Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

Moderator: ofonorow

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Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:05 am

Hello Owen,

Thought you might find this of interest.

Best regards,

Tom Levy, MD

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Thomas Levy <televymd at>
To: FACT moderator <moderator at>
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 1:48:33 PM
Subject: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

To the FACT moderator and Dr. Gordon:


I would like to submit a case report of a nearly terminal case of swine flu completely cured in short order by vitamin C. The doctors in the FACT group are very aware individuals, and they collectively have many brilliant and innovative ways to approach treating their patients. However, I want to make it clear that adequately dosed vitamin C, to my knowledge, has never failed to cure an acute viral syndrome. Specifically, all these doctors should now realized that H1N1, the swine flu virus, while perhaps proving to be more potent than a host of other flu viruses, need not be a feared bogeyman with vitamin C in their arsenal.

While I intend to assemble a more substantial case report from the hospital chart in the future, here are the words of my colleague in New Zealand, John Appleton:

"The short story is:

Waikato farmer goes to Fiji for holiday
Starts developing flu like symptoms--decides to tough it out
Arrives back in NZ very sick--swine flu
Tauranga Hospital not able to treat him (what was not known at the time is that he has leukemia--he didn't know either)
Sent him to Auckland Hospital--continues to deteriorate--Tamiflu--antibiotics etc. (usual stuff)
Brother-in-law (knows a bit about vitamin C) contacts Thomas Levy in the US who refers him to me
I provided a lot of info on vitamin C etc and referred family to CAM (Centre for Advanced Medicine) in Auckland
Family pushes to get him some IVC--hospital refuses
CAM doctors encourages hospital then to try vitamin C
Patient deteriorates further and is on life support--family told nothing more can be done and life support will be switched off on Monday. Lungs not functioning.
Family says NO--until everything has been tried--they won't agree to life support being 'switched off'.
Hospital is pushed hard to give him IVC and reluctantly they agree. (50 grams twice a day I think) saying if no improvement by Friday that's it
Patient shows signs of improvement by Wednesday--hospital very surprised
Concerns expressed about kidneys (which we anticipated)
New specialist wants to stop vitamin C--family is told liver is failing 'caused by vitamin C'. I give them lots of data to say liver is more likely to be affected by antibiotics.
Patient recovery continues to the point where he can be transferred to Waikato (closer to home); on ventilator and NG tube feeding
Doctors there more receptive to vitamin C but won't agree to continue as per Auckland
Family gets (name deleted) high profile lawyer involved who writes letter about patient rights and rings hospital to recommend that they can either sort it out with the family or......?
Hospital continues with VC albeit at a much lower dose. CAM doctor travels to Waikato to endorse and recommend IVC at higher doses. I have heard that the lawyer was shocked at what she learned about hospital system
Patient continues to recover--now conscious (thinks he has only been in hospital 3 days)--now 8 weeks in total
Hospital staff stunned--never seen anything like this
Patient is told by brother-in-law that VC has saved him
Family absolutely blown away at what has gone on. Wife has not lost her husband and children have their father.
Patient now fully 'with it' and is talking normally with family and taking Lypospheric vitamin C (6 grams daily)"

For those doctors wondering about doses, I communicated directly with the brother-in-law. He informed me that on the Tuesday following the initial "deadline" 25 grams was given intravenously. On Wednesday, 25 gram infusions were again repeated twice. Thursday the patient received 75 grams, and starting on Friday he received 100 grams intravenously and stayed at this dose daily for another 4 to 6 days. Then the new consultant had the vitamin C discontinued completely. One week later, the IVC was restarted at only one gram twice daily.

Please resend this case history to any and all who you think could benefit, including your friends and contacts in our government. The latest info on the swine flu indicates it certainly has the potential capacity to become a great killer. This does not have to be the case. Obviously, a reasonable daily dose of vitamin C could be expected to do an even better job at preventing H1N1 while having no downside relative to the mass vaccinations getting ready to take place.

Best regards to you all,

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
televymd at
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by Dolev » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:21 am

Thank you Owen. I already sent it out to about a hundred people. Internet will spread this faster than the virus can spread the flu. Some lives will be saved, but, as Klenner said, some doctors would rather let people die than try vitamin C.


Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by drselva » Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:55 pm

Thanks to you Owen, also to Dr Levy,

I was a bit surprised but appreciate Dr Mercola for including this VERY,VERY IMPORTANT topic in his website.will benefit many,many people, .....,nothing to fear about the swine flu fever.
I have been giving IVC as usual.
Thanks again.
Dr Selva.

