How high should I go to achieve bowel tolerance?

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Bowel Tolerance

Post by johnorguest » Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:14 am

First let me apologize in advance if anyone who reads this is squeamish since it includes graphic descriptions of body processes. Be warned.
You say that you do have some bloating. I'm wondering whether we may be similar in some respects. I have gone to a fairly high dose with powder vitamin C (60,000 mg) and experienced cramping short of diarrhea. I was not passing all of the food I ate, though. I'm wondering whether I cramped my intestines into a pocket (diverticula) temporarily. All of a sudden after several days I passed clear fluid and food which I had eaten a couple of days before. I cant prove the fluid was ascorbic acid fluid but it seemed very sour and gave me a shiver. I just don't know whether everybody on earth follows Dr. Cathcart's Bowel Tolerance chart. It may not be the magic bullet for determining how much C to use. Just one person's opinion.
However, I'm still very enthusiastic about the megadosing with C. Everyday I learn a little more. :D

Pax Vobiscum


Post by Kathy » Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:56 am

Thanks for the tip on swallowing 100+ pills. I don't think I could do that every day, hopefully I won't have to. :)



Post by J.Lilinoe » Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:42 am

Quick step, good luck with your doctor appointments. A good blood test will help.

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Re: How high should I go to achieve bowel tolerance?

Post by Laddiebuck » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:43 pm

I too have a very high bowel tolerance...have taken 80 grams of Nutribiotic ascorbic acid powder (sometimes mixed with sodium ascorbate powder) in a given day and no diarrhea, just gas and some slight intestinal discomfort. Oddly enough, as I write this, I have a mild to moderate cold and taken 110 grams today with no diarrhea (again, just gas and slight intestinal discomfort).

My normal intake is between 15 to 20 grams per day with no side effects whatsoever. I have no root canals, no mercury fillings (had them removed a few years ago by a holistic dentist), but do have a dental bridge, 2 gold crowns, and one titanium implant (otherwise no known oral infections in my mouth that might be eating up the C -- no gum tenderness or bleeding anywhere in my mouth).

I have both a homeopathic doctor that I see regularly as well as western docs. My homeopath spoke to someone about this, who said I might be lacking "receptors" in my cells for Vitamin C, but have no idea whether this is true or not. Otherwise, pretty healthy as far as I can tell.

Anyone out there have a similar experience with freaky high bowel tolerance?

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Re: How high should I go to achieve bowel tolerance?

Post by mollyc » Tue Sep 20, 2016 3:38 pm

I achieved bowel tolerance at 96 grams, which scared me a little as I generally think of myself as healthy, don't get colds etc - but I do have mercury fillings and aggressive periodontitis, which is what I'm hoping to cure with the C. But struggling to take large/frequent doses at the moment, just due to being extremely busy at work. Any advice on maintenance dose/grams times frequency given this BT?

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