MM: All Cancers form in the liver. Healthy Liver, no cancer.

The discussion of advanced medical knowledge now channeled through the Medical Medium Anthony William. This knowledge amounts to perfect Naturopathy. Knowing what causes chronic and other disease, the followers of Linus Pauling extend Naturopathy with human-based nutritional science Pauling called orthomolecular (right molecules) in therapeutic amounts.

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MM: All Cancers form in the liver. Healthy Liver, no cancer.

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:17 am

Medical Medium - "Liver Cancer is Always Primary. The liver's immune system may control the cancer, but the viruses that cause the cancer may escape to other organs, triggering cancers there. Liver Cancers are caused by viruses that mutate in the presence of heavy metals - to survive."

The Liver is Key to Being Cancer Free. Cancer's cannot form in a healthy liver. Cancers form when viruses meat heavy metals trapped in the liver. Keep your liver healthy, and live without fear of cancer.

Conundrum? How can we keep our main filter clean given today's pollution, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and rampant toxicity virtually everywhere?

Reducing 4 major medical medium text books down to their essence, if your liver is healthy (meaning free of toxins, heavy metals, viruses, pesticides, and other poisons it traps to save your life) -- cancer cannot form.

Basic advice: Start the day with a fresh glass of celery juice.

Synopsis: Celery juice contains a unique and previously unknown (to me) "methylated" form of vitamin C that doesn't have to be processed first by the liver and is available to all cells. The second active "ingredient" are clustered sodium salts that are anti-pathogen, especially anti-viral.

Celery juice is not a placebo. It is not a food (few calories). It is not a supplement. It is a herb, and drinking 8 to 16 ounces, first thing in the morning, is a slow liver cleanse, among other things.

This forum post provides basic instructions on how to make and drink this medicine properly.

This is the last book in the Medical Medium series, but the first book to read, in my opinion, and greatly expands on Celery 101 ... 169&sr=8-1

Summary of other liver-support principles include.

Reducing fat intake to 20% of calories
Eliminate foods that viruses "feed" on, e.g. eggs, and dairy (no cheese, milk, yogurt, butter, etc)
Favor almost all fruits (for the glucose) , eaten frequently. and almost all vegetables. (for the sodium) as these are the best way to obtain necessary nutrients.

I thought I knew that vaccinations were harmful because of the heavy metals, either mercury or aluminum.

I have recently become aware that vaccinations also carry and introduce "animal" viruses, leached from the materials the vaccines are manufactured (cultured) on? E.g. monkey kidneys? And that some of these viruses are so cancer causing, the CIA formed a covert program to use monkey viruses to kill Castro by inducing cancer in him? (Aside, and that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for the CIA on this program?) And that when Nixon learned that the polio vaccination program would likely cause a cancer epidemic, the first thing he did was announce the "War on Cancer?" in 1964 the rate of cancer was 1 in 214. Today, 1 in about 3.

And that the most expensive 60 minutes program ever developed was about how vaccinations cause cancers - but was never aired?

All this and more is on this two hour lecture by R. E. Tent, DC. You have to watch it twice, but anyone who pays attention will no longer wish to be vaccinated. Period. Case closed. (And a few weeks ago Mike Adams the Health Ranger reported that an FDA researcher warned that even the flu vaccine carries these cancer causing viruses.)

Must see TV
our forum discussion

Its interesting that both Tent (and the medical Medium) include lysine in their anti-viral programs. And we know that high dose vitamin C is anti-viral.

Dr. Tent refers to the CANCER REPORT: Full Version video, which is very good, although you have to read it.
Around minute 50 to 56 is the discussion of Otto Warburg/Joanne Budwig. All ordinary cells LOVE oxygen. Warbug discovered (and Budwig utilized) the fact that cancer cells HATE oxygen. Turns out the more fat you eat, the less oxygen there is in the blood (and tissues) which is how the liver senses fat so it can make bile.

Bottom line, cancers come from viruses that ALWAYS start in the liver. Keep the liver healthy, no cancer.

