Long-term safety of drug-coated stents doubted

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Long-term safety of drug-coated stents doubted

Post by rasarver » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:40 am

Study: Patients who got devices after heart attack had higher death rate
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35892147/ns ... art_health

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Long-term safety of drug-coated stents doubted

Post by Johnwen » Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:24 am

You think msnbc is trying to tell us something?
Here's a link on the same subject from March of 2007

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15816251/ns ... art_health
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Re: Long-term safety of drug-coated stents doubted

Post by bclark » Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:31 am

I am a drug coated stent survivor. ( At least for now) I have had the Cordis Cypher Stent (3) of them since April 2004.

I am still on 75 mg plavix daily and was on 80mg. Lipitor until June of 2009 when I stopped taking the Lipitor and have since been on the Tower Lab Acorsine 9 regimen, supplemented by 2 to 3 grams of Liposomal Vitamin C ( Livon labs) per day for a total of about 10 grams of C per day plus the other supplements in the Tower product.

The question is can anyone or is their any evidence that the 10 grams or so per day of the C can be benifitting the area of my heart where the coated stents are implanted?

I have not come across anything speaking to this question.

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Re: Long-term safety of drug-coated stents doubted

Post by ofonorow » Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:25 am

The question is can anyone or is their any evidence that the 10 grams or so per day of the C can be benifitting the area of my heart where the coated stents are implanted?

I have not come across anything speaking to this question.

The best I can do is point you to the Carol Smith case in my book, and I believe her latest testimony about overcoming a painful bought with a drug-eluding stent is posted here: http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutalicense.com/#TESTIMONY Search for Carol Smith You can speak with Carol, send me a PM and I'll forward her phone number. You can also listen to her interview on the Jeff Rense radio program from following the link at http://paulingtherapy.com Here is direct link: mms://rense.gsradio.net/rense/windows_media/WMHigh/Aug2008/r8r10x/rense_081408_hr2.wma

Relevant Testimony: In the book we discuss how she relented to pressure, after something like 8 years, she had her second relapse (after stopping vitamin C/lysine for various reasons) and finally had a stent inserted on the advice of her cardiologist. She then suffered untold pain, partially because the one they inserted was not the proper fit. The following testimony from the above link explains her success - after increasing her vitamin C intake:

Owen, When I saw the Doctor and learned the pain was from inflammation not a blockage I said NO to another stent, there had to be a better alternative. Was I scared, YES but I knew that the [Pauling therapy products] had always stopped the angina before, but didn't understand why it wasn't this time. I knew I needed help, and you were there for me. Of course, the answer turned out to be adding a whole lot more vitamin C around the clock plus wearing Nitro patches and taking oxygen and becoming friends with the bathroom. I slowly got better and knew I had made the right decision. If the first medical stent was responsible for what was happening to me, then how would putting in two more help? My Doctor wasn't sure how long the two stents would help, the last one lasted 6 months before I started having problems. It might be just compounding the problem.

Well I made it, I am fine. NO NITRO PATCHES, NO NITRO PILLS, NO OXYGEN, I have my life back, I feel great and I don't hurt!!! I truly believe that the Tower Pauling-therapy product is the reason. I wasn't getting enough in my system and the inflammation flare up due to the medical stent caused my problem. I am so thankful for all your help. My blood pressure is back to being in normal ranges again. 128/70 to 110/66.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Long-term safety of drug-coated stents doubted

Post by bclark » Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:01 am

Thanks Owen. I actually have your book and have read the information from Ms. Smith.

Thanks for the information.

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