Facing Heart Transplant

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Facing Heart Transplant

Post by ofonorow » Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:00 am


Sorry to hear about your heart condition.
Recently another individual waiting for a heart transplant contacted us and our same advice may benefit you.


If your heart is failing such that you require a transplant, then while Linus Pauling's therapy for your cardiovascular system may improve the health of your blood vessels, we have no experience that Pauling's therapy (alone) would overcome what you are facing.

From my knowledge there may be nutritional means to restore the muscle and health of your failing heart, but it is expensive.

First and foremost are vitamins E and CO-Q10.

UNIQUE-E (from A C GRACE) and available from LEF.ORG has restored bad EKGs to normal. To my mind, this means that "dead" heart tissue has been replaced with live tissue. The dosage to start is probably 2000 iu (or 5 400 iu UNIQUE-E capsules in the morning). After your heart recovers, you might lower to 400-800 iu. This brand though is required, as others may go rancid causing rapid heart beats.

CO-Q10 is required by all muscles (actually all cells) for energy, and many heart medications interfere with the body's own production of this substance. (There are something like 16 steps and 5 vitamins required for your own body to make Co Q10, and as you get older, you make less.) Heart patients are routinely put on statin cholesterol-lowering drugs, and these very drugs block your own production of Co-Q10. (Heart failure has tripled since these drugs have been "mass prescribed.") In Europe, heart failure is considered a CoQ10 deficiency disease.

The CoQ10 dosage starts at 200 mg/day, to overcome the statin problem, but if I was facing a heart transplant, I would take 600 to 1200 mg of CoQ10 daily. (CoQ10 must be taken/eaten with fats, as bile is required for it to be absorbed into the blood stream.)

These two nutrients may work a miracle. Others to then consider are Magnesium and Carnitine.

I would start or increase magnesium supplementation, at least 300 mg. There is probably no more important mineral than magnesium for heart function. Some people get diarrhea, but I have been reading lately about a SLO-MAG (or a competitor) timed release product that avoids this issue.

L-Carnitine is another factor required for heart health and strength. Eating meats provides it naturally, but you can also supplement.

It might be a good idea to buy a strong Omega-3, and take a capsule with your CoQ10. Omega-3s are required to repair cell membranes, and it would seem you want to improve the health of your heart cells.

As far as vitamin C and Lysine (and proline) for the cardiovascular system, please note, you do not have to use our products. These are some of the least expensive supplements available. You can start by going to a store and purchasing Nature's Made vitamin C and lysine tablets. There are also great vitamin C and lysine products available over the internet in bulk.

Please accept my apology for not responding sooner. I am, however, extremely grateful for your e-mail and, especially, for the detailed content contained within.

After receiving my order of Cardio-C and starting with 15 grams per day w/24 ounces of water, I am pleased to report that a recent echo-cardiogram indicated that my heart function had increased from the 30's to the 40's and my, amazed, cardiologist advised that I was no longer a candidate for a defibrillator.

Since that time, I recently purchased the Qunol brand of liquid CoQ10 but have yet to open same. Although they state that their product is cardiologist recommended and of superior absorption, I was wondering if you believe it to be a good source of CoQ10 or if you would recommend a better product?

Also, I have been taking 350mg of Magnesium in the form of Natural Vitality's Natural Calm powder mixed w/warm water, etc., as directed on the container. Again, is this a good product to use or can you suggest something better?

Further, I had been taking a 2.5mg blood thinner tablet called Lisinopril but my cardiologist just switched me to a 25mg tablet called Losartan w/Potassium. He also changed my diuretic and took me off the separate Potassium pill that I had been taking.

Prior to starting on the prescribed meds, I had been taking Healthy Origins E-1000 Naturally Sourced Mixed Tocopherols. However, I was told to stop taking this product as it was also a blood thinner. Being intrigued by your comment,"From my knowledge there may be nutritional means to restore the muscle and health of your failing heart....I am curious about your thoughts regarding the added use of A C Grace's Unique-E.; especially since I was told that 35% of my heart is dead. I had often wondered about the hearts ability to regenerate itself like the liver.

