Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:59 pm

Of thousands that I have cured using my protocol, wanted to share one.

A middle aged man suffering from Type2D, (old acquaintance CEO of an hybrid automaker) called complaining of vague symptoms of nausea, urinating difficulty etc. I asked him to have Liver Panel, HBA1c along with RT-RCR.

After a week received a call from his # but it was his secretary. Inquired about him and she replied his COVID test was positive.

I wanted to speak to him to which she answered he is unable to due to severe dysnoea. I forced her to give him the phone, and he could hardly utter a word. Recommended him to go the nearest hospital, but he insisted that I treat him.

We started the 1st therapeutic session at 10 pm and concluded at 2 am. Initially SpO2 was 70% but later jumped to 95%.

2 days later performed 2nd session and it jumped to 98/99%.

Clinically all was fine thought why not infuse a 40 grams IVC,(which was the 1st time on any patient using my developed protocol), and thought would do no harm.

Sent sample for repeat RT-PCR and the results was negative. (Which normally is my practice to check after 2 sessions if all is good clinically).

Briefly all my patients get cured within 2-7 days of the onset of symptoms using the protocol,unless they 1st have been subjected to high dose steroids (Dexa) and/OR Remdesivir. Than the duration is prolonged. (Like in a young lady who has developed Cushings (steroid induced), took me 14 days to cure.


Some features of the protocol:
1. It blocks Spike from binding.
2. Irreversible blocker of Nsps and Ion channels.
3. Subsides Cytokine storm.
and many more.
Works at various steps, in case the 1st fails.......


1. Is effective and provides a cure against all SARS-CoV2 variants.
2. Developed in Wuhan.
3. Being employed by many nations and hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai etc.
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Tue Jan 19, 2021 4:10 pm

The 1st case that I cured 10 moths back, is perfectly healthy with high/positive antibody titre.

Personally I don't recommend such cases who after being cured and several months later show high levels to get vaccinated......They are naturally vaccinated! Rest is up-to them......... BUT they have confidence in my recommendation!

Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by jimmylesante » Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:51 pm

Personally I don't recommend such cases who after being cured and several months later show high levels to get vaccinated......They are naturally vaccinated! Rest is up-to them......... BUT they have confidence in my recommendation

This is so right. I had a care home lady with several co-morbidities had survived covid last year and they gave her vaccine on Thursday(Oxford) Friday i was dealing with her and her Sats at 75%!
Why don't they leave the naturally acquired immunity alone and even test for immunity before giving vaccine?

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by C-can » Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:51 am

Nice work Dr.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:26 pm

C-can wrote:Nice work Dr.

Had a quick glance at your COVID/CNN thread, didn't open the link. (responding here since I try refraining hijacking threads).

1. VC + Zinc provides MAY act as a prophylactic.

2. Combined MAY CURE asymptomatic infected.

3. As a standlone the pair CANNOT provide a CURE for moderate to severe. Multiple reasons, you need to raise intracellular Zinc to extremely high levels, which without an ionophore isn't possible. (Chloroquine is bad choice). Plus this virus isn't as simple as it looks, took me a while to understand it and develop a cure. Curing COVID19 is simpler than curing flu. Plus has helped me modify the protocol for Hep C, Ebola and HIV too.

4. Of the +5K that have cured never used either, except in this one was just to help with his Diabetes/Liver, he was already CURED!

5. Than a post about high dose VC and methylation. Theoretically methylation, is good for some/most supplements, but on ground things vary. e.g B12 methylcobalamin vs cynocobalamin......I have found sublingual Cynocobalamin 5000 mcg far superior to oral methylcobal. Hardly notice loss with oral vs S/L Cyno gives results in 15 mins. The route is the most important......... intravenous vs oral. By IV their usually is no loss vs oral!

6. Have a friend whose is great at passing licensing, boards, giving lectures, making You tubes but when it come to treating a patient is ZERO by my standards to which he agrees too.

7. VC and Zinc can/could be players alongside my protocol theoretically (But why would I use them since am getting a cure without them) in curing moderate to severe, but NOT alone.

8. Am amazed with 28 million cases approx 100K new each day none has used IVC, nebulized Hydrogen peroxide......None approached to get treated, cured by VC, H202......this forum has approx 4K members and millions of visitors, to me it sounds strange! So IV or Neb H202 is theoretical/untested treatment/cure of COVID19.

9. Using my developed protocol in prophylactic dose, we experimented being exposed to all 3 variants for 24 hrs with none protection, none got infected.

10. Our protocol's CURE rate for COVID 19 is +97% in a duration 2 to 14 days max!


Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:15 am

Curious, if they have never cultured the virus, how exactly have they identified a variant?

8. Am amazed with 28 million cases approx 100K new each day none has used IVC, nebulized Hydrogen peroxide......None approached to get treated, cured by VC, H202......this forum has approx 4K members and millions of visitors, to me it sounds strange! So IV or Neb H202 is theoretical/untested treatment/cure of COVID19.

