Will Vitamin C lower cholesterol

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Will Vitamin C lower cholesterol

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:31 am

Hi owen...I meant if it lowers chosleterol even a bit its worth the money. If it helps a lot...great! Joyce

On Jun 26, 2008, at 6:39 AM, Owen R. Fonorow & Associates wrote:

Forgive my memory, what is the problem? What are your symptoms? Owen.

Hmmmm... I take it you haven't read our book :-)

Cholesterol is your friend...

It is a primary detoxification mechanism, it transports fat soluble vitamins and CoQ10, and all the sex hormones are created out of cholesterol. If you don't eat enough, the body has a feedback mechanism and makes more!

Now it is true that in heart patients, cholesterol has generally been found to be elevated, (But they have also found that most heart patients own microwaves. Getting rid of the microwave won't cure the disease.)

Cholesterol is a symptom of, not the cause of heart disease

Elevated cholesterol indicates that your body is attempting to deal with heart disease. There is absolutely no proof that by artificially lowering this symptom you treat the root cause, (any more than reducing sinus mucous during a cold eliminates the cold.)

In fact, the reverse is true.

What sparked Dr. Levy's interest, he is a cardiologist by training, was his observation that in his heart patients, after they had their mercury fillings removed, their cholesterol dropped more than 20 points within days.

Now, vitamin C by treating the root cause, generally lowers cholesterol, indicating that the underlying "fire" or "toxicity" is being dealt with. And there are a mountain of studies that show when your blood levels of vitamin C are "optimal" your total cholesterol will normalize to 180 mg/dl.

But in the absence of vitamin C - cholesterol is your friend helping you body deal with the crisis.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Will Vitamin C lower cholesterol

Post by joiv » Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:41 am

If you are way too low on vitamin C and you increase your intake slightly, your cholesterol may actually increase. It seems that a lack of vitamin C somehow impairs the body's ability to produce cholesterol. However, as you increase your intake of vitamin C even more, it may decrease your cholesterol levels as vitamin C is needed for the reaction that converts cholesterol into bile salts.

However, the cholesterol may also decrease for other reasons, i.e. if it was elevated due to chronic toxicity.

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