Vitamin C Causing Itching Hives

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Vitamin C Causing Itching Hives

Post by ofonorow » Mon May 08, 2006 6:55 pm

from the email

To Whom It May Concern:

I am 23 year old male, with no history of allergic reactions. I have been having much stress for the past 2 years and show very low dopamine levels resulting in tourettes syndrome facial tic and sniffing manifestations. I tried supplementing with L-Dopa (Mucuna Pruriens) to increase dopamine but had negative reactions of tension and disorientation. I then proceeded to do a complete organic acid urine test and it showed very low levels of ascorbate. Since Ascorbic acid is involved in dopamine turnover and production and no other major deficiencies of vitamins are noted along with high mental stress for past 2 years, fatigue and weight loss despite healthy diet... I have come to conclude vitamin c deficiency... not enough to be scurvy, but enough to hinder neuro-endocrine and neurotrasmitter function, along with adrenal insufficiency. I have began supplementing with a time released formula 1000/mg 3/x day along with 25mg Biflavinoids. On about the second week of supplementation I started breaking out in very itchy hives mainly around my connective bones such as knuckles, elbows, toes, ankles. It lasts for about 2 hours and dissipates.

Could this be an allergic reaction, a detox healing crisis or something else?

Please provide an " educated opinion" if I should continue with vitamin C despite the reaction,

This is an interesting reaction from someone who no doubt suffers from scurvy. Most definitely continue with pure ascorbic acid to bowel tolerance.

First, to eliminate one possible variable, I would suggest only using pure ascorbic acid powder orally, perhaps with some added bicarbonate of soda (to taste). (This precaution is just in case the allergy is to a filler in the pills, or possibly the bioflavonoids.)

Then slowly increase to your bowel tolerance. (The method is described in the "bowel tolerance" forum)

The proper way to take the pure vitamin C at least every 4 hours until all symptoms dissapate and you might then have your urine checked again. But continue taking every day.

The half life of vitamin C in the blood stream is 30 minutes, and Pauling recomended supplementing not to miss a single day. (See HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, 1986) Even though your other vitamin levels were not low, you would probably benefit from Pauling's entire recommended supplement regimen in this book.

Let us know what happens, whether the condition clears, gets worse, no change. Monitor here for other ideas.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year



Post by gibs7usa » Mon May 08, 2006 8:53 pm

I thought that Tourettes is caused by too much dopamine and Parkinson's by too little? Am I wrong? From your post it seems that you tried to increase dopamine levels. My relative has late stage Parkinson's and we are looking into treating with Vitamin C, but we don't want to get our hopes up. Any suggestions?



Post by TheExpert » Tue May 09, 2006 6:19 am

Tourettes is not only caused by "too much" dopamine, but can also be caused by too little. Tourettes is basically a dopamine system imbalance which interferes with normal dopamine regulation, causing "short circuiting" within the neurotransmitter system. In Mid stage adrenal fatigue, dopamine levels fluctuate from high to low somce adrenal output isn't stable either. It is also wise to not that in Parkinson's disease there appears to be a very high oxidative stress factor within the body and body automatically downregulates dopamine production to save the brain from overexcitement it cannot handle. Until antioxidant defenses are re established to help deal with the heavy free radical activity of dopamine the body will resist all treatment. Consider Grapeseed extract, Vitamin C with Biflavinoids, CoQ10 200mg/day, etc. A great thing to do would be to take an Organic Acid Test from Great Plains Laboratory and determines extactly what imbalances your body suffers from in the metabolic state. As well as a Neurotransmitter test from Neuroscience Labs.

Hope this helps,

Igor M.

Posts: 804
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:01 am

Post by Dolev » Tue May 09, 2006 7:06 am


Welcome to the forum. You seem to know what you're talking about. Are you a doctor?




Post by TheExpert » Tue May 09, 2006 7:41 am

I am a Natural Healing Researcher/Consultant.

Posts: 804
Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:01 am

Post by Dolev » Tue May 09, 2006 1:46 pm


I would appreciate it if you would go into the recent thread about Hyperglycemia which I started, to see if you can suggest something. Thanks in advance.


Post by gibs7usa » Tue May 09, 2006 7:07 pm

Thanks for the info. We will definitely take your advice. Could you give me an idea about how much grapeseed extract? I know it must vary, but a general idea would be good. He is 75, diagnosed 10 years ago, and since we started Vit C therapy (in the hospital while undergoing 3 surgeries) he has been able to decrease his parkinson's meds. It has been a little scary though because it seems that the C is enhancing the meds and he has symptoms of carbidopa/levidopa overdose (twitching, unable to wake at times). Since we can't tell the doctors, we have to guess at the dosage of medication - I always knew Vitamin C was amazing, but this is unbelievable! If not for Vit C I am certain we would be planning his funeral right now.


Post by TheExpert » Wed May 10, 2006 9:18 pm

I am happy to lend my advice to anyone in need. If you preffer to get into a detailed discussion please feel free to e mail me at: and I will do my best to respond with a educated and comprehensive analysis.

As far as how much GrapeSeed Extract, that varies depending on severity of disease and oxidative stress/damage. has quite potent and pure extracts.

As far as a strengthening protocol for Parkinsons... I would suggest the following:

1 ). Grapeseed Extract 200mg 2x/day (Penetrates BBB in brain and protects Dopamine Neurons)
2 ). Vitamin C
3 ). R-Dihydro-Lipoic Acid (2-150mg pills 3x/day it works synergetically with Vitamin C, E, Gluthathione and other anti-oxd's by renewing them in the body)
4 ). Blueberry extract (Increases and modulates dopamine release, penetrates into brain through the BBB)
5 ). Fish oil (Helps synthesize new Dopamine receptors-neurons)
6 ). Gluthatione, Cysteine, & C Combo
7 ). Vitamin E
8 ). CoQ10 (400mg 2x/day) (supports Mitochondria energy production and protects from toxicity along with very potent anti oxidant activity)

Everything I mentioned here can be obtainted from Life Extension Foundation, at least its a trusted source for me and many others.

The above is a pretty powerful and effective anti oxidant - damage repair directed toward dopaminergic & antioxidant systems.

You also might want to help increase the low dopamine levels some more after about 2-3 months of the above mentioned protocol.

Dopamine support includes
Tyrosine, phenylalanine,
vitamin B6, zinc, DHEA

Please also visit this page for some great info on treating Parkinsons. ... ons_02.htm

I have no doubt Vitamin C has helped him this far. But it is not the only supplement capable of doing such miraculous healing, in combination with other proper nutrients directed at the core of his problem the changes can be quite monumental.

Also, please monitor liver enzymes ALT & AST and other blood chemistry with simple CBC test. Also check Iron serum and ferretin (iron stores). High Iron can contribute to oxidative stress as well.

God bless you for your passion in helping him.

In Health and Light,

Igor M.

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