My PT Journal (stroke)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by eDOC » Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:29 am

farside wrote:I thought you no longer recommended infusions, just oral?
Didn't DiverDown2 just use oral?
I understand you also drink DMSO regularly. I believe it has benefits.
What reason would there be to go for infusion?

1. No, Infusions are my 1st choice, than oral. (For those across the globe who fail to find someone to pass an IV line etc.)

2. Correct DiverDown2 did oral, his issues varied and we were in communication till his Prostate issue showed up. Cannot disclose more (patient privacy).

3. I take oral or an infusion whenever I find the time or recall, if you call it regularly than yes otherwise, just to detox, feel better.....

4. I would recommend giving it a break for 2 weeks or an infusion weekly. Your body is overly stacked up with oxygen and feel the supplements that you are on are incorrect, their dosages, types (R/L isomers) etc. and thus mitochondria are not functioning optimally and not doing the job they should be.

Hope that answers your queries.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:31 am

4. I would recommend giving it a break for 2 weeks or an infusion weekly.

If over consumption of oral DMSO is 'overly stacking up oxygen in the body', how is a weekly infusion, which is more potent way of taking DMSO, going to correct that?
Can you explain the biochemistry of "overly stacked up with oxygen"?

I will mention this - the hydroxyl radical scavenging benefit of DMSO leaves behind several less active radicals (sulphoxide radicals) after doing its work, which in turn need mopping up. So I believe it is essential to take additional anti-oxidants with DMSO. I recommend hydroxytyrosol, NAC and a polyphenol. Of course one has some protection anyway from the ascorbate and other vitamins recommended in PT.

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by eDOC » Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:59 am

If over consumption of oral DMSO is 'overly stacking up oxygen in the body',
Over consumption is NOT stacking, but a BLOCK ahead is.

how is a weekly infusion, which is more potent way of taking DMSO, going to correct that?

Infusion aren't more potent just lesser time to hit peak levels.

Can you explain the biochemistry of "overly stacked up with oxygen"?
Mitochondrial dysfunction/restricted function. It's complex and don't have the time to respond to that while on work

I will mention this - the hydroxyl radical scavenging benefit of DMSO leaves behind several less active radicals (sulphoxide radicals) after doing its work, which in turn need mopping up.

Ancient logic posted in some internet article. Sulphoxide is of no clinical significance (Which BTW are taken up by mitochondrial apoptosis), it's reduced cellular energy the end result, which causes damage.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Tue Dec 08, 2020 1:02 pm

This article may be relevant:

which says:

it may hamper basal cell metabolism by scavenging electrons needed for ATP production24. The resulting decrease in ATP content was observed in our two DMSO treated cell models

Although all its studies are 'in vitro'

The article is rather anti-DMSO. It claims DMSO affects certain gene expressions.
Still, the immediate benefit to stroke victims is undeniable.

Slight correction to DMSO metabolites : DMSO is metabolized by disproportionation to dimethyl sulfide (still a mild reducing agent) and dimethyl sulfone, aka MSM, which still has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:50 am

Well I tried stopping the DMSO for two days and my left side wisdom tooth started rumbling again. I guess the DMSO was effective in keeping any inflammation at bay.

However the absence of DMSO didn't help the sleep problem, besides my wife has the same sleep issue and she does not drink DMSO. Also I didn't somehow feel right after not taking DMSO, so I am back on it again, but at half dose of what used to take.

The rumbling tooth was fixed (again) by powdering two sprigs of cloves, mixing then with a few ml of 60% DMSO and holding the mixture in the mouth as close to the tooth as possible for about five minutes then sptting out. Don't rinse mouth afterwards for at least 30mins. Best done twice a day, with one just before bedtime. Tooth is now ok. Good idea to add a few ml of colloidal silver to the mix, if you have it.

The sleep issue may be due to a tendency to lie-in in the mornings rather than getting up at the crack of dawn like I used to, so my sleep cycle has shifted. Still experimenting!

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:07 pm

Been busy moving home (had to downsize becuase of finances).
During the move (in January) for 2 days I missed a dose of PT.

Last week I had a couple of minor 'retinal squigglies' but more worrying were two nights where I got a retina migrane (expanding kalaidoscope halo). I took extra DMSO as a precaution. About mid-morning sometimes I feel a 'pressure' on the side of my neck / ear that slowly goes away. Unfortunately my partner is suffering from major depression at this time, so updates may be less frequent for now.