H2O2 is for the virus developing in the nasal passages. At the first sign of a tickle or nasal drip - the H2O2 treatment is like a miracle. 25 cents per bottle. I can't imagine how you would study this? H2O2 cancels the illness immediately. If the illness is allowed to develop, to prove it is Covid or Flu, then of course the train has left the station, and it would require more than one treatment. Once the infection has moved to the lungs, its a different ball game.

So one hears that in the first month of vaccinations in the USA, some 40,000 adverse events have been recorded. And, that no animals survived all previous mRNA vaccination trials - after they become reinfected. The current "experiment" on humans is ongoing, real time right now. I fear we are looking at a purposeful mass "extinction" event in the making. What think you eDOC? And I don't see anyway to stop the reported immune overdrive reaction once it starts in a vaccinated person?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:45 pm

ofonorow wrote:
H2O2 is for the virus developing in the nasal passages. At the first sign of a tickle or nasal drip - the H2O2 treatment is like a miracle. 25 cents per bottle.

Owen, why don't you give this H2O2 neb a try, like posted without protection. (I would do once I get some time). It's a calculated risk/gamble at times one has to take BUT only when one is confident about what you are putting in market. What have you got to lose, just in case IF it doesn't work I'd treat you. And if it does you'd become both a celebrity, CDC/FDA Head, Nobel prize, billionaire.......

Just like when I cured my 1st case exactly 1 year back. I took a a measured risk but had confidence in my protocol. I'm getting bored of curing COVID19, now developed a protocol to cure Hep C, Ebola, HIV, Lyme......and getting gradually back to gene therapy.



I would have done it today, but my body is loaded with prophylactic and would take time to completely get it out of my system, since am still treating COVID. For you i'd try it, I am not fearful since am a believer and have a proven, tried and tested cure......which have refined!
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:07 pm

Some are thinking that intranasal vaccines might be more potent, while we developed a nasal prophylactic year ago. Single drop into each nostril provides a complete protection, rids all variants and inexpensive compared to curing COVID19, that can cost upto 3-5K $, depending on severity and the number of sessions. In most requires 2-5 sessions, moderate to severe. Asymptomatic/ mild cured in a single.
Far superior to EK14C, in efficacy.
It's tried, tested and proven. I use it daily and have exposed myself to all 3 variants without protection, with none negative effects!

Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:15 pm

In a few cured post COVID I have witnessed: (usually after 2 weeks of treatment and RT-PCR -, IgG and IgM raised).
1. Patchy alopecia.
2. Telomere shortening.
3. Loss of taste/ smell.
In all they were reversed.

Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:25 am

My farewell post.
Enjoyed most of the times, learnt alot about life, human nature not medicine.
I'm needed more elsewhere with things happening around.
Have fun, enjoy and chill.


PS: Don't expect anymore responses/ participation.
IF, for some reason are running out of options, email. (Think twice, since I don't do freebies).
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Wed May 19, 2021 2:03 pm

Refined a perfect CURE for SARS CoV-2 ALL present strains/mutants and any that would keep emerging. (B.1427/29, B.1.1.7, B1.351, P1, B1.617/.2)
Like the earlier this has a cure rate of +95%, in max 2 weeks, irrespective of severity.
The great part about it is that it doesn't aggravate any underlying comorbidities like Diabetes, Cardiovascular, Neurological, immunocompromised, having undergone chemo etc.
Plus it has the potential to cure most viral pathogens (with some editing) that we have tried on like Hep C, Ebola, Zika, Dengue hope fully a cure for HIV too. Rather almost any viral illness.
None requirements for vaccines, since our case cured in last July still maintains high IgG titres against Spike, and on viral neutralization his serum destroyed all variants.
Despite access to vaccines haven't used any.
Developed an adjuvant for a pharma when given as a 2/3rd vaccine shot increases vaccine spectrum to near 99%.
Developed a inhibitor 10 x potent than EK14C.
Years of working with viral illnesses/HCoV has paid off.
It can cure all critical cases and newly detected in any nation within 3-14 days.
Now going to sell it to the highest bidding nation.


PS: Witnessed a post directed towards me so decides to make a few replies.
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by Blargus » Wed May 19, 2021 9:18 pm

I wondered as an open-minded doctor if you thought it was possible that the corona virus could stick around in people who are not sick and cause things like nerve, mental problems, heart problems or clots etc. I had what seemed like a heart attack or major anxiety our of nowhere last year but hospital could find no explanation "slightly low potassium." Had covid probably Dec 2019 and been struggling with fatigue, nerve and what seems like anxiety and mental problems or something slowly getting better.

Heard several people report similar things, a radio announcer said on the radio he had same thing happen major heart attack feeling and the hospital found some heart inflammation not much else to explain it. Made me wonder, also if the supposed epidemic of depression and anxiety US is supposedly experiencing might have the same cause. Also in my "conspiracy theory" is people gaining lots of weight and eating a lot and drinking alcohol during "lockdown" may be partially due to the virus or something acting on them.

