Low fat diet

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:32 am

pamojja wrote:
ofonorow wrote:So far every other point has been right on.

So far nothing has been 'point on' with the 3 forum member on this forum giving it a trial.

@popnowlin just reverted to 80 g/d of ascorbic acid, because M&M's interventions didn't reduce his need against pain even a slightly bid. As you wrongly predicted. viewtopic.php?p=55687#p55687

Confirm popnowlin, as far as I know you are not doing celery juice, or even the grazing technique - correct? If pn's problem is as MM describes, the first protocol would be celery juice.

@Csquared lost 15 lbs. Despite doing things too (apple vinegar), M&M considers toxic.

Where are you regarding your blood sugars Csquared? (And "toxic"? He said it irritated the gut, rather than being beneficial as generally believed.)

@ofonorow did reduce his average extenal insulin need about 10-15 units, which is redicolouly little - considering metformin and intermittent fasting (the opposite of grazing) before reduced base-line needs even 30-40 units.

In your opinion, and going from a keto-like diet to an almost all carb diet.

Every point so far right on in complete cognitive dissonance.

For one of us, that's for sure.

I take it that you believe it is beneath you to read... I just spoke with an acupuncturist who is an expert in Chinese/oriental medicine. She is anxious now to read the books, as you were right, in a way, pamojja, celery juice has been around a LONG time, and is a mainstay of oriental medicine.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by pamojja » Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:39 am

That's just the point. When I was at the book-shop I of course sieved through his books, picked a couple of chapters in the index which seemed interesting, and not finding anything not already read somewhere else, I'm of course not willing to part with any money for a boring book I'll never read.

I work in a homeless shelter, and have to accomodate every day to psychotic, extreme beliefs persons. That's why I'm standing firm against blind believes and the suffering its causes all around. For that I don't have to study blind believes, but experienced every day reality. M&M is just a cult, sect and is build on blind believes in the fantasy of it's writer, without any bearing whatsoever for real-world interventions. Everything already thought out long before.

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:43 pm

I don't take the information for granted because I know Anthony Williams couldn't have written this material. I couldn't have written it. I don't know any human who could.

Medical Medium
Liver Rescue
Mystery Hunger
GLucose Obstacles
pg 90

We are fooled into thinking that we get more glucose into our bodies than we do.

As much sugar.... none of it is going to help out your liver, not even the high-quality glucose coming.. because the pork fat blocks its absorption. These are missed opportunities for the liver to get a boost from the sources of glucose in our snacks and meals. If it's here or there or only happening for a short time, it's no big deals. If it's year after year and decade after decade, it becomes a very big deal. The ....liver needs to sort, separate, organize and catalog all of the elements it needs for your survival get interrupted by the repeated fat-sugar combination.

It's not solely eating fat and sugar at the same time that can be an issue. Eating fats continually throughout the day can also get in the way of glucose absorption, because many fats stay in the bloodstream for awhile. Even if you have, say, a chicken Caesar salad at noon and then wait until two o'clock to eat an apple, the salad's leftover fats will still be in your blood-stream..

Typically the fat from pork products takes about 12 to 16 hours to disperse after eating, other animal products fats take 3 to 6 hours, and plant fats take 1 to 3 hours. This is the unknown reason -- unknown even to the experts who design diets -- why high-fat high-protein diets are starting to incorporate more plant fats. What doctors observe is that the patients experience better health results when some of their protein sources come from avocados, nuts, seed and coconut. They don't realize it's because these plant fats disappear after an hour or three, allowing more vital sugars ... to get to the liver.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:43 pm

High Saturated Fat Meal Lowers Vasocactivity (and a Low Fat Meal Did Not). Remember that vasoactivity refers to the ability of the arteries to relax and lower blood pressure and increase blood flow. "Flow-dependent vasoactivity decreased from 21 5% preprandially to 11 4%, 11 6%, and 10 3% at 2, 3, and 4 hours after the high-fat meal, respectively (all p <0.05 compared with low-fat meal data). No changes in lipoproteins or flow-mediated vasoactivity were observed after the low-fat meal...These results demonstrate that a single high-fat meal transiently impairs endothelial function. These findings identify a potential process by which a high-fat diet may be atherogenic independent of induced changes in cholesterol." [2]
(2) Amer J of Cardiology, Feb 1 1997, 79(3):350 354, "Effect of a Single High-Fat Meal on Endothelial Function in Healthy Subjects"




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:21 am

Sounds reasonable, except for the word "saturated" in the beginning.. which just means an extra hydrogen atom.. All fat puts a strain on the liver, and yes some are worse, e.g. Omega-6, but all fat.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Tue Oct 15, 2019 12:58 pm

ofonorow wrote:Sounds reasonable, except for the word "saturated" in the beginning.. which just means an extra hydrogen atom.. All fat puts a strain on the liver, and yes some are worse, e.g. Omega-6, but all fat.

that is so OVER LOOKED

I have coworkers being "healthy" and eating trailmix while working cause it is LOARDED with W-3s!
or eating chocolate(ITS DARK SO ITS HEALTHY!!)




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:50 am

Csquared wrote:Whoa, the guideline is 15% fat, condition green. I keep tight control of that so I am actually much under. According to the nutritional sites a McDonald's ice cream cone is 6 grams of fat. To me what Anthony is saying is that the liver can handle any fats if they are under that 15%. And it is a treat, It's not every day. But here we are with biochemical individuality. I can lose weight with that treat whereas others may not be able to. In fact I keep fats so low that my body needs that fat.

