Fluoride and Collagen - PT Magic after going to other water

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Fluoride and Collagen - PT Magic after going to other water

Post by ofonorow » Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:18 am

Are you aware of any herxheimer-like reactions when treating atheroslcerosis with the Pauling Therapy? I'm curious if healing the arteries might cause plaque to be shed like a scab, causing transient ischemia.

?No. Long ago (circa 1995) when we started we were worried about this and didn't generally recommend Pauling's therapy to friends and family, etc. . Then a relative died during heart surgery - some of the plaque broke off and caused a stroke. From that point on, we have recommend Pauling's therapy, and so far, without any such incident being reported. Over the years most of the people had exhausted all their options with conventional medicine, were on a myriad of drugs, etc.?

Matthias Rath has written that the dissolution of the plaque is "molecule by molecule".

The first few weeks I was on the therapy, I made steady progress. But, it still felt like I was swimming upstream. Then I happened across a report on fluoride and it's negative effect on collagen synthesis. I immediately switched to water without fluoride and the results were magical. This may be unique to my chemistry. But given the volume of research, it might be worth recommending across the board.

?Thank you for this report! We'll add fluoridated water to our list of "don'ts".
Owen R. Fonorow
LifeWave.COM/vitamincfoundation (Partner ID 2486278)
LifeWave.COM/inteligentVitaminC (Partner ID 2533974)


Re: Fluoride and Collagen - PT Magic after going to other wa

Post by blade » Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:41 am

The first few weeks I was on the therapy, I made steady progress. But, it still felt like I was swimming upstream. Then I happened across a report on fluoride and it's negative effect on collagen synthesis. I immediately switched to water without fluoride and the results were magical. This may be unique to my chemistry. But given the volume of research, it might be worth recommending across the board.

I went to making my own water, distilled, after reading Blaylocks book.

I tell my friends/parents to get non-fluoridated water. Would you link me to the report you read? Or give me the name of it?
I'd like to read it
thank you

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