQ10, etc.)

If he can just start with the gradual vitamin C/lysine 500 mg program, he should begin to feel better very soon.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Blocked Arteries to Intestines

Post by Johnwen » Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:22 am

A week ago my husband was diagnosed with blocked arteries that lead to the intestines

Did they tell you the name of the artery that had the blockage? I'm curious about this.
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Re: Blocked Arteries to Intestines

Post by Christabelle67 » Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:41 pm

Dearest Owen

Thank you dearly for your speedy response, I have ordered the book, though the closest for me was from the UK and it will take up to 21 days to get here, soon as it does will get him on the regime mentioned.

I will go through the link you sent through intently to figure out how much he needs. By the looks of what I read so far, even I am taking way too little of the Vit C.

Kevin is off to the Dr's tomorrow so we will find out what arteries are blocked and post this.

Warm regards

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