BT has droppped? why

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: BT has droppped? why

Post by skwoodwiva » Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:12 pm

zarfas wrote:so I usually take 10+grams AA with no issues

the last week, I am going to the bathroom a lot and it finally hits me, IM AT BOWEL TOLERANCE!

but I'm only taking 5-10grams not over 10.,...does this mean my lp(a) score has likely gone down?

nothing else has changed
--I wasnt sick and now I'm better
I wasnt fulll of root canals and now I'm not
-I didnt smoke and now stopped

I just just use to need over 10grams to reach BT and now I am reaching BT under 10grams....

Mine too. Seems it should be expected, no? As you also speculate. As we get better we are not as desperate for it.

While this week I was w/o lysine for 2 days prior to my latest BT(M) episode, today. The lysine may increase BT, seems likely.

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Re: BT has droppped? why

Post by skwoodwiva » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:07 am

Shorthand, BT equals an emergency BM, lol.

After replenishing my lysine stock yesterday, I could go back to my 2.3g x 9 dosage. I was trying to eat more lysine foods but I think it did not work.
So I am saying a shortage of L lead to what seemed to be BT.

Also I take the L & P with the VC 9 times a day also. About 12 g of HCL L & 3 g of P, total a day.

BTW, the PureBulk L is HCL and their dribose is as good as Dr's Best.

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