Sleeping is still troublesome. I heard a more alkaline body at night time helps sleep, so I am now using a 1:1 mix of sodium ascorbate and ascorbic acid, in an attempt to make my system less acidic. Unsure of the science of this, as the body regulates the blood pH within a tight range (else enzymes would not work).

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:46 am

Apologies for the long silence!

Still on my regime, nothing really changed except:
    I drink about 8ml of 60% DMSO with my first and last dose of PT.
    I uses a 50:50 mix of ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate powder for my vitamin C. This reduces the sour taste, and is a bit better for my teeth.

I still plan to get a carotid ultrasound scan this year, but it is not so easy in the current stupid COVID environment.

Interesting data on palm oil - stuff that is extremely difficult to avoid. Palm oil major constituents are:
Palmitic acid 44% (a saturated fat)
Oleic acid 37%
Linoleic acid 9%

Palmitate, stearate and oleate are the most abundant Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) in the body.
Excess FFA critically induces reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, resulting in lipotoxicity associated with ER stress, calcium dysregulation, mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death.

Accumulating evidence supports a synergistic effect between palmitate and high glucose leading to diabetic complications.
mitochondrial DNA damage is observed as early as 48?h when bovine retinal cells are exposed to palmitate and high glucose

We demonstrated that PA induces lipid accumulation, mitochondrial injury, and apoptosis in podocytes. The mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway, rather than the death receptor pathway, is the main pathway involved in PA-induced apoptosis in podocytes, and excessive ROS production derived from damaged mitochondria is a key underlying mechanism. ... ed/1614054

Oleate Prevents Palmitate-Induced Atrophy via Modulation of Mitochondrial ROS Production in Skeletal Myotubes

There is oleic acid in palm oil, but taking more oleic acid more (say by taking olive oil) would certainly offset the bad effects of palmitic acid.
Also, there is this 'antdote' :
Astragaloside IV and cycloastragenol are equally effective in inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress ... 4115002962

So olive oil and astragalus extract help.
I now take a tablespoon of olive oil per day and a 1/3 teaspoon of astragalus extract powder twice per day.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:31 pm

Found this article :
(scroll up the page to see all the posts)

It's about curing long covid/vaccine injury, but it really is about curing chronic inflammation. The idea is to take a high dose of melatonin, followed 15 minutes later by a high dose of niacin. For me, I tried 20mg of melatonin followed by 500mg of niacin. The melatonin stops the niacin flush (it did) and it drives the niacin into the cells. If you still get a flush, it means you need to increase the melatonin. 20mg of melatonin is way beyond what is needed to induce a good night's sleep (5mg would do). The feeling I get when trying this 'niatonin' treatment is a bit like consuming 100mg of DHEA - a certain calmness.

Unfortunately, I did not sleep well that night, so next night I took 10mg of melatonin which sort of helped.

The next night I had a lamb chop for dinner (first time ever in a very, very long time) and (coincidentally?) I got a very good night's sleep just using 6mg of melatonin.

Since arterial disease is a sort of inflammatory disease, I think I will continue with it (20mg of melatonin followed by 500mg of niacin) in addition to PT.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:39 am

Interesting about the lamb chop.

I am reminded of the "new" information in Jerry Tennant's HEALING IS VOLTAGE books that there is a little recognized effect of sunlight, (in addition to the creation of vitamin D out of cholesterol), the production of another substance, cholesterol sulphate, that is important in cardiovascular health. The article Tennant cites proffers the idea that atherosclerosis is at least, in part, a cholesterol sulfate deficiency. The moral is to eat sulphur bearing foods, and, get enough sunlight!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:20 pm

Some dissappointing news.
I had another Ultra-Sound (US) carotid scan today, and the stenosis is now reported to be 75%. Previously it was 65%.
Here is my history:

Jan 2020 - stroke incident
US Carotid duplex showed possible 65% stenosis in the left ICA.
Large plaque burden seen at the origin of the internal carotid artery.
CTA carotid confirmed 65% stenosis:
The lowest cross-sectional diameter is 4.2 x 2.4 mm. More superiorly, in the mid internal carotid artery the diameter is 5.8 x 4.7 mm. This gives 63% stenosis.

