Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

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Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwen?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:44 pm

Hi Owen,
I was writing you when I received your e-mail. Thank you so much for writing and the support!

I have been taking LEF Super-K for a long time. I also believe it is a good product. I did see your wife's calcium score on the Vit C Foundation website -great!. Rob suggested I contact you directly as my situation is evidently somewhat unique in that my Cor Art Disease presents differently than the majority of others. I have read your excellent book along with an abundance of other reference material.

I failed the EKG part of a routine treadmill stress test. No past history of symptoms, and no physical signs/symptoms during or after the stress test. Scored over 13 METS, indicating excellent heart functional capacity. The provider stopped the test due to the abnormal EKG reading, bit I felt fine. I reached 104% of my calculated age heart rate, with no adverse physical symptoms.

Age 59 and exercised routinely for many years, good diet. No previous knowledge of heart problems or potential blockage. Cardiologist recommended a heart CT scan with contrast dye vice an angiogram. I was not familiar with the calcium score test at the time, so I did not ask. I go to Walter Reed as I am active duty. The cardiologist did not mention that test. The CT was not invasive and he was somewhat optimistic there would be no significant findings. There are cases where athletic, apparently healthy individuals with strong hearts show depressed S-T segments on the EKG during testing (suggestive of coronary artery blockage) ...for some reason. CT scan or angiogram follow ups then show negative for blockages. That was not my case and we were surprised.

Heart CT (with injected dye) revealed at least 3 blockages in at least 3 arteries, possibly 4. Blockages ranged between 30% and 70%, but I do not yet have a copy of the report (November). Cardiologist stated blockages were too elongated for stents, so by-pass surgery (and high dose statin, aspirin and BP Medes) was 'best' option, and soon. I am still wrestling with this news as I feel well, and now told I should NOT exercise. Only walk as part of my daily duties in the office. I am still not taking any Meds. Overall lipid profile is generally excellent.

However, LP(a) test for the first time in Oct 2013: 300 (Not good)

I started 3 servings/day of Cardio-C on 19 December. With additional Vit C throughout the day, I am up to 12,000mg/day without any GI disturbances or signs of diarrhea. Still increasing daily. I am also taking additional supplements and vitamins recommend in your book and/or per related sites. Also started Vit E tocotrienols. I have been taking supplements for years, but obviously not enough Vit C.

Cardiology wants me to follow up with an angiogram to verify extent of blockages and to get better visualization of the other blockage to assess the extent. Guess the CT scan had limitations, after all. Angiograms is apparently the gold standard.

Is the calcium score test invasive, and with high radiation? I fear any further testing will just validate to them the need for invasive medicine.

I am pushing back on further invasive testing and procedures at this point. I feel pressured by them, but they are just following what they (conventional medicine) know, but I know there are alternatives they do not accept. I have also migrated to a near Vegan diet based on several well studied pioneers in nutrition and heart disease reversal. Really scary so I am trying to cover all the bases. Also, trying stress control and some meditation.

Still working on enrolling in the forum, but I truly appreciate your writing and offering any immediate suggestions. My goal would be to stay with this Vit C+ protocol for 6 mos to a year, along with any further suggestions from you, and then request another non-invasive treadmill stress test to see if the EKG shows normal.

Thanks again, Owen. I appreciate so much what you have done and are doing for so many people.


Will digest and respond.


Hopefully johnwen will have some idea what is going on but since you do have blockages, you would appear to be going down the right track (following Linus Pauling's advice of high dose vitamin C and lysine.)

These are not the only nutrients Pauling (and others) recommend. Reminder to reread Chapter 7 of PMWL -

I doubt your Lp(a) is really 300 - but perhaps the units are nmol/l (70 normal) rather than mg/dl - because the FDA allows testing labs to guess, I mean calculate Lp(a). If it is elevated, then vitamin C and lysine (and before the bypass) proline are appropriate according to Pauling as "Lp(a) Binding Inhibitors". Keeps the plaque in check, and according to Pauling, can reverse it.

Glad you are on vitamin k - I made an assumption that it was a high calcium score. I wasn't recommending that procedure. You are a first here, with this kind of presentation - bad EKG before a heart attack.

