Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by johnyascorbate » Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:09 am

It seems that vaccine mandates are slowly happening all over the place, and soon you might need one just to get into the grocery store, or go to the DMV. I, along with many on this forum, don't plan on getting the vaccine, but will we even have a choice, if we want to lead a normal life?

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by pamojja » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:36 am

Arbeit macht frei. = Labour frees. = Vaccination frees.

I think you're going a bit too far ahead, in a way most now do wrongly believing to regain freedoms thereby again. But make no mistake, this has been a worldwide fashist overtake with abbolishing of essential human rights, which wont be given back that easily again. As vaccinated Israelis now find out and having to quarantene again, even those having received 2 shots already.

Meanwhile some individuals in certain occupations might indeed be faced with unemployment for some time (Italy, France, US..). This dissaster might however not go on that long, once the long-time effects of these experimental gene-therapies become blatanty appearant to most. And if indeed nothing too serios does show up, then one still could reevaluate. My experience with treatment-caused damage is they usually aren't reversible at all, and one never has a normal life again.

You imply we wont have a choice, that was the silly excuse of every Nazi-SS officer too: 'We just followed orders, for being able to live our lifes". And yes, most did. As we now see with our own eyes this happening all over again at a much larger scale. But look how the anticipation differed from the outcome for them: widespread distruction and fatalities in every family,

I too feared I wont be able to escape the winters here to the sunny South, where I found those yearly vacations really elemental to my remissions (and therefore to earn my living and live a normal life). But now I do prepare with more essiental stuff for the most likely social disruptions comming next:

1) drinking water,
2) durable food and vitamin C stored,
3) stove not dependent on the grid and warm cloth as the most essential, for a normal life, at least for a few weeks.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by johnyascorbate » Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:33 pm

I don't know where you live, but in the USA, if proof of vaccine is needed to go grocery shopping, or do anything anywhere in public, the mandate will not be over in a few months or even a year, but will probably last much longer. EVERYONE will need to get the vaccine, it will be impossible to have a life without it, and this is happening all over the world. This is not a good situation IMHO.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by Saw » Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:58 pm

Yes, this is their plan. Also they are already setting up the un-injected as the villains. The new story line is the unvaxxed are driving the variants
and Biden says if don't take the injection you are killing people. So when those that have taken the injection start dropping it will be your fault.

meanwhile the injections claim to fame is if you get covid your symptoms will be lessened.

The script is so bad its comical.
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by pamojja » Fri Jul 23, 2021 4:22 am

johnyascorbate wrote:I don't know where you live, but in the USA, if proof of vaccine is needed to go grocery shopping, or do anything anywhere in public, the mandate will not be over in a few months or even a year, but will probably last much longer. EVERYONE will need to get the vaccine, it will be impossible to have a life without it, and this is happening all over the world. This is not a good situation IMHO.

No doubt the situation where there is a world-wide overtake of facists is very, very sad.

Here in Europe that hasn't even come up jet. Here in Austria just a few states want to implement that everyone NEWLY employed in health-care from August onward has to be vaccinated. In Italy they want suspent any health-care workers for a year, and fire them in France. Shopping for both vaccinated and unvaccinated is still only possible with masks. So if no-access to shopping for unvaccinated is already discussed in the US, we are still very far behind.

And not too far the real long-term side-effect will become apparent, if any. And this house of cards could crumble very fast. I'm not saying any of this definitely will happen, and one always better not start to panic (to not further weaken immunity), but to prepare for eventualities and obvious risk. One risk in this situation are widespread disruption of infrastructure (false flags) and social unrest. Or if whole segments of society is prohibited from shopping, maybe by that alone.

However, its also clear that fashist only are waiting for such sucial-unrest to further clamp down with their final lockdown, in their fantasy never-ending again.

Either way what ever happens, one only can prepare for the worst immatiate case to store up on most urgent neccesities. Lifing under fashist rule will never be possible to be normal again anyway. For the perpetrators, or the first victims neither.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by johnyascorbate » Fri Jul 23, 2021 5:16 am

Saw wrote:The script is so bad its comical.

pamojja wrote:Either way what ever happens, one only can prepare for the worst immatiate case to store up on most urgent neccesities. Lifing under fashist rule will never be possible to be normal again anyway. For the perpetrators, or the first victims neither.

I had Covid, and am still making IGG and IGM antibodies. If it was truly about immunity, at the very least, they would let those with antibodies avoid vaccination. It is unreal that society is forcing its citizens to receive a vaccine, something that no one should be forced to take.
The push will not end until every human on earth is vaccinated, for a reason that has nothing to do with Covid. One can only have so much food stored, and avoid going in public places for so long. At some point, you will need to do something that requires you to go somewhere, where only vaccinated people can go. We have no choice in taking something that could produce serious side effects. This is like a bad dream.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by pamojja » Fri Jul 23, 2021 5:24 am

johnyascorbate wrote:I had Covid, and am still making IGG and IGM antibodies. If it was truly about immunity, at the very least, they would let those with antibodies avoid vaccination. It is unreal that society is forcing its citizens to receive a vaccine, something that no one should be forced to take.

