8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Re: 8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

Post by knuckle » Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:06 am

Well, I've been taking ascorbic acid pills, but the only reason they are not killing my stomach is due to the zantac I'm taking, which is probably rendering the vitamin C I'm taking useless.


Re: 8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

Post by dutchboy » Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:58 pm

Colds are like fires; the longer they burn, the more water is needed to stop them. Is 8 grams much? Depends on the size of your fire. I started taking C 17 years ago on a daily basis. Haven't had a cold since.

I take 15 grams a day. One serving calcium ascorbate, one magnesium ascorbate and one sodium ascorbate. I mix them myself and that is a cheap solution.

Before this regimen I had a cold three times every season, and every one of them lasted 3 weeks. That inspired me to experiment with C.

I'll be a C user for the rest of my life.

btw : if taken before breakfast, it will help against constipation. The same amount after breakfast does nothing to your stool.

I am a blood donor, so I have my hemoglobine level checked every 3 months. Based on this I know iron is no problem for me.


Re: 8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

Post by DonHarry » Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:57 am

Well, I've been taking ascorbic acid pills, but the only reason they are not killing my stomach is due to the zantac I'm taking, which is probably rendering the vitamin C I'm taking useless.

Why would they kill your stomach? I've taken 45g's of ascorbic acid in a 6 hour period and my stomach was fine. I know everyone is an idividual, i'm just curious as to why a few AA pills would cause you such problems?

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Re: 8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

Post by w6nrw » Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:00 pm

Hey Knuckle, I'll bet it is the other way around: Ascorbic acid renders
zantac useless.
Curiosity cures boredom, there aint no cure for curiosity . . .

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Re: 8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

Post by knuckle » Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:04 pm

Well I've been to a few naturopathic doctors. None of them did a damn of good. I have heartburn, I'll be on anticids for life. That's the reality of it. People can say this, say that. Everybody is an expert but nobody can do a damn thing to solve my problem. So, zantac it is. It's better than my esophogus burning with acid reflux isn't it?

I'm having the scope in a month. Again. This time I'll be knocked out so they can actually get the thing down my throat. Doc is not worried. Prilosec doesn't work, zantac 2x a day does and I've taken about 25G of ascorbic acid in the form of 1g pills over the past 2 days to kill off this frign cold that thinks it's going to live in my body. Bullshit. The combo of the C pills + the nasal spray I'm making every 4 hours seems to be helping. The worst was this morning in my nasal cavity. All hell breaking loose. Blowing lime green snot all morning. Now it's cleared up. I'll continue for the next 2 days like this with the regimen.

It's good to know I can kick a colds ass in two days. My wife is a nurse. She's brainwashed by the medical establishment. She thinks I'm insane taking the amount of C that I am. However she's on inhalers from the last cold, prednisone or whatever the hell the steroid is. She couldn't breathe a week ago and her cold started a month ago. I killed mine a month ago, got another one as I'm quitting smoking and got very very very angry this week about work. That's why I got a cold. But it's liberating to know the cure. I'll be in good shape tomorrow. FU Rinoviurus.


Re: 8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

Post by dave7000 » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:25 pm

At First Symptoms = 2-3 gm Every 20 Minutes:

I have used the 2 or 3 grams of C every 20 minutes at the first sign of a cold or flu and it
hasn't failed me yet (when I catch it early). I read about this remedy from Irwin Stone's book.
He states that he used it with his family and everyone gets good results. And you won't have
to go too many 20 minute periods and you will see all the symptoms go away.

But the key is to catch it at the first sign of a cold. It will need a longer therapy if the cold is
already set in. That is probably why the 8 gm is recommended - for fighting it after it has been
in the body a while.

I have used the most inexpensive vitamin C from Wal-mart and it works fine. The 1000 mg
tablets. I make sure to steer away from the timed release one though. I tell everyone I can
about it. I usually get other people the powdered C so they can dissolve it in water and it's
even easier to take. I have had several other people say it worked the same for them.

It would be awesome if we could turn as many people on to this as possible.

-- Dave Martin


Re: 8G of vitamin C for a cold / flu ??????

Post by DonHarry » Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:58 am

Knuckle, i know this is reply is months late but after reading 'Why Stomach Acid is good for you' (Recommended by Dr Fonorow) it has opened my eyes somewhat. I don't know how your getting on with your GERD currently, and while i hope you are feeling better i really think you may benefit from reading this book. It will give you a proper understanding of GERD and instructions on how to return your gasterointestinal system to normal.

Its worth a try, i found it a brilliant read and there's a good chance you won't need to be on stomach acid suppressing drugs for life.

Here's the link if your interested http://www.amazon.com/Why-Stomach-Acid-Good-You/dp/0871319314


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