Scurvy as a mimicker of arthritis: Isolated hemarthrosis due to vitamin C deficiency, a case report

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Scurvy as a mimicker of arthritis: Isolated hemarthrosis due to vitamin C deficiency, a case report

Post by ofonorow » Wed May 22, 2024 9:27 am

Scurvy as a mimicker of arthritis: Isolated hemarthrosis due to vitamin C deficiency, a case report ... 7X24000419
Scurvy, linked to Vitamin C deficiency, can be challenging to diagnose in the western hemisphere, known for its ample Vitamin C-rich dietary choices. Moreover, presentation of the symptoms may vary and lead to a complex, diagnostic dilemma. Hemarthrosis and intramuscular hematomas are conditions seen more commonly with traumatic, hematologic and other etiologies. We present a case of a rare instance of a 66-year-old gentleman with isolated hemarthrosis due to a vitamin C deficiency from incidental poor nutritional intake. The diagnostic workup demonstrated can be a cumbersome process, but resolution upon Vitamin C supplementation can have substantial outcomes for a relatively cheap intervention.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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