Looking for book about vitamin c and diabetes.

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Looking for book about vitamin c and diabetes.

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:46 pm

Has anyone written one that is available and affordable?

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Re: Looking for book about vitamin c and diabetes.

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:16 am

Ironically, one of the better books on Diabetes, DIABETES SOLUTION, by Bernstein (the oldest living Type I diabetic) advises not taking vitamin C?! (and he also admits in his writings that the only condition his program doesn't seem to solve is cardiovascular disease.)

Why does he give such bad advice and recommend limiting vitamin C to the RDA? Because taking more interferes with glucose readers, and he endeavors to get his followers blood sugar down to the 80s. (I've contacted him, but he knows what he thinks he knows.)

Personally, I have learned the most about what Diabetes (Type II) really is, first from Thomas Smith (healingmatters.com) and lately from a book by Anthony William, LIVER RESCUE. William's supposedly infallible info tells us that sugars, e.g., glucose, do not cause diabetes. High sugar levels are a symptom of sugar not leaving the blood stream. Why, because glucose, which requires insulin, is blocked from entering cells. Diabetes under this view is a cell membrane disturbance caused by... wait for it...

We are told the true cause of "insulin resistance" is too many "radical fats" in the diet, and this idea closely matches what Thomas Smith, formerly healingmatters.com (now http://whale.to/a/smith.html ) told us. Smith's research focused on the dangers of trans fatty acids, and identified them specifically as the main culprit in the Type II story. Smith's protocol of stopping all fats, see link above, and then slowly introducing "good" fats seems to always bring down blood sugars in Type II diabetics.

Now it turns out that if you have Type II, i.e., the cell membrane disturbance that blocks sugar from entering cells, and because vitamin C apparently shares the same GLUT absorption mechanism, Type II is likely blocking vitamin C's entry into cells.

Finally we learn from the unimpeachable source, that a) all nutrients require methylation before they can enter cells, b) that methylation generally makes the nutrients smaller, c) that methylation requires vitamin B12, but that d) the small amount of vitamin C in celery juice is already methylated, and does not require any attention by the liver.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Looking for book about vitamin c and diabetes.

Post by Qimualaniq656 » Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:30 am

Ok thank you, I already have that book by bernstein.

I was thinking: if bad fats are the problem, then wouldn't lecithin help diabetics? It seems that it does. https://www.bcm.edu/news/lecithin-component-may-reduce-fatty-liver

Also, if methylation is the problem, then there's a whole regimen to to improve methylation. B-12 is not the only supplement that can help. Interesting. Off to do reasearch.....

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