The E for heart disease (Unique-E from A C Grace) is alpha and gamma tocopherols by the way.

High dose statins is probably the worst advice, and aspirin is a close second. Try to delay the angiogram to give the therapy enough time to work - it is a good test and should show the therapy is working.

if you haven't reached vitamin C tolerance at the level, you may be taking only half the vitamin C you need. You might consider adding liposomal on top, as it seems to be at least as effective as intravenous, and if your C intake is too low for you as an individual, this is easy to take and will help.

After the plumbing is fixed, you can probably resume normal activities, but until them, I think it is prudent not to test those blockages. Dr. Thomas Levy MD, JDs book STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER is aimed at fellow cardiologists, but it does clearly explain why advanced blockages aren't easy to erase and why they are dangerous (fragile capillaries develop inside these unstable plaques, which can break leading to a clotting event leading to a heart attack.) If for some reason this protocol does not reverse your blockages, a bypass operation has extended the lives of a lot of people.

But given your previously low vitamin C intake, I think things will turn around. Don't stop, keep at it and let us know what happens. Your retinas (eye pictures) can also be used as a diagnostic. I have not communicated with Dr. Bush for awhile, but he charges a consulting fee to examine your eye photos for CVD. The pictures can be obtained at Sams Club for $7 as an addition to their normal eye exam and put on a flash drive.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by exitium » Thu Jan 16, 2014 4:34 pm

Thanks for sharing. Dont mean to hijack the thread but I feel had my doctor actually done more testing on me this could be my story.

I failed the EKG part of a routine treadmill stress test. No past history of symptoms, and no physical signs/symptoms during or after the stress test. Scored over 13 METS, indicating excellent heart functional capacity. The provider stopped the test due to the abnormal EKG reading, bit I felt fine. I reached 104% of my calculated age heart rate, with no adverse physical symptoms.

Age 59 and exercised routinely for many years, good diet. No previous knowledge of heart problems or potential blockage. Cardiologist recommended a heart CT scan with contrast dye vice an angiogram. I was not familiar with the calcium score test at the time, so I did not ask. I go to Walter Reed as I am active duty. The cardiologist did not mention that test. The CT was not invasive and he was somewhat optimistic there would be no significant findings. There are cases where athletic, apparently healthy individuals with strong hearts show depressed S-T segments on the EKG during testing (suggestive of coronary artery blockage) ...for some reason. CT scan or angiogram follow ups then show negative for blockages. That was not my case and we were surprised.

Heart CT (with injected dye) revealed at least 3 blockages in at least 3 arteries, possibly 4. Blockages ranged between 30% and 70%, but I do not yet have a copy of the report (November). Cardiologist stated blockages were too elongated for stents, so by-pass surgery (and high dose statin, aspirin and BP Medes) was 'best' option, and soon. I am still wrestling with this news as I feel well, and now told I should NOT exercise. Only walk as part of my daily duties in the office. I am still not taking any Meds. Overall lipid profile is generally excellent.

As I have commented before I eat well, have exercise history for most of the last 25 years. My endurance doesnt seem to be what it should be but aside from that no real complaints. Then out of no where I developed arrhythima, wore holter, ECG and was told I have an athletic heart and it all looks good and put on low dose beta blocker and aspirin and told to come back in 6 months. I started on the meds but then wasnt willing to accept the arrythmia started for no reason and found my way here and to pauling therapy. Stopped taking the meds and have yet to go back to the doctor.

He didnt seem interested in really performing any additional tests and was just going to have me wear a holter monitor again but I think that had he done a CT we likely would have seen I have some blockage as well. Ive been on Pauling therapy for a good 90 days now and I hope in another few months I may see some endurance increases in the gym indicating a reduction in blockages that I assume I have.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by jimmylesante » Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:21 am

Interesting- from an exercise point of view it may be a good idea to ingest anti-oxidants, Vit C even more than sedentary people. Especially if the mechanism of blockages is caused by the mechanical impact of blood against the artery wall? Hence fitness gurus should bulk up on Vit C?