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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by chachazoom » Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:23 pm

Must share my swine flu close encounter story. I work at a private residential school and about two weeks ago the students were starting to get very sick. A few even hospitalized. I had to work right in the sick zone. A large number of staff got sick to varying degrees and finally one of the kids hspitalized came back as H1N1. Anyways, I take my usual 12 grams but one day all of a sudden I get really hot like a fever was starting so I loaded up a water bottle with the last of my c crystals I stored at work and I start taking 2 500mg tablets every half our. It was very strange, as though I could FEEL something trying to get hold. A couple of hot minutes, body slightly aching, you know the ache that when it begins you know the flu is going to sap you of all energy and make your bones ache. Well I start doubling my tablet intake every half hour. It would try to start up again....the heat, the threatening body ache then subside a little faster. Kind of like in waves and then headache began developing... (which I am not prone too) and which is a characteristic of swine.
So the headache started close to home time and I went home and put a couple of heaping TBLSP in a glass and drank. Normally I would have been running back and forth to the bathroom with astronomical gas inbetween, but nothing happened at all except the headache lessened. Kept taking 1g to two 2g of c up til bed time which was early. Slept and woke up feeling as though I just got over something...not 100% but that feeling as though you've spent three days really sick and it's about the fifth day. Kept taking my usual 12g and extra tablets through out the day and it was over. I am POSITIVE I went through some mini swine with very little discomfort except the briefest spells and vitaming c pulled me through.
Last edited by chachazoom on Sun Oct 25, 2009 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by Dolev » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:03 pm



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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by chachazoom » Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:48 pm

Ya, I think it's a big wow too. Huge amounts of c and no stomache rumbling so it was definitely being used. It was almost as though I went through the whole thing on extreme fast forward.

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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by Cis4me » Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:07 am

Nice! it sounds like you nailed it.


Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by aariel » Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:37 am

Does anyone know MDs in Ontario, Canada that are pro-vitamin C?

I'm thinking that if anyone I know ends up in hospital, I want to be able to have them under the care of a doctor that would advocate for a treatment protocol like this.



Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by aariel » Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:05 pm

Are we suppose to assume that in the account above that sodium ascorbate was being used as opposed to L-ascorbic acid?

I was looking at and page on Klenner seems to indicate that sodium ascorbate is the form used for IV administration.

Is this correct?

Is this just assumed whenever doctors are talking about IV administration?

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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:21 am

aariel wrote:Are we suppose to assume that in the account above that sodium ascorbate was being used as opposed to L-ascorbic acid?

I was looking at and page on Klenner seems to indicate that sodium ascorbate is the form used for IV administration.

Is this correct?

Is this just assumed whenever doctors are talking about IV administration?

Very important point. Actually Klenner caused confusion by saying in some papers that he was giving "ascorbic acid" to patients, when he was actually giving sodium ascorbate intravenously. Cathcart tried to clear this up:

General Rule Fighting Infections: Ascorbic Acid orally (sodium ascorbate can be taken, but will generally be half as effective squelching free radicals) and Sodium Ascorbate IV
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by Cis4me » Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:25 pm

I think part of the confusion also comes from the fact that you can evidently purchase injectable "ascorbic acid" but looking at the fine print on the label it is always buffered with either sodium hydroxide or sodium bicarbonate, so effectively it is a sodium ascorbate solution.


Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by aariel » Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:07 am

ofonorow wrote:
Very important point. Actually Klenner caused confusion by saying in some papers that he was giving "ascorbic acid" to patients, when he was actually giving sodium ascorbate intravenously. Cathcart tried to clear this up:

General Rule Fighting Infections: Ascorbic Acid orally (sodium ascorbate can be taken, but will generally be half as effective squelching free radicals) and Sodium Ascorbate IV

Yeah I read that link prior to posting. It's one of the sources that got me thinking about this.

Why is sodium ascorbate less effective than ascorbic acid?

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Re: Advanced Swine Flu Case Report

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:34 am

Why is sodium ascorbate less effective than ascorbic acid?

There is debate. According to Dr. Bush and others, it is roughly the same, but Dr. Cathcart on multiple occassions and on video maintains that as far as his extensive clinical experience is concerned, oral ascorbic acid is at least twice as effective as any other oral form of vitamin C (Prior to Lypo-C). He speculates that the therapeutic "ascorbate effect" is due to the squelching of free radicals, and that ascorbic acid can quench 2 free radicals, while mineral ascorbates, already bound to an ion, can only quench 1 free radical,
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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