random questions about AA supplementation

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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random questions about AA supplementation

Post by blade » Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:45 am

I think am understand CAD and the body better
the body needs AA to rebuild, so when I see people on TV go in for surgery(600lbs life/Botched) I think they need a few grams of AA just to help their body rebuild collagen


Blood vitamin C concentration falls after uncomplicated surgery and further decreases in surgical intensive care unit patients. The decline may be owing to increased demand caused by increased oxidative stress. -so things that increase production of free radicals, (stress. smoking eating HCA(burned part of well done meat) even drinking booze, all increase free radicals, when free radicals increase, the available vit C to be used by the body falls, so you need more vit C when you are stressed/do free radical producing things.

To normalize plasma vitamin C concentration, much higher doses than the recommended daily allowance or doses recommended in parenteral nutrition guidelines are needed in these patients. In uncomplicated surgical patients, more than 500 mg/day of vitamin C may be required, with much higher doses in surgical intensive care unit patients. In uncomplicated gastrointestinal surgery, continuous parenteral administration of 500 mg/day of vitamin C reduced postoperative oxidative stress as manifested by reduced urinary excretion of isoprostane. In some studies, postoperative atrial fibrillation was prevented after cardiac surgery by perioperative vitamin C supplementation. In critically ill patients, some prospective randomized controlled trials support parenteral supplementation of high doses of vitamin C, E and trace elements.

I wish I had known about how important VIt C/AA is in the body. I understand why eating fruits/plants/veggies are so useful, unlike GOOD food(that has a man made bliss point) healthy foood has loads of actual things out bodies need, like vitamins, minerals/nitrates
why eat nitrates(found in greens/rhubarb)

so does AA help heal my body after years of high blood pressure??
I assume so?

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Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:21 pm

Re: random questions about AA supplementation

Post by RoFo » Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:01 pm

As nobody else answered that query at the end of your post:

"so does AA help heal my body after years of high blood pressure?"

I will say, yes, I believe so, and more importantly, AA heals a whole host of issues ... that includes some of the causes of HBP (except stress, of course, but AA combats the bad effects of stress, too, so it couldn't hurt!).


Re: random questions about AA supplementation

Post by blade » Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:21 pm

I am amazed at how my BT goes up and down and I see the changes corrleated to stress in my life
I have a low BT when I don't deal with other people
solution is to get rid of the other people!

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