Hello Csquared, I was reviewing to see if you have reported on your blood sugar control. Have you?

There is more knowledge later in Liver Rescue, (just posted at THE LIST) about how different kinds of fats remain in the blood stream longer, essentially blocking glucose. Pork fat, for example may last up to 12 hours in the blood after eating, but plant fats (coconut or avocado) may be out of the blood stream in 1 to 3 hours. The point, over and over, is that fat starves the body, primarily the liver, of glucose, if the two are present in the blood stream together.

I think I see why Thomas Smith's no-fat protocol always works. Takes the guesswork out of whether there is any fat in the blood stream blocking the precious glucose. And, over and over, the books claim that the very best glucose is in fruits because it is attached to various nutrients.

As I just reported elsewhere, I have had roughly 9 glasses of celery juice (first thing in the morning) and last night I slept through the entire night - without waking to pee :-) I was reading how about celery juice and eye sight - and noticed that all my floaters had gone away ?? Makes me think.. that for someone with diabetes, worried about limb amputation and blindness, you would be wise to do the celery juice. Its a general liver cleanse, so with your new low-fat protocol, you have a chance to right the ship - get your health in very good shape, assuming these books are "other worldly".. he he he
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by johnjackson » Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:08 am

Im keenly interested in this celery juice
is there a thread about it?
what is in it? how is it made?




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Re: Low fat diet

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 17, 2019 6:45 am

Csquared, are you still with us?

j j - there is an entire book by the Medical Medium on Celery Juice. I've been posting tidbits.

Here is the Celery Juice protocol from their web sit
e https://vitamincfoundation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=14470
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Sun Oct 20, 2019 1:33 am

I am here. My blood sugar control has not changed. I am still high in the morning and throughout the day with the higher carbs. The initial lowering of insulin has not changed. On low carb my insulin usage was much lower. I am switching to intermittent fasting while slightly elevating my fat content to give me enough energy. I don't have energy on low fat or low carb, but on intermittent fasting I seem to have extra energy. No more spirits, I have to go with what works.

I have been reading more about your Anthony. Apparently the demand for his services is so high he is now charging more and training more mediums to keep up with the demand. How can this be possible when there should be only the one 'spirit' Anthony talks to? Apparently all these expensive 'trained' mediums have to do is tell these people willing to part with their money that it's the epstein-barr virus and then rattle off a lengthy list of supplements for them to take and then cha ching, $500 or more gone into the 'make Anthony rich' scheme. No follow-up. No compassion.

Sorry but I'm seeing a whole lot of gullible people being taken advantage of.

The one girl with candida had a pretty good point. After severely reacting negatively to the sugar in fruits that Anthony said was so good for you, she said that when someone tells you of a one size fits all solution, run the other way. Biochemical individuality is the one thing we imperfect humans have figured out.

I would put your positive experiences with celery juice and other things of his to the placebo effect. We all are tired of human science and crooked funded studies that make us second guess every previous study we have read. I believe that he has tapped into this discontent. It would be much simpler if there was advanced knowledge we could trust. But I am convinced, or at least 90%, that he is not it. No shortcuts here. We are stuck with our imperfect human ways.

Sorry if I appear negative. I've been reading a lot of negative comments and to me they appear to be from intelligent thoughtful people who like all of us just wanted to believe there was something better out there.


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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Thu Oct 24, 2019 4:58 am

In spite of my last post I am intrigued that my insulin has gone down at all on the low fat diet, and my ability to eat high carb and use less insulin is at least worth some further study. I am still diabetic, as is Owen, despite his overenthusiastic claims to the contrary. If you have to take insulin you are diabetic. Nothing else is anywhere close to reality. Anthony has claimed diabetes as easy to cure, yet this comes across as arrogance. If you google search diabetes cure there are many hits, yet in my experience aside from an extreme diet intervention it is anything but easy for the average person. So another black swan unlikely to be acknowledged as such by Owen.

Still I keep wondering why my ability to deal with carbs and sugar are improved with the absence of fat. And yet with the absence of carbs my ability to deal with fat seems to be improved. A combined diet allows you to feel better but you have to eat less or you will balloon in weight.
What am I missing? I was 180 as a 6' tall skinny kid through high school. Am currently 165 and still have a belly at 58, indicating stubborn visceral fat, but if I keep going down my body goes into starvation mode and I stop losing. AAArghh

So frustrating.

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by pamojja » Thu Oct 24, 2019 5:21 am

Csquared wrote:The initial lowering of insulin has not changed. On low carb my insulin usage was much lower.

I've been confused by these 2 sentences: On the one hand before on low-carb you used less insulin - on the other hand now on low-fat insulin is lower? - Wouldn't you need more insulin now?

Csquared wrote:In spite of my last post I am intrigued that my insulin has gone down at all on the low fat diet, and my ability to eat high carb and use less insulin is at least worth some further study.

While now you say with low-fat you use less insulin??

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Re: Low fat diet

Post by Csquared » Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:28 pm

I'm saying when I first went on low fat, my insulin use went down, but then leveled off and didn't go down any more. It never went down as much as when I was on a low carb diet.
Theoretically as fat is coming out of my liver I should be using less and less insulin as my organs regain function, but that never happened. And when you think of it when the low fat diet was most popular diabetes diagnosis didn't go down, it went up.
So Anthony and his spirit in my opinion are just rehashing old diet advice, and I attribute any success in that to our individuality and that low fat may work on some individuals.

Just my theory. I have no one talking in my ear (other than my wife)

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