High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:08 am

Hi Owen Fonorow.....

How are you? I sure hope you can answer my questions. My cholesterol was 240 about 7 years ago. Twice I grew xanthalasmus under my eyes from cholesterol, and had them surgically removed. They were ugly. My doctor said I must get on a statin which I did. For about 5 years I was on Zocor 40 mg, and my cholesterol dropped to 165 with no side effects. Then I started having debilitating muscle pain, and I think it was the Zocor. I tried several other statins like Lipitor and Prevastatin and both kept my cholesterol low but I had severe leg pain. I could barely walk so I discontinued the statins and started looking for another remedy.

I have been on Heart Tech (3 heaping scoops) for one month. Just got my cholesterol results and I am 241. I don't want the xanthalasmus to grow back and I am seeing signs that they are. I am 52 years old, 135 lbs and eat pretty well. Wiill the heart tech work over time? If not I will have to go back on the Lipitor which I don't want to do. What is your advice?

In my opinion, the pain from taking the statins, especially at your age, is from low CoQ10. Statins not only block the production of cholesterol, they also block your body's production of CoQ10. Coq10 supplements would be wise at your age in any case, but I would start at about 600 mg daily! At least until you feel fine for a week, and then perhaps 300 mg daily (e.e., 150 mg twice daily w/meals fats). If you decide to go back on statins, If I were you, I would increase the CoQ10 to around 1200 mgs daily.

Assuming that you only require 9000 mg of vitamin C daily, (i.e., 3 scoops of HT), then your total cholesterol should normalize over time to around 180 mg/dl. That might require six to 18 months, as there are really no studies on these high amounts, and you may require even more than 9000 mg of vitamin C.

First, check this table/equation to determine the MINIMUM amount of vitamin C you require,

Dr. Johnwen actually recommends doubling the computed amount for therapeutic purposes.

And perhaps while you are waiting for the vitamin C to do its magic, you could might ask the doctor about reducing the dosage of the best statin for you (least amount of pain), i.e., to see if 10 mg of Zocor can keep the growths in check.

But don't forget about CoQ10! Here is a warning the Canadian's require in drug ads about the known effect of statins depleting CoQ10 (warnings that are not required in U.S. medical journals, thank you FDA).


Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

Post by Johnwen » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:09 am

What is your advice?

241 isn't all that High!
Have your doc check for Addison-Gull syndrome.
It's a liver problem that causes those tags.
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Re: High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:56 am

Thank you for your response. I was taking COQ10 while I was on a stain and I still had muscle pain. My big question is if I don't take a statin can I drop my cholesterol by just taking heart tech? Sally told me to take 6 scoops a day.

Hmmmmmm Vitamin C regulates/controls cholesterol. That is an established scientific fact, and I know Sally is going by her husband's experience, which we have written up. However, six scoops may provide too much lysine/proline. I would prefer 3 scoops, with added vitamin C, either in the drink (as a powder) or between servings. But yes, optimal vitamin C should control cholesterol, and your report wasn't all that high (mid 200s correct?)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 24, 2012 4:58 am

Thanks...I have had my liver checked. Do you think 3 scoops a day will bring my cholesterol down to 180 again? That is my main concern because if my cholesterol is at 240 I get those xanthalasmus.

Oh and is it normal for my numbers to shoot up before they go down?

Up before down has been reported - presumably since the cholesterol on the walls of the arteries are coming off and into the blood..

3 scoops + vitamin C to bowel tolerance (http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:38 am

Sorry to keep bothering you but what do you mean ADDED Vitamin C? I just ordered 6 jars of heart tech. Do I need something else?

Heart Tech is a mixture - I think 3 scoops daily provides everything you need (lysine/proline, etc. ) except perhaps enough vitamin C. Vitamin C is what Ginter and others have proven lowers cholesterol to 180 mg/dl on the optimal dosage and over time. Optimal changes for everyone, therefore, I would consider adding more vitamin C powder, increasing the dosage of vitamin C until your cholesterol is less than 200 mg/dl.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:17 am

I am taking 2 scoops of Heart Tech and 1 teaspoon of th e Vitamin C foundation Ascorbic Acid. I take 1 scoop of heart tech in the morning, one after lunch and a whole teaspoon (4,000 mg) of the Vitamin C foundation ascorbic acid after dinner. Can my body absorb the 4,000 mg all at once? I notice my urine is very yellow. Could I be peeing it out?

If you were not absorbing the 4000 mg of vitamin C - you would know it! (The visits to the bath room would be fast and furious.)

Yellow urine is probably from a B vitamin - B2 (riboflavin) - and according to my new alternative doctor, this might be a clue that you are not retaining vitamins in general. This doc suggested that people might want to increase their taurine intake (There is taurine in the Ascorsine-9 product) as this nutrient can help some people retain more of the vitamins/nutrients taken orally.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: High cholesterol, stopped statins but chol elevated on PT

Post by gofanu » Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:00 am

Yellow urine is B2 IF it is bright clear yellow, and happens an hour or two after you take the B2. Four or five hours after B2 urine will be near colourless. Otherwise, and especially if the urine is cloudy, murky, dark, and happens most or all of the time, it is the result of dehydration and other possible issues - most of which are caused or aggravated by dehydration!

Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue, muscle pain, headache, sinus infection, kidney trouble, and heart/cardio problems, also "dry skin", "dry eyes", mental fog, cracked/chapped lips. Increasingly common in hot dry areas, but also air conditioned environment, and heated houses and beds in winter - which are drier than severe desert conditions.

It is impossible to give amounts of water required since it varies so much by conditions, activity, etc. It is possible to drink too much, and you then WILL develop B vitamin deficiency symptoms. Best gauge is that you pee at 2 or 3 hours intervals and urine is clear very pale yellow, except just after taking B2.
Saturday in 96F temps with 78F dewpoints, sitting in front of a fan on High speed, but doing nothing else, I drank 90 oz liquid in the first 8 hours I was awake, and still didn't pee my normal amount.That would be about my usual total for an ordinary day without heavy work.

Cholesterol levels, and many other things, are controlled first by iodine supply. Your Quacks will not tell you this, and they likely will not believe it.
To quote Abram Hoffer, in a discussion of Loeser re breast cancer:
"A true repetition would use women with
similar breast cancer, using surgery with
follow-up radiation. About half would have
high blood cholesterol levels. The dose of
desiccated thyroid would be increased until
cholesterol levels, if high, decreased to about
175 mg. per cent. Once this is done we can
decide whether Loeser (1954) has been
confirmed or not."

Note that dessicated thyroid may do other good things, but the majority and probably ALL of the effects are due to iodine and selenium. I judge from the height/weight that you are female, and I will tell you that any and all "female problems" are direct results of the same iodine/selenium/thyroid complex. But, men suffer related or analogous problems.

Note also that assorted skin growths and protuberances common to man (or lady) and beast are the direct result of iodine deficiency, and are cured/prevented with iodine. Extreme heavy callouses on the elbows on dogs and people for example.

Additionally. many of the symptoms of dehydration I gave above are also caused by iodine deficiency, if dehydration has been dealt with.


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