Significant Other not doing well on drugs

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Significant Other not doing well on drugs

Post by kohlrabicroce » Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:36 am

Hi all,

My s/o had a stroke 2 years ago, after which I put together a supplement regimen for him -
to specifically focus on his cardiovascular health. He won't take more than 3 grams of Vit. C a day.
Instead, he's taking lots of lecithin, pantethine, artichoke extract, vitamin e and tocotrienols
taken separately. Once he got off the warfarin I started him on Vitamin K2 - mk7. It's been
several months now for that - maybe 6 months.

The ACE inhibitors gave him a bad cough and made his voice too weak, so he stopped that.
The calcium channel blockers now give him horrid stomach pains, so he stopped that.
He's now on an ARB, (avapro), which seems to be the one giving him kidney problems.
He's now got mild stage 3 kidney failure. Great!

The doctor just started him on a beta blocker (10 mg bystolic), to replace the calcium channel
blocker, and the problem with that one is that it is causing him to have increased mental dullness,
and he doesn't see it, and doesn't believe me that he is having this issue. Great! Every day he
makes some mistake that he didn't before, like saying a black building is red, or saying that he
needs to see the printer software, when he really needed to see the printer box.

There was a period of about a month last summer, when the doctor took him off all calcium channel blockers,
and he was only taking the avapro (150 mg twice a day), plus the drugs for his benign prostrate hyperplasia.
Soon after that he was so much better - it was the first time I'd seem him be really mentally perky since the
stroke. And then his blood pressure went up - systolic was 160. And then the doc put him back
on the calcium blockers but even at a lower dose the mental dullness still came back. And now
it's even worse on the beta blocker.

So what else is there? The diuretics would be bad for his kidneys, plus some of them cause diabetes,
so what else is there?

If I can get him off the avapro, I'm hoping kidneys might normalize - at least I've read that might happen.
but in the meantime there's testing to be done and a specialist to be seen.

I guess I don't understand why his blood pressure is still so out of whack. There isn't much calcification left.
The last time he had an ultrasound, there was still some, but it was good enough that he was taken off of warfarin.

Does having a stroke permanently damage the body's ability to regulate blood pressure?
Could it be his BPH drugs for his prostrate?

He's taking 5 mg of Proscar and 0.4 mg of Tamulosin daily for that.

He's taking lots of other supplements, but those are the main ones he's taking for
cardiovascular health.

You know, I used to have high blood pressure at around 140 / 90 for along time,
and my high-dose vitamin C regimen seems to have put it under control, and I'm overweight.
Now it's normal, sometimes even slightly better. I take a lot of supplements too,
but it seems to me it's the vitamin C.

Frustrating, very frustrating this is.

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Re: Significant Other not doing well on drugs

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:00 pm

I have to leave the discussion of drugs to johnwen or others here.

The way my mother got me to take so much vitamin C (I used to be where your significant other is) was a bet. In our case, a nasty virus had hit the family, and I thought my Mom was nuts for downing these huge gram pills of vitamin C. She bet me that she wouldn't get the virus that everyone else in the family had - or got. When she didn't get it, the bet was that I read Linus Pauling's (then) Vitamin C, The Common Cold and the Flu. I think in your case, the bet should be to read the Cathcart Titrating to Bowel Tolerance paper.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Significant Other not doing well on drugs

Post by kohlrabicroce » Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:59 pm

Thanks, owen. I will try that.

I got this book called "The Blood pressure Solution," which seems to have the idea that if you keep your
potassium / sodium balance right, your blood pressure will normalize. Well, we already eat a low sodium, high
potassium diet, with very little that would not be recognized as food by the great-grandparents. With the
stage 3a kidney failure, now we can't mess around with magnesium and potassium. So I guess it's going
to have to be vitamin C.

I read the chapter about blood pressure and vitamin C in "Stop America's #1 Killer," and I don't feel it really
explains the mechanism by which it works. Do you know of any other writers who discuss it in more

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Re: Significant Other not doing well on drugs

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:35 pm

When I was auditing a college level "therapeutic nutrition" couse, the text book mentioned that the reason for taking blood pressure, is that a small narrowing of the arterial diameter has an exponential effect on raising blood pressure.

So it provides doctors with a guess that arteries are narrowing.

If the artery is elastic and can dilate, blood pressure can be lowered (and raised by constriction) almost at will. I am guessing this may be one reason why magnesium lowers blood pressure, it relaxes the "muscles" that surround the artery that Levy describes.

But back to the idea that blood pressure exposes blockage/narrowing - if vitamin C works to resolve atherosclerosis, per Pauling's theory, then an increased diameter could explain the reports of lower blood pressure we get.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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