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jan 17, 2014 7:45 am

Just sent in my forum registration.

This evening I am at 18,000mg, of which about 3,000 are your Liposomal C. Still no indication of desired intestinal effect. Will start over and increase further tomorrow. I did see a forum entry tonight regarding constipation with, I assume Cardio-C (Worlds Finest...). I seem to be having that problem since starting the Vit C. I have a history of paradoxical effects of things, such as some medications (in the Meds presently).

I plan to order a VAP test through LEF in the near future for an accurate Lp(a).

OK to continue with increased dosing? Was taking C about every hour or so today. How high a dosage can I go? My urine is already acidic throughout the day, even when adding some baking soda to the Cardio - C. Otherwise, I feel fine.


Interesting - you have a high metabolic requirement for Vitamin C, so yes, you should increase your intake to tolerance for optimal health (in my opinion). If the urine is acidic, use more baking soda, or add vitamin C as sodium ascorbate until the early morning urine is neutral or alkaline. Another idea is to increase your supplementation of magnesium, which is an important substance for heart patients.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:21 am

jimmylesante wrote:Interesting- from an exercise point of view it may be a good idea to ingest anti-oxidants, Vit C even more than sedentary people. Especially if the mechanism of blockages is caused by the mechanical impact of blood against the artery wall? Hence fitness gurus should bulk up on Vit C?
Hi Jimmy,

In Cathcart's "famous" "Titrate" article ... itrate.htm we note he lists exercise along will all the other physical maladies that typically raise a person's Bowel Tolerance [for ascorbic acid]. So whether the stress is endogenous, e.g. dietary, metabolic, pathogenic/toxic, etc., or exogenous, e.g. exercise, trauma/injury, etc., it always increases endogenous oxidation. Of course, "for my money," I do not think we can ingest enough "free"/extra/alkalinizing/toxin neutralizing/antioxidizing electrons to handle, i.e. completely neutralize and repair the damage from, all of the daily/hourly [etc.] onslaughts!

Just coraborating,

JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by Johnwen » Fri Jan 17, 2014 12:00 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by bhope » Fri Jan 17, 2014 8:47 pm

Thanks so much for the recommendations. I will look into these additional supplements.

I will keep you posted as I continue to increase daily Vit. c dosage beyond current level of 18,000mg, still without any bowel or stomach symptoms at this point. Just wanted to validate there is no harm in continuing to increase the daily dosage. I certainly hope I can achieve BT soon without needing to go much higher. Cardio-C, Lipo C, and regular Vit c are my Vit C forms.

HDL was 48 in Oct. it was 59 last year, which was the highest ever.

Exercise - such as walking? "Orders" from cardiologist - no exercising, only walking required as part of my daily office activity. Does not make sense as I feel better when I exercise. His concern was BP increase during exercise, thus strain on the heart/coronary arteries. That was my understanding. To clarify...resting\routine EKGs were normal. ST depression occurred rather late during the stress test, and my HR was already very high - no adverse physical symptoms at any point. So...I feel I am loosing all the strength and stamina I had achieved through routine daily high level exercising. So walking for exercise, a replacement for former high intensity exercise, should not be a problem? Stress test was 20 Nov 2013.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:59 pm

bhope wrote:...I continue to increase daily Vit. c dosage beyond current level of 18,000mg, still without any bowel or stomach symptoms at this point. Just wanted to validate there is no harm in continuing to increase the daily dosage. I certainly hope I can achieve BT soon without needing to go much higher. Cardio-C, Lipo C, and regular Vit c are my Vit C forms.
Hi B,

