time to report in

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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time to report in

Post by nineboy » Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:07 pm

Hi All, Just thought I'd report in. Just about 2 months since pacemaker installed and I am doing fairly well.
Still doing my walks and am back at Rehab gym and two nights a week dancing. So no complaints and stable and unstable angina during sleep and activities are gone. Feels great, no pain.
As usual I still continue on with my 10 or 12 grams Vitamin C plus 6 grams lysine and 1 or 2 grams proline as before and wouldn't be without them. Vit.C powder mixed with Lo-cal CranGrape juice with some boiling hot water 4 or 5 grams in morning 4 in afternoon and 3 or 4 later on depending if I'm out and about at night. Plus all other vitamins I take D3, E, Coenzyme Q10 etc. etc. during the day. Still also on my Metoprolol 25 mg three times a day plus Avapro 150mg once a day. Yes still on small aspirin but now off my Pravastatin. Generally I feel pretty good and probably the best I've been this year.
I can't say I feel anything from my pacemaker but I do feel a benefit and Pauling's therapy and my medications all seem to be working. I eat and sleep well, sometimes too well. My left shoulder aches occasionally but I may have hit it on a cabinet at home when I passed out. I'm glad I discovered this site and am always trying to learn all I can do to keep going and enjoy life. So thanks. Nineboy. :D :D :D

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Re: time to report in

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:45 am

Thank you for this report. Remind us of your age.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: time to report in

Post by nineboy » Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:37 pm

Hi Owen, My age, 71 as of right now and hoping to last as my mother did to 95. She was a pretty good walker as well and I believe in dancing for myself that's what keeps me young at heart. I would recommend any kind of exercise and keep moving how ever you do it. Plus Paulings therapy is what I feel has helped me. I know I come from a bad genes for heart family and you have to work your way through it. I am lucky to have some of my Mum's family genes on my side.Anyway got to go this is a dance night so I'm out of here. Take care. nineboy. :D

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Re: time to report in

Post by nineboy » Tue May 05, 2015 2:06 pm

Well me again and I am very much the same. I don't need quite as much Vitamin C and feel pretty good at around 6 to 10 grams during the day. Still take all my other vitamins and medications. Feeling so much better this year and pacemaker is working at only 15% and I'm doing the other 85%. I am dancing more than ever and out walking and still at the gym some days as well. Coming up for 72 and glad I am a Pauling enthusiast. Vitamin C keeps me going and I'll never know why they don't do a study to finally prove it. With this site I do think word is slowly filtering out so there is hope yet. So take your Vit.C its easy to take and a regime that is not hard to keep to. Also you feel so D--n good for being on it. People keep asking me What are you on and I reply have you heard of Linus Pauling. All I can say if your thinking about it, try it, It Works. Nineboy. :D :D :D

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Re: time to report in

Post by ofonorow » Wed May 06, 2015 7:18 am

Again thanks for reporting and we are happy you are doing well.

I'll never know why they don't do a study to finally prove it

I never thought such a thing could be possible in the United States of America - either. But closing every major hospital in the country is the immovable object. (Lets hope the internet message about the Pauling therapy is the irresistible force).
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: time to report in

Post by nineboy » Tue May 26, 2015 7:37 pm

Hi all, I am so excited and I serviced our Gas lawnmower myself a few hours ago. Then managed to cut my back lawn myself. First time in years I've been able to do anything like that. My friendly gardener comes tomorrow and hopefully if I take it easy I might not need him this year. Come to think about it I guess I've been servicing my own body with Vitamin C plus Lysine and proline plus all my other Vitamins. Yes medication and pacemaker are helping as well but I know Paulings therapy leads the way. I don't seem to need quite as much Vit C right now and Bowel tolerance comes quite quickly and just about caught me at a function last week. What a difference from the last few years but I guess I should take it slow to start with. No angina during exercise or in the middle of the night at all. If anyone is in doubt then try it, it works. Hallelujah nineboy.

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Re: time to report in

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:06 pm

Thanks again, and if you remember - you were not in very good shape in the beginning... I believe your wife was skeptical and concerned.. I hope we have all your posts - or that you have copies.

We have an idea to compile ALL the testimonials into a book.

Yours is one of the better ones because when you first contacted us - no one had any idea what would happen (of course I had a strong guess :-)
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: time to report in

Post by nineboy » Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:53 pm

:D Yes even last year I certainly didn't feel well at all. Heart rate all over the place. So far this year I feel better than in quite a few years. I was going to mention under Bowel Tolerance that like johnwen, I seen to need less Vitamin C. I did mention I nearly got caught out with only taking 3 grams one morning. Taking 4 grams early morning Is okay if I'm around home. My body too seems to let me know when it requires more, I get a feeling of something in one of my eyes which goes after I take my Vitamin C. I do spread it out throughout the day and I don't have any trouble following Paulings regime. I like it as he said to eat most things in moderation and keep away from sugar. I'm afraid I do have a sweet tooth and do like a dessert but I've been able to keep active. Recently someone asked if I had the secret of enternal life and I answered just maybe I have. I was always a great Fiber,oat bran believer but not so much now. Vitamin C and lysine and proline which I couldn't get right away but have these last few years. So I would say I'm a believer and wish I could see what condition my stents are in. After the last two I said enough is enough no more. Now I'm 72 and feel pretty good and can dance up a storm but not quite as much puff as I used to have. Your right Owen I had no idea where I was heading but slow and sure and it was worth trying. So I'll keep reporting in. Regards nineboy. :D

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Re: time to report in

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:30 am

About that sweet tooth :idea:

We are now offering sugar-free vitamin C chewables, aimed at cancer patients, but with children in mind too, because we hope that they will help suppress the sugar craving. If you decide to try them, lets say one after each meal, I'd be interested if it can reduce your sweet tooth/sugar cravings? (If so we could also market them as a weight-loss aid :D

Do you live in USA? I know you are willing to report back, so if you do live in this country, call our 800 number and tell Robert I okayed a free sample to you nineboy.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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