That's standard here, for example for inside Restaurants: Either tested (which is for free), or recovered, or vaccinated.

johnyascorbate wrote:This is like a bad dream.

Could you describe in detail since when and where it became impossible to shop for unvaccinated? Or if not happened yet, when it will be implemented? Or any link?

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by johnyascorbate » Fri Jul 23, 2021 5:38 am

pamojja wrote:Could you describe in detail since when and where it became impossible to shop for unvaccinated? Or if not happened yet, when it will be implemented? Or any link?

There isn't a place in the USA that requires a vaccine to shop at the supermarket yet, but I know that it's coming. What is about to happen in the USA, is local governments will start deciding where a person will need a vaccine to enter.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by pamojja » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:25 am

johnyascorbate wrote:There isn't a place in the USA that requires a vaccine to shop at the supermarket yet, but I know that it's coming. What is about to happen in the USA, is local governments will start deciding where a person will need a vaccine to enter.

Since many decades I also know to live means getting older, propably disabled through chronic disease, and to die. In 100% of cases. I decided to live fully anyway, do what's in my might to prevent and ease discomfort. And then die with an open mind to what that could bring next.

You're paralyzed by something of a much, much less likelyhood. Much more likely is supermarkets, banks, hospitals or police will close down for some time. Nothing to do with one's vaccination status.

One can only have so much food stored, and avoid going in public places for so long.

Most will be excessively thirsty by day 3, ravenous hungry after a week or two. That first month is for which you yourself can prepare for, and not mindlessly have to wander dangerous public places in search of any . If you weren't paralysed from the outset. Again the likelihood of such a mad-max scenario going on much longer is very small. Just think of our grandparents who survived the unrest and hunger during world-war 2 too.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by johnyascorbate » Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:02 am

The Covid vaccination effort is unlike anything ever attempted, you cannot compare it to anything in the past. They are going to make sure that every person on earth is forced to get the jab. If you think they are going to leave anyone unvaccinated, you got another thing coming. I don't want to speculate what is in that vaccine or why we must get it, on a public forum, but I don't have to say anything for you to know that the vaccine is serving a purpose (good or bad) that no one is aware of.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by pamojja » Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:19 am

johnyascorbate wrote:The Covid vaccination effort is unlike anything ever attempted, you cannot compare it to anything in the past.

Of course, take the million Jews being told in concentration camps to have to take showers against lice..

Neither you nor I am in that really worst situation yet. We propably still have months to prepare. Either by looking for a hide-out in remote areas and most neccesities stored. Or simply by doing what many Jews did, escape. If you're in the US, Mexico is very easy to get to.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by johnyascorbate » Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:55 pm

I was certainly not comparing this to past events in terms of hardship. The fact is that they are trying to and will succeed in vaccinating everyone on earth, billions of people. Something this large has never been done.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by pamojja » Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:51 pm

johnyascorbate wrote:The fact is that they are trying to and will succeed in vaccinating everyone on earth, billions of people. Something this large has never been done.

Only thing certain is the uncertanty of the future. Of course already before they wanted everone vaccinated. Only now they have all the MSM and most polititians behind. (Behind that want, not yet with force.)

Untill now they are only trying to push it on. Especially on healthcare-workers (who of course are most health-conscious) in some places. In my country there is such a lack for example of nurses, its even openly stated as not an option at this time, unless wanting a complete collapse of our health-care. Too many wont let themself be vaccinated unless with a gun at their head.

Why you're so pessimistic? And seem convinced they will succeed? Are you already that much brainwashed and scared by their propaganda of their alledged all-compasing power over you? - The very reason most resignate and sign up for the shot? Wrongly thinking they will be over with? It will be billions in the end. But also billions will refuse for certain.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by johnyascorbate » Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:13 am

Not scared, just not ignorant as to what is unfolding before our eyes.

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Re: Will it be possible to live a normal life in the USA without getting vaccinated?

Post by Blargus » Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:34 am

I agree it looks like they want to push the vaccine on everyone. I can't believe it's even happening it's so crazy. But during this last year or two which has been very hard for me though maybe not as hard as for many, I have thought many times that you just have to put one foot in front of the other and try not to get over worried about things until they happen. Putting aside a bit of food etc. if you can I think is a great idea if you don't need it you can eat it :).

I wonder if they know with some sort of occult understanding these guys have that they have to get people to voluntarily choose because it has seemed that way this whole time.

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