Just too confirm: There is no harm at all in increasing your ascorbate, i.e. so-called vitamin C, intake [right up to Bowel Tolerance]. I have averaged well in access of 50 grams of ascorbic acid every day for the past 20 years, with very good health to show for it. As Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, put it:
After over 15 years of researching and personal observation, I can categorically say that high-dose vitamin C is a clinical miracle when compared to all of our modern drugs. Furthermore, volumes of studies exist that say it works. It's one of the safest substances known to man -- we have yet to discover a toxic dose for vitamin C, a bit of a miracle in itself. Even when hundreds of grams have been administered within a few days, the only side effect is good health. Its cost is microscopic compared to the cost of most prescription drugs and therapies. Many of the diseases and conditions that vitamin C has been shown to cure remain "incurable" with conventional medications....The evidence unequivocally shows that mega-gram doses of vitamin C can prevent and cure a vast list of conditions that plague mankind. It is both inexpensive and completely safe. My conclusion: vitamin C is the "Primal Panacea."
If you have not read [at least the first ten paragraphs of] Dr. Robert Cathcart, MD's "famous" "titrating" article, I certainly encourage you to do so. It can be found here: ... itrate.htm.

As an aside B, I hope you are aware of the differences [in terms of dosage reaction(s)] between the various types of ascorbates. Here are a few points you may like to consider:
1) It is my understanding that "Liop C" gives no Bowel Tolerance reaction whatsoever.
2) The mineral ascorbates [orally] are only one-half as potent [gram-for-gram] as hydrogen ascorbate (ascorbic acid).
3) Dr. Cathcart reported [after "prescribing" ascorbic acid to many thousands of his patients], that he was unable to achieve the same therapeutic effects/benefits with the mineral ascrobates, e.g. sodium, calcium, magnesium, etc. orally [as with ascorbic acid].
4) Cost aside, it may not be advisable to reach Bowel Tolerance, day-in and day-out, with the Cardio-C product [vs. pure ascorbate].

I wish you the best of success, B, in solving your current health issue, and regaining your health!

Just my viewpoint and "two cents worth,"


P.S. Welcome to the forum! You have come to the right place [on the web] for orthomolecular information [particularly dealing with ascorbate].
JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by bhope » Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:48 pm

Thank you very much for the information!

In Dr. Cathart's article, he states, "Patients who take ascorbate in large amounts over a long period of time should probably suppliment with vitamin A and a multiple mineral preparation. The "Fortified Formulation for Nutritional Insurance" of Roger Williams (29) is recommended as a base."

What is the recommended form of Vit A? Preformed vitamin A - from animal products, or pro-vitamin A (beta carotene) from plant-based foods. Any suggestions for the "multiple mineral preparation?" I am already supplementing with magnesium citrate.

Thanks again!

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:08 pm

Hi B,

You are most welcome!

Wow; it is not too often that I am surprised by something dealing with ascorbic acid, particularly if it was written by Cathcart! You have pointed out something I did not remember [even though I had it boldly underlined in his artcle]. Thank you!

If Cathcart were alive, I would definitely try and contact him to find out why he wrote that. Perhaps some others here might know? The "multiple mineral preparation" may have to do with a "loose stool" eliminating too many minerals. I wouldn't know about that [one way or the other]. And I can think of no reason why ingesting large amounts of ascorbic acid would require extra vitamin A.

I can report that, along with my [roughly] 75 to 100 grams of ascorbic acid a day, I take one [low dose/"Mature"] multiple vitamin-mineral supplement [with the evening meal] containing [amongst everything else] 2500 I.U.'s of Vitamin A (40% as Beta Carotene). I do this, not because of Cathcart's suggestion [which I had completely forgotten about], but because I feel I/we no longer eat ideally, e.g. from Nature to our mouth [raw and without delay].

"As grist for your mill:" My health/condition is most certainly not perfect [at 64 years old]: My eyesight is no longer "20/20" [although I do not (yet) need glasses to either drive or read (although dim light and/or very small print can cause a problem)]; my hearing is definitely no longer as acute; I have a very mild case of roseacea on my cheeks, a very occasional slight shaking in my right hand, and nail fungus that began as a teenager; I am graying, wrinkling, and most certainly loosing strength [and flexibility]. That being said, I do not remember the last time I was [what most people would call] "sick" including even a headache. I have never had a need for a doctor [dentists excepted], and ingest no drugs whatsoever, be they over-the-counter or prescription [the occasional "novocaine" injection excepted].