I observed my co-worker having a mental breakdown around when I probably got covid and my workplace really fell apart, and this was around sept-dec 2019 which I have heard from UK commentators and others that people around the world were pretty sure they had covid at this time.

Dr. Richard Fleming says the virus can become "dormant" and having the virus and the illness are different things. This is mostly speculation really just I also know a few people first hand who have said they struggle with almost the exact same things as me which from what I've read has similarities with post-covid syndrome.

Great work, I hope governments are interested in it. Maybe you could make a pdf to be released in 50 years? :)
Last edited by Blargus on Wed May 19, 2021 10:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by jimmylesante » Wed May 19, 2021 10:15 pm

Hey eDoc
interesting stuff as usual.
These mRNA vaccines...what i am seeing is they are not helping the elderly and probably killing them off. Also many of the covid positive i see in hospital have already had both vaccines?

Do these vaccines actually prevent infection or is their only claim to reduce the severity of the Covid -19 which is very hard to confirm objectively?

Conspiracy question- the headaches most vaccinated people have and feel apart from being a clot etc. could this protein end up in the brain flipped over as amyloid plaque and cause longer term issues?
Sorry have overactive brain this morning.

P.S. most cot deaths over 80% occur at month 3-4 when vaccines are introduced. ....would these deaths be due to clots or in some instances bleeds as we are seeing here with Covid vaccines?

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Thu May 20, 2021 9:47 am

Dr. Christiane Northrup gives new details on covid vaccine shedding / transmission, especially among women
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by eDOC » Thu May 20, 2021 12:49 pm

jimmylesante wrote:These mRNA vaccines...what i am seeing is they are not helping the elderly and probably killing them off. Also many of the covid positive i see in hospital have already had both vaccines?

Do these vaccines actually prevent infection or is their only claim to reduce the severity of the Covid -19 which is very hard to confirm objectively?

Conspiracy question- the headaches most vaccinated people have and feel apart from being a clot etc. could this protein end up in the brain flipped over as amyloid plaque and cause longer term issues?
Sorry have overactive brain this morning.

P.S. most cot deaths over 80% occur at month 3-4 when vaccines are introduced. ....would these deaths be due to clots or in some instances bleeds as we are seeing here with Covid vaccines?

Hello jimmylesante,

You always come up with challenging questions which I have been admiring over years and in some post while back stated that you are far smarter than many docs/MDs.

You and probably some members know that I only post what have witnessed, experienced and always try any new of my protocols on myself, firstly. I rely and believe only what's in real life, articles/journals/internet I take with a grain of salt.

Now coming to the replies to your queries:

1. Vaccines DON'T prevent infection, just reduces symptoms to some extent. Just imagine Hep C virus from the same 4th group/family simpler in structure, similar, kills slowly, different mode of spread, been seeing it since med school and till today haven't come up with a successful vaccine vs. this in approx 9 months have approx 10 wondering in the market. (Big pharma game, involving a few people making billions $$$)

2. Correct, clots at unusual sites like Cerebral venous, Pulmonary embolism, intestinal approx 14 days post vaccination. They claim that the DNA coding for S gene in vector based, and RNA cannot get integrated into human DNA which is BS. It can using RT.......creating abnormal proteins ...mutated sequences in base pairs.

3. You mean 80% or over 80.......either way clot related deaths occur within max 30 days. Bleeding could be the reason, cause their platelets are consumed and most have a low platelet count.

4. I have seen the after affects of almost all vaccines, so my advice to someone who wants to take the jab anyway OR is immunocompromised is to go for a protein subunit or an inactivated one for reasons mentioned.

5. One of my RN went on a leave to her town, she took my meds and just called me, that in her town a 55 yr old lady in severe ARDS RT-PCR (NAAT) +, given up by docs was successfully cured by her........I fail to understand why these ivy league graduated, triple dips can't cure?

6. And how docs around are treating which you have witnessed.....Steriods, Hydroxychlorquine, Remdesivir, Azithromycin, convalescent plasma mAB, nABs, oxygen, vents.........Nothing to applaud about them, those who recover their immune wasn't that messed in the 1st place........

7. Curing COVID19 is far simpler than curing Cancer. Like with DMSO reversing Stroke deficits (MDs never believed me), when I now talk (rarely) it's curable and I have even cured a person online 100 miles way, they don't say nothing but in their minds think that am joking. Only those believe and trust me blindly who I have cured, and they think I'm a magician lol and keep referring more and more COVID infected.

8. Plan doing video recording of a patient and than uploading with labs.........

9. My office has been ransacked twice, took away everything, BUT the CURE is in my brains!

Hope your queries been answered.

Stay safe and chill!
Rookie, rusty, sub average doc but one that gives results!

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