Jan 2020
Immediately started PT, 20g VitC, 6g lysine, 2g proline per day (+ other supplements)

Feb 2020
Added DMSO to protocol

July 2020 - First US scan after starting PT
(NOTE : It is acknowleged that this scan did not leave enough time for PT to do its work).
Smooth softly echogenic plaque with some localised calcification seen in carotid bulb.
Because the stenosis is localised to the carotid bulb proximal to the bifurcation, the normal velocity criteria and PSV and St Mary's ratios which would apply to an internal carotid stenosis cannot be applied with confidence.
Imaging measurements however suggest a less than 50% NASCET stenosis and 60-70% ECST stenosis of the carotid bulb.
Left bulb diameter 1.19cm
Left bulb lumen (at narrowist point) 0.38 cm
Left distal ICA diameter 0.51cm
NASCET - North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial

November 2021
US carotids (4D scan)
The left carotid bulb contains heterogenous plaque resulting in a vessel diameter reduction of 74.5% (ECST).
75% reduction in left carotid bulb vessel diameter
Turbulent flow with normal velocity in the left ICA
(sonographer said measurement error is about 10%)

So I have been on PT for just under 2 years now, but the carotid stenosis has not reduced, and may have increased.
This is disappointing. I was hoping for some evidence of a reduction after nearly 2 years, but it isn't there.
I seem to have a very stubborn calcified deposit in my left carotid bulb.

I am not giving up PT, but I am now wondering what extra I can do.
Maybe fasting one day a week, as I seem to recall that reduces plaque, and may accelerate PT.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by DiverDown2 » Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:53 am

Raise your Proline to at least 6 Grams a day,
Lipoprotein(a) levels are largely determined by inheritance.
Special diet does not influence lipoprotein(a) levels.
None of the available cholesterol lowering drugs lower lipoprotein(a) blood levels.
Ascorbate and niacin both lower lipoprotein(a) blood levels.
L-lysine and L-proline, two natural amino acids, can prevent the apo(a) adhesive from sticking, serving as a kind of Teflon coating. Of these,
L-proline is several times more powerful than L-lysine.
These aminos also assist to shrink the plaque which is already present.

Lipoprotein(a) blood level is the single greatest risk factor predicting the restenosis of vessels used in bypass surgery.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:52 am

Hi DiverDown2,
Thanks, I will up the proline to 6 grams a day (same level as lysine).
What would be the maximum amount to take?
Since the plaque has been there a long time (calcified), is there anything extra that can be done for that situation?

I am also going to increase my pomegranate powder intake.

Footnote : I still notice I feel pounding (heartbeat) in my left ear / neck when exercising hard (the left side is where the problem carotid bulb is).
I take that as an indication there is still a blockage.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by DiverDown2 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 10:33 am

Find a Cardiologist that will do " EECP " immediately, that will FIX your Problem!!!!!!
I did and it will change your Life. No you do not have to be in Heart Failure for it. Even Athletes do it to increase Blood Flow.
It acts like a Natural By-Pass by creating new vessels. But by all means never skip Pauling's.

I take 18 G. Vitamin-C
10 G. L-Lysine
6 G. L-Proline
Don't forget the K

Research: Serrapeptase and Nattokinese for the Plaque.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by farside » Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:32 am

Hi DiverDown2,

I looked up EECP and found that it is mainly for heart issues (which I don't think I have), however I also read this about it:

"Other, non-cardiac conditions may benefit from EECP, including peripheral vascular disease, erectile dysfunction, renal impairment, chronic venous ulcers and even sleep apnoea and depression. It can improve functional recovery after ischaemic stroke and may enhance the effects of thrombolysis when used in acute thrombo-embolic cerebrovascular events."

I don't know if it can shift my calcified plaque deposit though.

Prior to the stroke I was taking very high amounts of serrapeptase (900,000iu a day, I think) in the belief it would protect the arteries. Unfortunately it didn't. Its main mode seems to be as a clean up operation, not for removing already deposited plaque.

Yes, I do take the K2 : that's important!

I did look into nattokinase - I think there were pros and cons. Ultimately I decided to not take any.

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Re: My PT Journal (stroke)

Post by DiverDown2 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:23 pm

EECP It will NOT unblock your existing plaque, but EECP will create natural by-pass for your partially blocked arteries, giving blood several alternate routes, by making NEW collaterals.
For Me it stopped all PVC's, pounding heartbeat, and now I can exercise as hard as I want and never get any symptoms or shortness of breath.

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