Surpised Pauling Therapy/Lysine Info So Hard to Find

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Surpised Pauling Therapy/Lysine Info So Hard to Find

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:02 am


After years of reading about vitamin C I came across the Pauling Therapy site. Needless to say you could have knocked me over with a feather.

Last year I became very interested in amino acids and purchased several books. Which is leading to my question and I thought it might be better to ask you instead of posting.

I have several containers of Whey Protein and during times of stress or if I am too busy to eat right I take several servings a day (.5 grams of protein for each pound of muscle mass). Anyway

I have read the back of that bag many times I happen to notice there is 2190 mg of L-Lysine per serving and 1380 mg of L-Proline per serving. Keeping in mind there are 18 amino acids listed.

My question is if I take a therapeutic dose of vitamin C along with a serving a my whey protein that should have the same effect as taking the supplements separately. Looks to me it should work.

Thanks in advance

In theory, yes - especially if you do take vitamin C at the same time, because the protein (aminos) chelate vitamin C increasing its bioavailability. (Source: Vitamin C: Its Biology and Medical Potential by Sherry Lewin 1976,)

The only way this doesn't work if all the aminos share the same transport system through the intestinal wall. If some of the lysine/proline are blocked due to competition with the other (16?) aminos, you might not get the same effect. This is the only reason I can think of why it would be less effective, but if you spread out consuming the protein, I would think this risk is minimized.

Remember, Pauling recommended 2-3 grams prevention, and 5-6 grams lysine as therapeutic. That is 5000 to 6000 mg lysine or 2 to 3 servings of your mix.

Pauling did not give specific proline recommendation, but we have had remarkable success with 800 mg in 2 jars of Heart Technology. Some alt docs recommend up to 2000
mg proline. In your case, the ratio is fixed, which might be another drawback.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Surpised Pauling Therapy/Lysine Info So Hard to Find

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:06 am


Some years ago maybe 7 I was involved in a high stress situation. This problem had gone on for a while and it took some time to get loose of it. The end result was it had totally wrecked me. During that time I had come across the Guinea Pig vitamin C lipid reading. After reading that I was taking High doses of Vitamin C not having a clue what the whole picture was.

You are talking to someone who spends a lot of time reading on health issues. The Pauling information just now dropped into my lap. I have reason to believe that the high doses of C that I was taking back then Saved me from a heart attack that should have happened two years ago (or according to my doctor...he was trying to tell me I was going to have one while handing me pills.)

Your work with the Pauling therapy I am sure is saving lots of folks. Only why was it so hard to find you? I understand that the Parma is suppressing good information.

I am doing my best to make sure everyone I know is reading the Pauling Unified Theory. Keep up the good work.


If you figure out why it is so hard to find out about this - let us know. I have an idea to contact Suzanne Somers with an idea for her next book, (Knockout on cancer was fantastic, and a best seller.) We are headed for a deep recession/depression anyway, so now is as good a time as ever to get this news to the public.

Reminds me I wrote a book to document what I know about all this,
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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