Trying to lower BP on PT therapy after pericarditis 20 years ago

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Trying to lower BP on PT therapy after pericarditis 20 years ago

Post by xor2 » Thu May 07, 2020 12:17 am


I am a newbie with regard the PT. 20 years ago I had virus infection and pericarditis and I'v been on hypertension drugs since then.
I've never had heart attack or coronary disease (at least confirmed).

This year my blood pressure was fluctuating together with the pain in heart I had very low pulse later it stabilized and now I am back to normal ...
I am 37, so according to the doc at emergency ward I am very low at risk of having coronary disease ...

Anyway because of my high blood pressure I wanted to give PT a try... alas, still don't know if my elevated BP is because of the clogged arteries or that pericarditis many years ago ... The only one memory I have from that time is the heart picture during echocardiography where a
pericardial sac shines on the screen ...

I have not yet been fully on protocol and it is just the beginning (I have actually started 4 days ago :D ) but I take:

A) Morning
Lysine 2.5 gr + VC 5 gr + coenzyme Q10, B complex ("50")

B) Midday 5 gr Vit c + omega 3

C) Evening 2.5 gr lysine + VC 5 gr + Magnesium

I read the supplement fact of the heart technology product and I am planning to add:

Proline 1000 mg
Vit A (retinyl palmitate) 10 000 IU,
Vit E 400 IU (D beta, D delta, D gamma)
Wondering if L-Argininie or folic acid should I consider too or no?

My observations:
For the last few days I have minor chest pains that I could get rid of taking VC
However don't know if PT is the reason but my BP has actually increased and had to take more BP drugs...

I was reading testimonials on heart technology page and I have a few questions:

A) What can be noticed/measured during the initial period of the therapy?

I mean if elevated BP is possible? I know that LP(a) might be checked as it tends to rise and droops later on ...
Can You suggest blood test that can be done now to gauge the blood parameters at the beginning of the PT?

C) Why heart technology supplement (1 scoop's got only 3 gr of VC?)

The excerpt from Owens book suggests 10 - 16 gr daily of VC ...

D) Is it safe to take Vit E daily at this amount for many months ....

I know that Pauling died because of the prostate cancer and Vit - E in this (or higher?) amount and taken on a longer basis
is the cause of that cancer?

E) Can pericarditis be reversed I mean, can the heart's tissue (sac) be restored?

Can you advise please some more on this matter?

F) Is it advisable to check kidney parameters due to so large VC intakes on the daily basis for a long time ...
Many times that in certain individuals VC can lead to a kidney failure ...

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Re: Trying to lower BP on PT therapy after pericarditis 20 years ago

Post by xor2 » Mon May 18, 2020 5:26 am

It's been more than 2 weeks since I started that therapy. Some vitamins I was adding on the way ...
Here are my observations ....

1) After 2 weeks, instead of half of a tablet I had to take only quarter ...
I noticed that my BP started dropping significantly around 11:00am. Before I decreased the dosage my heart rate was extremely slow in the evening and felt terrible with that. After a quarter only all bad symptoms are gone and I feel fine.

My BP is now around 128 / 75 / 70

2) But what really improved is that I have a feeling (peculiar one) that my heart is quite calm and quite strong and feel good with that ...

Tomorrow I am planning to have the blood work done:

Lp(a), cholesterol, blood count, calcium level, electrolytes (sodium & potassium)...

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Re: Trying to lower BP on PT therapy after pericarditis 20 years ago

Post by DiverDown2 » Mon May 18, 2020 5:42 am

You need to read the Heart Tech Label, the Dosage is 2 Scoops = 3 Grams Vitamin-c not 1.
Take at least 800-1200 mg. Magnesium. This will fix the B/P.
I had a Heart attack last June 7th. I take the Full Pt. theory dosing, 18 G. Vitamin-C, + 9 Grams L-Lysine, + 2 G. L-Proline. Unique E, and 1200 mg. Magnesium, + Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B Complex, and Vitamin K.(read the posts about Vitamin K).
Do Not wait, get on the full protocol, and get off Sugars and Refined Carbs.

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Re: Trying to lower BP on PT therapy after pericarditis 20 years ago

Post by xor2 » Mon May 18, 2020 12:34 pm

As far as I remember in Heart technology is 3000 mg of VC in a one scoop. What kind of Magnesium do you take? (What brand?)
For how long have you been on Pauling protocol? what's improved? What tests have you had so far? When did you feel the difference from the beginning of PT?

My protocol is as follows:

Early morning

1) Early in the morning I take 2 gr of Lysine (Now foods)
2) Proline 500 mg
3) VC 5 gr in one go ... I like it so much that it is hard to sip throughout the day ....

After second breakfast (with fats)
1) Vitamin A (Now foods as palmitate) 10 000 IU
2) Vitamin 400 IU Sorgar, Now it is impossible to order Unique E during covid-19 circumstances ... at least to my country ...
3) Folid acid
4) L - arginine 500 mg

Late lunch
1) Lysine 1 gr
2) Vitamin C 5 gr.

1) Lysine 2 gr
2) Proline 500 mg
3) Vitamin C 5 gr
4) Magnesium 300 mg

Unfortunately I have problem with the following supplements:

1) Lef extension B - Complex (I was taking only 1 tablet daily 50 mg)
2) Doctor's best Qo10 100 mg

I have been taking them and one of those two (I don't know which) caused really bad reactions ...
I felt muscle cramps, feeling of tiredness. When I stopped taking them, the next day or sec I felt completely better ....

Have you any idea why and after which I had problem with? Because of that I will have to buy B6 alone ... to add to my list unfortunately :/

I was thinking to take two times Vitamin E but is it really safe?
Also I haven't heard about Magnesium and the blood pressure correlation ...

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Re: Trying to lower BP on PT therapy after pericarditis 20 years ago

Post by DiverDown2 » Mon May 18, 2020 2:12 pm

Here is what Tower Labs have for Heart Tech. Formula
30 Servings per jar
* Values are per serving.
Serving size is 2 scoops.
Magnesium = KAL Magnesium Glycinate 400 (I take 3 per day) Mourning, Noon, Night.
These in divided doses throughout the day.
You need at least 15 G.
L-Lysine between 6-9 G. per day.
L-Proline 2 G. per day.
L-Arginine competes with L-Lysine for the pathways it uses. (per Tower Labs)
Be sure to take Ubiquinol (absorbs much better than CoQ10) Take 200mg. daily. (I take 300mg.)
Cramps: are you getting enough Potassium, and Vitamin B-12 if so the extra Magnesium will help tremendously with the Cramps.
Only need Vitamin E once.
Take a B6 by itself if you cannot take it in complex to get at least 100mg. daily.
Be sure the fats are healthy fats, Avocados, EV Olive Oil, Dark Chocolate 85%.
Must have Vitamin D3 2000iu to 5000iu daily and K2. (the K2 keeps the calcium out of the soft tissue (Veins, arteries and etc.)
Do Not eat Sugars, and Refined Carbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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