Everything has failed!!!

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Everything has failed!!!

Post by OneSickPuppy » Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:40 pm

Hello! Sure would appreciate advice. I've been going to cardiologists for ten years now, since 1998. I've had a stent placed in 1998. It collapsed and had to return and have it reopened. I've been taking "heart" medications now for all of those years. I presently take 50 mg Cozaar, twice daily; Metoprolol, 100 mg, twice daily; Amlodipine Besylate, 10 mg, once daily, and one 81 mg aspirin daily. I recently spoke with my cardiologist and he said I'm taking the best medicine available, and in the proper doses. I asked him why the chest pains persist. His response was, "I don't know."

Last May, 2007, I had five bypass coronary surgery. This was done off pump. The next day the surgeon proudly came to my room, held up five fingers and announced, "Bill you have five good grafts and a beautiful heart!" I believed him. Four months later the chest pains were back! I went back to the hospital and asked him "why?" His intelligent reply: "I don't know. You need to come back to the hospital for more tests." I said, "and then what, Doc, are you going to split my chest open again?" He replied, "Well, if you can live with the pain, then so can I." These people, including the hospital and the Physicians Board, are no more than glorified, well- educated and well-skilled THUGS

I've started on the Heart Technology about a week ago. I take two level scoops in the morning and two in the afternoon-evening. I haven't seen any improvement, with the exception of a decrease in heart palpitations, for which I'm grateful. This has been going on for at least six months now.

I see that I'm going to have to do more. I'm going to have to take vitamin K1 and K2, vitamin E, Co-Q10, Omega 3 and 6, etc. However, our money situation is very, very limited. We're in the throes of taking bankruptcy. We can't possibly afford all that is required. I believe I can continue to maintain the Heart Tech, but even that is going to be tight. Because of my chest pain, I can't really do anything meaningful or significant as far as gainful employment. We have two small Social Security checks and a small pension. Any suggestions?

Thank you. :D


Re: Everything has failed!!!

Post by J.Lilinoe » Tue Nov 04, 2008 9:44 pm

Unique E is supposedly the best E.


Re: Everything has failed!!!

Post by sanderson » Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:08 am


I sure am sorry to hear of all of your current difficulties - both healthwise and financial. I don't know how much this will help you, but I currently get the bulk of my supplements from Puritans Pride (http://www.puritanspride.com) and Doctor's Trust (http://www.doctorstrust.com). Both websites are owned by the same company I think, and while they normally have the same products, every once in a while, you can find something on one that isn't offered on the other. They sell pure Vitamin C crystals in 6 oz. and 20 oz. containers. 1 teaspoon = approximately 5 grams of pure Vitamin C....and each 20 oz. container is about 113 teaspoons. I also buy my L-Lysine there...as well as my Coenzyme Q-10. Thanks to a suggestion from one of this site's users, I get my L-Proline at iHerb.com (Puritans Pride and Doctors Trust don't offer a pure proline supplement). Basically, I can get everything I need from those three websites. The Puritans Pride/Doctors Trust sites seem to be cheaper than the iHerb site....but again, only the iHerb offers the pure proline out of the three. And I always buy capsules rather than tablets (the capsules are more easily digested).

If I were you, I would figure out how much of each Heart Technology component you are taking per day, and then price the equivalent on the sites I mentioned (or any other site you come across). See which is cheaper per month. You might have to swallow a number of pills by sourcing the individual components of the Heart Technology, but it might save you some money. That's one reason I like the Vitamin C crystals - I just dissolve two teaspoons (10 grams) in some orange juice and then drink that with the pills that I take (otherwise, to take 10 g of Vitamin C, I'd most likely be swallowing an additional 20 pills: 500 mg x 20 = 10 g).

After you see if you can save some money that way (by purchasing the components of Heart Technology individually), maybe you'll have enough left over to add in your Omega 3, CoQ10, etc.

I hope this helps you a little. And please don't despair about still having chest pains after a week of Heart Technology. From what I've read, a week isn't an inordinate amount of time. Most people take a little longer to feel an improvement. I certainly wish you the best!!

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Re: Everything has failed!!!

Post by ofonorow » Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:37 am

If those drugs are the "best available" then you must be from some other country? (Or they are very new, because I've never heard of them, save aspirin.) You might ask your doctor why he trusts new drugs, because he can't have much experience with them.

If money is tight, then I would agree, there are probably more economical ways to get the vitamin C/lysine effect, but I would try to avoid pills at the amounts you are likely to require because of the fillers in pills.

The key is dosage. At some dosage of vitamin C (and to a lesser extent lysine) you will experience relief of symptoms. One problem is that some people have a lower tolerance for oral vitamin C than that amount which provides relief. We have found that some reasons for this higher tolerance are dental work (especially root canals) and the drugs you are taking may also increase your vitamin C requirement.

But focus on finding that amount of daily vitamin C which provides relief, and then you can begin adding other supplements as you can afford and determine provides further relief.

Also, I would substitute a good Omega 3 for the aspirin.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Everything has failed!!!

Post by BaronZemo » Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:29 am

Bill you have five good grafts and a beautiful heart!" I believed him. Four months later the chest pains were back!

I talked to an oncologist about my mothers cancer condition, he said "Shes fine, her condition isn't as bad as your fathers was."
She was dead a month later.

Wish I knew about the Viatmin C thing back then.

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