Tremendous Success Resolving my CVD

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Tremendous Success Resolving my CVD

Post by ofonorow » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:30 am


I have been wanting to ask your advice. I have had tremendous success at resolving my CVD. I have gone from "an old man barely able to clear my driveway of snow" to looking for more snow to toss around. This has been done in a matter of three months. It started with Levy's book, Primal Panacea. Then I found The VCF. What an excellent site and what a wonderful group of helpful caring individuals. Anyway, I want to know if you would suggest that I chronical my success in order to possibly encourage others such as myself. I have four stents and was on major meds but now I know that there are alternatives. I wanted to post my story on your page but I am not sure that would be appropriate.
Along those lines; have you ever considered adding a section like "testimonials"? I suspect that legally you can't diagnose or prescribe however, testimonials are an entirely different thing.
Thanks in advance for your response and best regards,

Reports like yours are what keeps us going (and feeling good about what we do).

I am not sure why adding your testimonial wouldn't be appropriate? (I suspect it is the fear of big brother. I have this fantasy of being alive long after most of these idiots in government have perished, but I digress.)

Have you found our testimonial's page? I'd love to add your story to it.

As mush as you are willing to write and document - we are willing to post and share.

We have a new idea. We are developing an online reporting system that will allow people to file good (and bad) reports about our products (and others) online.

Something like the FDA events reporting system. Hopefully, we'll be able to collect a lot of data that we can at some point publish. We'll announce it when the system is ready.

Back to your report, all the help you can give us is appreciated. Know that without people like you telling their story, others in your former condition are not going to find out about this.

Thank you
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

Posts: 21
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Re: Tremendous Success Resolving my CVD

Post by Akimbot » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:48 pm

Thanks Owen. This is a good idea in that it will provide a place for people like me to post their successes.

My story is way too common. Chest pain (angina) in my late 50's. Stents to allow my heart oxygenation, satins, meds, no real answers, and more meds. I had resolved to get more exercise and eat better (whatever that meant) but I just continued to degrade. I was having increasingly more frequent heart arrhythmia which would sometimes put me into supra-ventricular tachycardia (SVT) for anywhere from a couple of minutes to upwards to 3/4 of an hour or more. This told me that I simply was not healthy even though my cardiologist said "don't worry about it". I could not "not worry" about it. I tried to be positive "lucky to be alive" but my heart just wasn't into it (yuck - yuck).

My life literally changed after someone recommended some alternatives which somehow brought me to Dr. Thomas Levy's book Primal Panacea. What a read! This book explained everything. I was full in. I researched patents for making liposomal vitamin C and began making the stuff. 8 - 10 grams a day along with l-Lysine and l-Praline. I took garlic, started oil pulling and even followed eDoc's recommendation for topical application of DMSO, that I received on this website. Anyway, there have been a few minor ups and down however, presently I am off all meds, with the exception of BP, and feeling very good. Lots of energy and no - that's no arrhythmia. Presently I am fine tuning my BP medication to convert over to a calcium channel blocker per Dr. Levy's book Death by Calcium and all in less than three months.

The message that I wish to convey is that there are real cures out there. I directed a friend with similar problems to this site and he is also "full in". In addition, he has the added complication of diabetes. He found an article on this site that lead him to a potential cure. Cure is a word that our pharmaceutical driven medical industry just doesn't seem to have in their vocabulary. Cure CVD? Cure diabetes? That's just crazy talk! Well no it isn't. My friend has stopped his twice a day insulin, modified his diet as he said "slightly" and his sugar has dropped over 100 points in a couple of weeks.

I encourage others to post their successes as Own suggested above. I for one have truly found a panacea in vitamin C. The research papers are out there my the hundreds. The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming. The medical establishment has had their suppressive ways since Linus Pauling was alive. Lets "pay it forward" by encouraging others and posting our successes.
Necessity is the mother of taking chances.
Mark Twain

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Tremendous Success Resolving my CVD

Post by ofonorow » Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:37 am

Thank you for expounding Akimbot. The cure for diabetes, was that the web site?
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)

Posts: 21
Joined: Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:57 pm

Re: Tremendous Success Resolving my CVD

Post by Akimbot » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:45 pm

Akimbot wrote:Yes it was and to be a bit more specific, it was the article within that page called Our Deadly Diabetes Deception. It can be read here:
Necessity is the mother of taking chances.
Mark Twain

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