As for L-Carnitine, for years I had been purchasing free-range red meats from on-line websites. However, I was instructed to cut back on eating red meats due to my high cholesterol and triglycerides. If I choose to not eat red meats going forward, what brand of L-Carnitine, etc., would you recommend?

Lastly, you mentioned taking Omega 3. I eat a lot of wild caught NOT farm raised fish; especially salmon. If I want to take a dietary supplement, what product and dosage would you suggest as a compliment and/or substitute for my current practice?

In closing, I am eternally grateful for your e-mail and would deeply appreciate your response to the numerous inquiries contained in this response.

Yours in Christ;

After receiving my order of Cardio-C and starting with 15 grams per day w/24 ounces of water, I am pleased to report that a recent echo-cardiogram indicated that my heart function had increased from the 30's to the 40's and my, amazed, cardiologist advised that I was no longer a candidate for a defibrillator.

Wonderful. (I'm always thanking Linus Pauling)

Since that time, I recently purchased the Qunol brand of liquid CoQ10 but have yet to open same. Although they state that their product is cardiologist recommended and of superior absorption, I was wondering if you believe it to be a good source of CoQ10 or if you would recommend a better product?

Its a great way to take CoQ10 - since it is already in the form the body can use. (The only quarrel is if it is worth the extra expense.) Since you already purchased it, use it. You might consider half ubiquinol and half ordinary Coq10 in the future, and depending on the drugs you've been given, at least 200 mg daily. More better, with food.

Also, I have been taking 350mg of Magnesium in the form of Natural Vitality's Natural Calm powder mixed w/warm water, etc., as directed on the container. Again, is this a good product to use or can you suggest something better?

Not familiar with this product but it sounds fine

Further, I had been taking a 2.5mg blood thinner tablet called Lisinopril but my cardiologist just switched me to a 25mg tablet called Losartan w/Potassium. He also changed my diuretic and took me off the separate Potassium pill that I had been taking.

No opinion. Docs?

Prior to starting on the prescribed meds, I had been taking Healthy Origins E-1000 Naturally Sourced Mixed Tocopherols. However, I was told to stop taking this product as it was also a blood thinner. Being intrigued by your comment,"From my knowledge there may be nutritional means to restore the muscle and health of your failing heart....I am curious about your thoughts regarding the added use of A C Grace's Unique-E.; especially since I was told that 35% of my heart is dead. I had often wondered about the hearts ability to regenerate itself like the liver.

Yes, high vitamin C combined with high Unique-E has reversed "bad" EKGs to normal, which I interpret as regenerating dead heart muscle.

I wish vitamin E were a blood thinner, it isn't. My brother used to measure his INR hoping he could use high vitamin E in place of the anti-clotting drugs, but it doesn't work.

Stopping vitamin E is arguably the most dangerous thing any person with a heart condition can do... I assume I already quoted the WHO study showing that low vitamin E in the blood is the best predictor of heart attack (better than either high cholesterol or high blood pressure)

As for L-Carnitine, for years I had been purchasing free-range red meats from on-line websites. However, I was instructed to cut back on eating red meats due to my high cholesterol and triglycerides. If I choose to not eat red meats going forward, what brand of L-Carnitine, etc., would you recommend?

With high vitamin C - your cholesterol will lower to around 180 mg/dl.

If you cut down on carbohydrates, your triglycerides will lower.

I would not recommend stopping free range/grass feed (no hormone) beef, because it also contains CoQ10, as well as Carnitine and other proteins (amino acids). Hard to recommend brands, but while expensive, I've noticed the Life Extension's products, when tested, have what they say they have.

Lastly, you mentioned taking Omega 3. I eat a lot of wild caught NOT farm raised fish; especially salmon. If I want to take a dietary supplement, what product and dosage would you suggest as a compliment and/or substitute for my current practice?

Ditto LEF.ORG They have a super Omega-3 product that I take. Nnature's made has a "mercury free" Omega-3/fish oil product

In closing, I am eternally grateful for your e-mail and would deeply appreciate your response to the numerous inquiries contained in this response.

Yours in Christ;


And thanks for the initial progress report on heart function. We are interested in your condition going forward... Since you are obviously health conscious and well informed already, I do wonder what drugs they have you on?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Facing Heart Transplant

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 25, 2019 6:37 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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