Follow-up of Linxian Nutrition Intervention Trial

This forum will focus on analyzing recent clinical studies of vitamin C.

Moderator: ofonorow


Follow-up of Linxian Nutrition Intervention Trial

Post by godsilove » Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:56 am

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Re: Follow-up of Linxian Nutrition Intervention Trial

Post by ofonorow » Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:29 am

Thank you for posting this, the dosage amounts to a multivitamin. 120 mg of vitamin C is double the RDA, but still a small amount. And the dosage of vitamin E is also quite small (30 International Units of Vitamin E is about 20 mg alpha-tocopherol). We can argue that most in the western world would obtain these amounts from their diet. Can ew infer that a multi-vitamin, in the malnourished, can have significant health benefits? And with the prevalence of junk food in the western diet, it probably applies to a significant population in the west as well.

I also wonder what the life expectancy is of the study population. Maybe 55 is exceptionally old age in this part of China?
Owen R. Fonorow
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