my fathers heart

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: my fathers heart

Post by sweetjames » Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:42 pm

My father isnt doing good at all, he is in ICU at the hospital, his chest pain got so bad he couldnt bare it, my dad is tough, he was in the worst unbearable pain that know one could live with, the docs did an angeogram a couple days before the pain got so bad, he was experiencing his usual angina up til then,. Doctor said his arteries are clear and ruled out the heart, dads pain was so bad morphine didnt affect him at all, hours of this pain and finally doctors had to sedate him and put oxygen tube in and put him in ICU, doctors still dont know what the problem is, my dad is sedated and going in a bad direction, doctors came up with a guess that his intestines might have an infection and it is spreeding into his blood caused by small arteries being clogged that supply intestents blood or that stomach has infection but cant say for sure, please help anyone, this has been going on for over a week now, im so worried about my father.

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Re: my fathers heart

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:29 am

the docs did an angeogram a couple days before the pain got so bad, he was experiencing his usual angina up til then,. Doctor said his arteries are clear and ruled out the heart,

Johnwen, coincidence that this pain would occur just days after an angiogram?

Where is the pain exactly?

Since he is in the ICU - what you can do for him at the moment is very limited. However,
I worry about the drugs he is probably getting, and would more strongly recommend
CoQ10 and magnesium when he is out of the ICU.

The business about the intestines/infection makes me wonder about mercury poisoning..
Are his teeth full of amalgams?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: my fathers heart

Post by Johnwen » Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:10 am

Sound like they nicked an artery and their already ticked off so now their really upset.
I posted a reply on this post about prinzmetal angina.


Which is what this sounds like to me.
Prinzmetal is where the muscles of the arteries get what could be compared to a "Charley Horse!"
and they do it all at once and affect the cardiac muscle also. They really need to look at his
Potassium and Mag. Levels and even if there a little low get'em up!!!
When he comes back and starts eating real food make sure he get's some bananna's with his food. This is a old time help for muscle spasms, it works!!
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Re: my fathers heart

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:30 am

Just to clarify by "they are ticked off" you mean the proverbial arteries and not the doctors, right?!

I have a feeling you are right, and wouldn't there be some blood evidence of an infection? Elevated WBC count??
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: my fathers heart

Post by Johnwen » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:29 am

Yes the arteries!!

If it was just a artery spasm the immune system would go on alert and the differentials will be slightly elevated. If they nicked an artery the whole cascade of events as Dr Pauling discribed them will come into play to fix the damage and the whole WBC army will be out doing their job.
Which means the differentials will be high.

This is me thinking out loud since I don't know his history, I'm speculating.

Since this gentleman has had by pass surgery and a angiogram which didn't show anything I'm a little concerned that there could be a blockage in one of the bypass veins. These are rare but when they do happen it usually occurs at the graft point and their on and off type of blockage.
It takes a good Doc to spot these things because it usually appears as a scar ring at the graft which starts acting like a spincter. To open it one has to go thru the graff and balloon the opening. Results are usually good.
This is just a thought!
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