Although I get my "multi" from Costco [along with the ascorbic acid tablets], I do not have any recommendation as to what to use [in that regard]. If I was going to supplement with additional vitamin A, I would use the beta carotene form [unless I found out differently]. I suspect citrate is a good idea, although after I figured out that ascorbic acid [counter-intuitively] had an overall alkalinizing effect in the body, I gave up all alkali supplementation [the very occasional dose of sodium bicarbonate excepted].

Good health to us all, B,

JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by exitium » Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:22 am

davids1 wrote:If Cathcart were alive, I would definitely try and contact him to find out why he wrote that. Perhaps some others here might know? The "multiple mineral preparation" may have to do with a "loose stool" eliminating too many minerals. I wouldn't know about that [one way or the other]. And I can think of no reason why ingesting large amounts of ascorbic acid would require extra vitamin A.

David, if I had to guess his recommendation for a "multiple mineral preparation" is because just like we dont get enough vit C we dont get enough minerals either. Iodine, selenium, potassium, magnesium are all minerals people greatly need and dont get enough of. Dr. Levy, even though clearly a big proponent of vit C has a laundry list of other nutrients to take as well (although surprisingly doesnt mention iodine, selenium or potassium). Iodine proponents like Abraham, browstein, tenpenny also have their list of co-supplements to take with their element of choice iodine.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:52 am

Hi Exit,

Perhaps all good ideas, but I think you missed the point of his recommendation. Cathcart wrote:
Patients who take ascorbate in large amounts over a long period of time should probably supplement with vitamin A and a multiple mineral preparation.
My question is: Why would ingesting "ascorbate in large amounts" necessitate an increase in mineral and [particularly] vitamin A supplementation?


JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:39 pm

Vitamin A - my personal hot button!

I too recently noticed that comment by Cathcart while republishing the TITRATING paper as a pdf (still hoping for comments before a post a new edition :D )

Before reviewing why vitamin A is so vital - and so often maligned - remember that Linus Pauling himself recommended 25,000 iu vitamin A daily. (HTLLAFB )

Are you taking enough vitamin A? (And remember that a lot of people, especially those with low thyroid function, are unable to convert Beta carotene to Vitamin A.)

I am going on a search of Dr. Cathcart's other papers to see if he explains that comment some where else. Logically, he must have believed that for some reason, high vitamin C had a tendency to "drain" the body of vitamin A, block its digestion, or use it up.

I was going to start another topic on why everyone these days appears to be so wrong about vitamin A, with the exception of the Weston-Price Foundation. I think that is where I will continue the vitamin A, leaving this thread if something comes up about an interaction between vitamin A and Vitamin C
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by davids1 » Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:12 pm

ofonorow wrote:I too recently noticed that comment by Cathcart while republishing the TITRATING paper as a pdf (still hoping for comments before a post a new edition :D )
Hi Owen,

I glanced at the ".pdf" you created of Cathcart's article [and it looked great to me]. What sort of "comments" were you "still hoping for?"



P.S. As an aside, since all I have is an Acrobat reader, I always convert everything I am able, to an "rtf" format, so I can highlight and annotate it.
JFYI, I have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid [via one gram tablets], in HEALTH, not illness [of which I have had virtually none], basically every day since 1994, amounting to [currently], on average, 75+ grams [daily], in 10 to 15 divided doses.

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Re: Bad EKG - High Lp(a), found blockages before MI. johnwe

Post by bhope » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:55 am

Hi Owen and johnwen,
I have added the additional supplement recommendations by johnwen and am currently close to 30 grams of Vit C per day (Cardio C - 3 doses/day, plus additional ascorbic acid powder and capsules, along with Lipo C from Vic C Foundation/online store). No hint of any signs of bowel though I am not even taking mega doeses of Vit-C!

I do have around 7 amalgam restorations (no root canals), most are very old except for 2 large fillings that are only about 3 a 4 years. I feel I have no physical signs or symptoms of mercury toxicity as many folks report, but I am wondering if these fillings along with my long history of numerous vaccinations/flu shots are playing a toxic role and negatively impacting my ability to reach bowel tolerance?

Is it time to investigate causes for not reaching BT? In the meantime, continue the supplements I am taking along with increasing Vit C levels each day? Frustrated.

Thank you,

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