If a cancer is active, CONQUER can destroy it.

If someone is worried about future cancer, keeping up high dose vitamin C (perhaps at least in part as Ester-C) with lysine is a great strategy.

The best strategy, is to get the liver healthy, and that is essentially what all 5 Medical Medium text books are all about. Start every day with CELERY JUICE. Diet: Low fat, leafy green vege, multi fruit diet, followed up with a specific Heavy metal detox smoothie.

This new "60 minutes" segment from New Zealand is remarkable. Policeman with bone cancer given weeks to live - then started IV/C.
Note his diet, not only the miracle of intravenous vitamin C

IMO, No one can go wrong on the Celery Juice (and cancer patients should consider adding the Heavy metal detox smoothie on a regular basis.)

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: MM: All Cancers form in the liver. Healthy Liver, no cancer.

Post by johnjackson » Fri Dec 13, 2019 11:28 am

thanks for this!
since you started talking about celery juice, I add a stick of celery to my vitamix shakes(broccoli/grapefruit)... the shake ends of tasting of just celery

If i dont eat the celery in a shake, is eating celery going to give me the same results?



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Re: MM: All Cancers form in the liver. Healthy Liver, no cancer.

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 17, 2019 7:31 am

I guess I'm glad you asked. In a word no.

The medicine is unadulterated celery JUICE. Eating celery is fine, but you must juice and follow the protocol, otherwise the (at least) two major active ingredients are degraded before you even drink. The pulp is given as one explanation why you cannot eat the entire celery ?stalk? and get the same benefit.

The reason given why the celery juice medicine can take 90 days to be effective, is that these ingredients first break down and degrade in the mouth and throat after "battling" pathogens (e.g viruses) there. (The book recommends swirling in the mouth before you drink to fight mouth infection.)

As the health of your mouth and esophagus improves, these ingredients survive to the stomach, where they not only correct low stomach acid, but clean areas that pathogens and mucous build up.

Once the stomach health improves, (people notice their GERD goes away), then the active ingredients make it to the intestines, where it cleans the purified matter (undigested proteins caused by low stomach acid) and battles "unproductive" mircroorganisms while promoting "productive" microorganisms (i.e., friendly flora).

Over time, the two active ingredients make it intact into the blood stream, and reach the liver. Yea! Same process, a they help the liver cleanse itself and destroy the pathogens, primarily viruses, trapped deep in the bowels of the liver.

Finally, the two active ingredients can pass through the liver without degrading, allowing their magic to work wonders on our internal organs. I am waiting to see if my adrenal function can be "regenerated" as the MM claims. There is also a claim that in some people, pancreas cells can be regenerated, leading Type I diabetics to produce their own insulin.

The advice is to start slow but get as high as you can, as early as you can, e.g. 16 to 32 ounces (2 stalks juiced) the sicker you are.

Since we are learning that virtually ALL cancers originate as viruses (See: ... =3&t=14662 ) this means that Celery Juice is ultimately a part of the cure for cancers, but only in the sense that this medicine can prevent new cancers from forming. (Nothing it can do for existing malignacies. Celery juice is a slow-acting, anti-viral medicine, for tiny cancer-causing viruses for which our technology cannot create a vaccine..)

By the way, the two mentioned active ingredients are:

#1. A "special" form of methylated vitamin C (and yes there is a such a thing. MM says it only exists in nature in celery, and in small amounts, which is one reason juicing is required.)

#2. A "special" configuration of sodium atoms (Again, this isn't ordinary sodium, mainly found in celery, but perhaps cucumbers and a few others, and these "cluster salts" are the ingredient that breaks down the walls of pathogens and viruses, while protecting human tissues.)

And not said, but obvious, celery contains chlorophyll. We learned from our "Red Light" study that chlorophyll help regenerate CoQ10 in the mitrochondria in the presence of at least 2 spectrums of red light.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: MM: All Cancers form in the liver. Healthy Liver, no cancer.

Post by ofonorow » Sat Sep 12, 2020 9:26 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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