Does vitamin C and lysine interfere with fluvastatin

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Does vitamin C and lysine interfere with fluvastatin

Post by ofonorow » Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:20 am

Dear Sirs
Can I take Cardio-C at the same time I take Fluvastatin ? ( Leschol ) I take
40 mg each nigh , or is better stop statin and take only Cardio-C ?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Does vitamin C and lysine interfere with fluvastatin

Post by Johnwen » Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:50 pm

If your Doc insists on you taking it and your Cholesterol levels are high (over 275 total).
you could listen to him. The positive side of this drug is it's gone in 6 hrs Half life is only 3hrs.
So if you take it at bed it's going to block any food you ate prior from going to the liver for production of Cholesterol.
Which could send you to the bathroom in the morning!

If you take your C and Lysine after you eat you should have no interference between the two!

Really if your cholesterol is high you should watch your glucose levels because if their either high or low your going to have high cholesterol.
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Re: Does vitamin C and lysine interfere with fluvastatin

Post by skyorbit » Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:48 am

I probably would supplement CoQ10 also, if you're on any kind of statin drug. Statin's deplete you're body's reserves of CoQ10.

The Vitamin C should help you repair your artery walls, so you're body won't "need" to make as much Cholesteral, so I would think you'd want to take as much Vitamin C as you can, along with a few grams of Lysine a day.


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Re: Does vitamin C and lysine interfere with fluvastatin

Post by ofonorow » Sat Apr 19, 2014 9:56 am

Hi Owen ,
Thanks , Dr Johnwen answered , but he say if my Cholesterol levels are high (over 275 total) , I need to take statin , but my cholesterol was 251 and after take statin for 20 days down to 179 , I stopped use statin and 3 weeks after was 239 , so I return to statin and take 3 weeks and stop for 2 weeks and return to statin to mantain , some times I take statin only 10 days and go to 170 , but my doctor sayed that I need to take every days even the value became very lower , like 130 or less .
But like dr John say I can take booth , so I go to give Cardio-C a try


I think what johnwen said was listen to the doctor if it makes you feel better, if your cholesterol is very high. There are caveats as these drugs are not without side effects and they artificially deplete and important substance required for good health - cholesterol.

Vitamin C also seems to lower cholesterol, but it does so by "putting out the fire" that the body was mobilizing cholesterol to fight. By reducing the number of "fire fighters" without first putting out the fire, it is a wonder that any statin drug study showed any benefits! (Of course, these drugs do lower cholesterol, reduce the number of fire fighters, no doubt, they just don't help people with heart disease much. More than 400 clinically studies on statins have been run, almost all without showing much benefit against heart disease.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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