Young fellow with "high" calcium score

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Young fellow with "high" calcium score

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:44 am

Hi Owen,

I am a young guy (32) worked out most of my life, ate pretty clean, dont smoke or drink. Very stressful job though.

On Friday i had a heart scan and my calcium score was 54, with 45 of it being in my RCA. I want to beat this thing, and im freaking out a little bit until i get to see the cardiologist.

What do you recommend for supplements and diet.

Suppliment i was thing the pauling method you describe_ should it be taken with food or without?

vitamin k? what do you recommend?

anything else that might help?

also i am not sure how to eat.....

one last thing, a very well respected spots doctor that i know said l-lysine is like eating a high meat diet, can increase your cholesterol and make you fat? - any thoughts?

sorry for the million questions but i am a bit shocked and scared right now.

thank you for your response if you are able to provide one.


We'll I must consult with older people. (Most of the patients I have dealt with would love that score, but perhaps the scale has changed?) Maybe for your age, that is a high score? I am impressed that you asked about vitamin K!? You have been doing your homework.

So the first question is, how much vitamin C had you been taking on a regular basis? In case you haven't found it, our suggested supplement protocol and regimen is described here

This includes a link to the excerpt from my book, and yes, vitamin K normally found in leafy green vegetables, is a primary tool that the body uses to move calcium from soft tissues into bones. You could purchase some Super-K from (Life Extension) and probably one pill per day would suffice.

And I doubt that lysine increases cholesterol (in my case a long time score of 180 mg/dl was reduced to 160 mg/dl after adding lysine to my already high vitamin C regimen.) However, it is true that you need lysine to stay in nitrogen balance, so it is anabolic. It is known to fatten livestock. I think if you are working out, it will help build muscle.

And about the right diet - a general overview is in the Pauling book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, which is a great read for other reasons. I recommend it and there are copies at Amazon for a penny - but you have to pay shipping. I am currently reading ONE MAN ALONE by Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, which has a terrific overview of what is called the "metabolic diet." This diet's success is documented by the redacted medical records of 50 "terminal" cancer patients who were cured by Kelley, and it teaches that the best diet is different for everyone, depending on your metabolic type which is largely determined by your ancestory.. One person is advised to eat meats six times a week, while others are advised to be practically vegetarian. I am trying to get a handle on this myself.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Young fellow with "high" calcium score

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:59 am


Thank you for replying to me.

Yes I have been doing lots of research here.

My vitamin c intake before was minimal, I would estimate anywhere from 500-1000mg per day, some days zero. It did vary. But it was not at a level that you recommend.

Can this plaque build up be stopped or reversed?

I am going to purchase your book....again thank you for offering your help as I know you are busy.


Unfortunately, it has not been scientifically proven, but we have literally hundreds of reports of reversals, however calcifications are harder than the soft plaque which forms initially. But we have evidence that even calcium-hardened arteries can return to normal on the Pauling therapy. Maybe 1-2 years. (Soft plaque seems to respond in days or weeks. Eye Dr. Sydney Bush may be the world expert because he has been monitoring the eyes of heart patients for a long time, and can actually see (and documents with retinal photos) the changes in arterial plaque based on supplements.

It is good to keep in mind that the theory is that plaque is Nature's alternate healing process to strengthen arteries when they weaken from a lack of collagen caused by a lack of adequate vitamin C. Sort of like plaster casts, as Dr. Rath says. So taking vitamin C and lysine work in several ways, not the least of which is to strengthen the underlying arterial tissue.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Young fellow with "high" calcium score

Post by Lone Dog » Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:53 pm

Does anyone have any information on how much more beneficial it is to take vitamin D with vitamin K, than just take K on its own? Also, does K with/without D, work better or faster than EDTA chelation?

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Re: Young fellow with "high" calcium score

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:59 am

I agree with Weston-Price that you want to take vitamin D with vitamin A,. Vitamin A has an important role in helping to remove old worn out bone so that new bone can be created. (WP were recommending 10 to 1, 10 ius of vitamin A for every iu of vitamin D, before the standard vitamin D recommendation became 10,000 iu!? Here is the article on cod-liver oil as it recently moved ) and yes along with Vitamin K for strong health bones. Id say vits A/D/K are a team in bone health.

If you want to "chelate" - try vitamin C/lysine.

If you have a high calcium score, add extra vitamin K. (The flora in the gut make vitamin K, and unless you take antiboitics, this is a good source.)

I would follow Pauling's vitamin A advice, but he was wrong about vitamin D (1970/1986) feeling that you could get enough vitamin D from the sun.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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