Happy with Ascorsine-9/Unique-E, questin re: K in Ascorbade

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Happy with Ascorsine-9/Unique-E, questin re: K in Ascorbade

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:31 am


I am a 48years old and will 49 in August and used to be on Ascorsine9 and Unique E but had to switch to Ascorbade. I had EKG about a month ago and it showed borderline ECG but with Sinus tarchycardia and with Right atrial enlargement. The doctor said everything was fine so I search on the internet on my return and found Ascorsine-9. I used it for a month and run out. I saw a drastic improvement with the Ascorsine9 and the Unique E.

Due to delays in shipping, I decided to switch to Ascorbade which I started about four days ago. I take
barley grass powder for alkalinity which I know it does contain Vitamin K.

My question is will the vitamin k in the barley and Ascorbade interfere with the Unique E. I take one UE 2 times a day.

The following is the list of supplement I take daily. Daily Advantage (http://www.drdavidwilliams.com, Ascorbade, Unique E, and 400mg Magnesium Citrate once a day.

I need your help please. Hope to hear from u soon. Thank you very much.


I am glad to hear of the improvement with A-9/Unique-E. (They are both capable of truly remarkable placebo effects).

Ascorbade is similar. Yes it does contain vitamin K, but it also (ascorbade) does not contain as much lysine. Ascorbade is designed for longer term maintance and for growth hormone stimulation. I think you'll experience about the same results, but if Ascorsine-9 was so good, I would stick with it, and switch to Ascorbade later.

One role of Vitamin K is to act like a hormone and move calcium from soft tissue into bones. You get some in leafy green vegetables and the intestinal flora in your gut make some. Certain drugs block vitamin K, leading to calcium build ups in soft tissues. We strongly recommend vitamin K as an addition to the basic pauling therapy. (I wish Ascorsine-9 still had it, however, because so many
people are on the rat poisons (e.g. warfarin and coumadin) are told to avoid vitamin K, Tower Laboratories decided to take it out of A-9.

But no, vitamin K will not interfere as you say with Unique-E.

Why do you ask? (There is a known interaction, maybe a better word is dependence, between high vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin K, and I have seen vitamin C included. But never vitamin E?)

As far as the supplements, I would consider a good EFA (e.g. a good fish oil with Omega/3s) and at your age, you may soon require even more CoQ10 than is contained in either Ascorbade and/or Ascorsine-9.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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