Swimmer with recent heart problems confused

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Swimmer with recent heart problems confused

Post by ofonorow » Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:23 am

Now, I am a bit congused. I read everything about Ascorbabe and Tower Ascorsine-9. I mean, both sounds good, but which one would I benefit from most?

As I said, I had quadruple bypass, plus a stent in my left shoulder area (all done in one day). My condition is herediatery. I am otherwise very healthy and strong. I have never had a heart attack (although very close to one). I am 54 yrs. old, 5'6 and 160 lbs. I am
a swimmer and a runner. Had not have any fast food for the last 10 years. Drink no sodas. No GMO food, etc.

Hard to believe that I should be this big surgery.....? All my coronaries were 95-100% blocked. I had an angiogram done on Aug. 30 this year, and none of this showed up! So, I was attacked by this in 3 months! I know, it is hard to believe.

Anyway, based on this info. I would like to know which one would be the best for me. Thanks, K.

There is something strange. What did you do differently during those 3 months? I wish you had had a second opinion. Were you in any distress? Other than the tests, did you not feel well?

The hereditary factor is Lp(a). Do you know your levels?

If we assume your Lp(a) is high, then all three products should be effective (Cardio-C, HeartTechnology or Ascorsine-9), but I would recommend HeartTechnology (at least) because of the results of a small pilot study we ran years ago. We just don't have the same data for Cardio-C. (In other words, it may be an additional ingredent in HT, e.g. the vitamin A in HT, and not in Cardio-C may make a difference re: Lp(a))

But now that you have a bypass and stent the dynamics change. Your 3-ply arteries were replaced with 1-ply veins. Veins are weaker tissue, and you may not want to diminish plaque growth on the bypasses, at least for awhile. COnfusing, but we do know that in ALL cases, vitamin C to tolerance is called for - arteries or veins.

I don't think extra lysine hurts a bypass, but I am concerned about the proline (concerned w/r to vein bypass patients only). All products, except Towers Anti-Aging have quite a bit of proline. I think HeartTechnology has the least and may be your best bet.

So how to proceed? I think you need to determine your Lp(a) levels, and use these levels to determine the dosages. Get your Lp(a) down, so as not to narrow the artery too much but not to zero, so as not to deplete the vein of all structural integrity.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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More Info

Post by ofonorow » Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:27 am


Yes, I had a change within those 3 months that I forgot to say. I had a stent placed in my heart on Aug. 30, 2007.

As I said, I am a swimmer and in the last summer I started to feel pressure in my heart in my first 10 laps. After 43 laps I was ok. I told my doctors who started a bunch a tests and every test came out ok.
They began to think that my pain was from my sternum.
There was one more test I could do and that one showed something was wrong. Angriogram was scheduled. I was so surprised to find out that one of my coronary
artery was 90% blocked.

I had beeen very concerned about putting a stent in. I know my body very well and know that "it" does not like foreign objects. I asked my cardiologist what will happened if my heart, or body, wants to reject this stent. He said it wont.

After the stent, I took the Plavix and Aspirin. My diet became stricter. I did the Vitamin C, Lysine. I didn't swim this fall, but did walking/ speed walking at the college. Everything seems to be fine.=20

Suddenly, on Nov. 27, 2007, I started to feel a terrible heart pain, much worse than in the summer. Between Dec. 5 and 10, testing were done and as of Dec. 7 I had to be in the hospital, laying all still for 3 days until scheduled surgery on Monday (they didn't want to initiate an heart attack).

Two of my surgeons told me that the stent had been rejected by my own body (I had not said anything to them) and this was how my own body was fighting it off, by literally killing me.

These blocks were not there on Aug. 30, 2007. Yes, I know it sounds strange, but that is how it happened.

So, do you think I should take a blood test first to see what my levels are first before I order anything?

Thanks for for info.


Now I'm confused, why would a stent be placed before anything was wrong?? I have to digest this before I reply further
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Post by Ralph Lotz » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:55 pm

Anti-Atherogenic Effects of a Mixture of Ascorbic Acid, Lysine, Proline, Arginine, Cysteine, and Green Tea Phenolics in Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells.

Original Article

Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 49(3):140-145, March 2007.
Ivanov, Vadim PhD; Roomi, M Waheed PhD; Kalinovsky, T MS; Niedzwiecki, Aleksandra PhD; Rath, Matthias MD
Certain drastic behavioral modifications by arterial wall smooth muscle cells (SMC) have been considered key steps in the formation of atherosclerotic lesions: massive migration of SMC from the media to the intima layer of the vessel, dedifferentiation of SMC to proliferating phenotype, and increased secretion of inflammatory cytokines as a response to inflammatory stimuli. We investigated the anti-atherogenic effects of naturally occurring compounds (ascorbic acid, green tea extract, lysine, proline, arginine, and N-acetyl cysteine) using the model of cultured aortic SMC. Cell growth was measured by DNA synthesis, cell invasiveness was measured through Matrigel, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) secretion was measured by zymography, and SMC secretion of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) was measured by immunochemistry. Fetal bovine serum-stimulated SMC growth was inhibited by the nutrient mixture (NM) with 85% inhibition at 100 [mu]g/mL. A corresponding concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG; 15 [mu]M), the most active tea phenolic, produced a significant effect but one lower than NM. NM inhibited aortic SMC Matrigel invasion in a dose-dependent manner and significantly decreased MMP-2 expression. Stimulation of SMC with tumor necrosis factor-alpha significantly increased production and secretion of such mediators of inflammation as IL-6 and MCP-1; addition of 100 [mu]g/mL NM inhibited secretion of MCP-1 and IL-6 by 65% and 47%, respectively. These data suggest that the NM of ascorbic acid, tea phenolics, and selected amino acids has potential in blocking the development of atherosclerotic lesions by inhibiting atherogenic responses of vascular SMC to pathologic stimuli and warrants in vivo studies.

http://www.cardiovascularpharm.com/pt/r ... 29!8091!-1

"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

Seymore Spectacles

formula for Epican Forte

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:47 pm


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