Could Pauling Thpy Cause Strokes by Working Too Fast

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Could Pauling Thpy Cause Strokes by Working Too Fast

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:22 am

Susan called regarding our Cardio-C. She's researching Pauling's therapy for her husband who has: bypass, stents and blockage, and she has two main questions:

A) Is there a chance the blockage will be loosened and cause a stroke? In other words, is the blockage dissolved, or simply let loose in the body to land willy - nilly? (I had thought of this question before, too, and am interested). I know it is a mechanical process in that the arterial walls are repaired/smoothed and thus no more blockage, but... what happens to the gunk?

B) And, if you know, is there a preferred way to view blockage- is a CT scan or angiogram the best way to check on blockage... and why. Basically x-ray vs. direct eyes-on?

And she thanks you profusely before-hand, for your time. I told her I would beg you for an answer!

We (my brother Mike Till and I) used to worry about this in the beginning, and it was one reason we hesitated to recommend it. But early on a relative of Mike's wife had heart surgery, and during the operation, this exact type of incident happened. A piece of plaque broke away during surgery and traveled to the brain, causing a stroke and the relative died on the operating table.

On the other hand we have been recommending and monitoring seriously ill patients since 1996 taking very large doses of vitamin C and lysine, along with a myriad of heart medications, and no such thing has been reported. Not once. Dr. Rath explains that the plaques dissolve at a molecular level - molecule by molecule.

If there was a great way to monitor plaque - we'd have had a study by now. We'll see what other thinks, although a Reverend here in Illinois thinks an ultrasound unit clearly showed that his plaques were gone.

Now, given the husband's history, I think the very safest thing to do is start with a vitamin C and lysine product, start slowly if there is fear, but do not include proline. (It is possible the Lp(a) in the bypass graphs is what keeps them strong (usually made from weak veins) so there is at least in theory, a danger of removing/stopping Lp(a), and weakenning the bypass graph. Pauling himself only recommendecd Vitamin C and lysine.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Could Pauling Thpy Cause Strokes by Working Too Fast

Post by Johnwen » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:41 pm

Great reply by Owen but one question I have on this person.
How long ago did he have all these procedures?
If their more then 6 month's old he needs to be on L-arginine 500Mg. Am and 500Mg. Pm!
10Mg. Policosanol One time a day in addition to his Pauling therapy!
Do a search on Neo-intimal Hyperplasia to find out why!
If he's taking statins he's also increasing his chances of a stroke by 25% by taking them after a bypass surgery his concern's should be directed at this more then the V-C because V-C aids in healing and statins interfer with it.
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